Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
In our message today, the Lord is going to give His disciples, and all of us, a new commandment, “…to love one another, as Christ has loved us.” Now, I have to admit, for me, that is a tall order because there are people around, even some Christians, who are hard to love. But that is what this new commandment tells us to do.
John 13:34
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Now, Jesus is not just talking about loving other Christians. He is talking about everyone. He is saying that we should love everyone as Christ loves us. Is there someone you know that you just say, Lord that is not happening, I cannot love this person? Someone who has done you wrong, perhaps, even harmed you? Friends that have betrayed your trust? Family members who may have abused you, either physically or mentally? There are likely more than just one person who may fit into this category.
Well, why is it a new commandment? Love is not new. The Old Testament certainly taught us to love. In the New Testament gospels, Jesus even gave us a summary of all the commandments when He said,
Matt 22:37-39
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
What’s new, is that Jesus said that “we are to love as I have loved you.” Never before has this world known love like the love that Jesus Christ showed and the love that Jesus Christ gave. And that is what made it radically new. We are to love others not just as we love ourselves, but as Jesus loved us. This takes the love we are to show to a whole new level.
Click on the link to below to hear a message on how to love that person, who has harmed you, in the same way that Jesus Christ loves them.
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Today’s message is about the lessons that we can learn from Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. However, the focus is not on what Judas did, or even what character flaws led Judas to betray Jesus, but on what we can learn about our Lord Jesus Christ from this event. The story of Judas and his betrayal is but the black velvet background on which the brilliant character of the Lord Jesus Christ is displayed.
Just like a well-cut diamond has many facets that make it beautiful and desirable, the Lord Jesus Christ has many facets of His character that make Him beautiful and desirable. There is no question that Jesus outshines every person who has ever lived, or ever will live. And there are many things about the character of Jesus that are in this story.
Click on the link below to hear about the six facets of our Lord’s character that I want you to walk away with today:
Number one: His spiritual insight, Jesus knows everything there is to know about you, and He still loves you in spite of what He knows about you. Jesus knew from the foundation of time that Judas would betray Him, and He still loved Judas.
Number two: His sovereign control, Jesus was in control of all things. It was the Lord’s permissive will that allowed Judas to choose to betray Him. But what Judas meant for evil, Jesus turned to good for His purposes and our salvation. When man rules, God overrules.
Number three: His seeking grace, Jesus sought the redemption of Judas. Jesus knew what Judas would do, but He still washed Judas’ feet in an act of love. He still warned Judas. He still sought to bring Judas into repentance.
Number four: His steadfast mission, nothing that Judas did changed the plan of Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Nothing that Judas did could derail Jesus, He was steadfast in His mission. That same message applies to you. Don’t you let some hypocrite, some false preacher, or somebody who falls into sin derail your calling for God. Your worship is not to be of a sinful person. It is to be of Jesus Christ the almighty God of all Creation who will never fail you.
Number five: His sympathizing love, Jesus loved Judas, Judas rejected that love. A man will go to hell unsaved, but no man will go to hell unloved. Jesus loves the whole world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” We are to love our neighbors and our enemies with that same love. Why? Because that is exactly what Jesus did to Judas.
Number six: His solemn justice. There is a God of justice. The Lord Jesus Christ is a God of infinite love, but He is also a God of great justice. You may choose to reject God’s love, but if you do, then you will face God’s great justice. If you don't get saved, then you will spend eternity in the same place as Judas, not because of how good or bad you are, but because you rejected the love of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Are you willing for God to use you? If you are, then ask yourself, have you given everything to Jesus Christ? Some might say, “Whoa, wait a minute, That's absurd! I need some for myself. I have a family to take care of.” Well, if that is your response, then I have to tell you that you have got a real problem. If you want God to use you, then you need to give everything, I mean everything, I mean totally, one hundred percent of all that you have, all that you are, your family, your friends, your reputation, totally to Jesus Christ.
Matt 16:25-26
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
One of my favorite quotes from Adrian Rogers is, “If Jesus Christ is not Lord of your all, then He is not your Lord at all.” Do you believe that? Really, truly, believe that? Do you live your life with that as a truth in your life? Let me tell you something, Jesus already owns everything you have, whether you believe that or not. It is all His, but we don’t act like that is true. Yet, when we live our lives like it is true, then you don’t bargain with God about how much you tithe, when you tithe, or whether you tithe at all. When that is true, you don’t go places and do things that God would not have you do. When that is true, you love your neighbor as you love yourself, because, the very first thing that you did was to love God with all of your heart, mind, and soul. You love God with all of you and all that you have. If Jesus Christ is not Lord of your all, then He is not your Lord at all. Put that in your heart, and live your life with it.
Click on the link below to hear a message how Jesus is the bread of life. You are hungry for more than fish and bread. You are hungry for Jesus. Whether you know it or not, Jesus is life's hidden hunger. What you really need, the only thing that will satisfy the deepest longing of your heart and your soul, is Jesus Christ. Men are searching everywhere for satisfaction, but they will never find it until they find it in the Lord Jesus!
Monday Jun 12, 2017
ARE YOU LUKEWARM? (Revelation 3:14-16)
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
When we call something lukewarm, it means that it is too hot to be cold, and too cold to be hot. Now, if I were to say that you were a lukewarm Christian, what would that mean? It means that you are too hot to be a stone-cold atheist, and too cold to be a passionate soul winner for Christ.
How many people in our churches today are room-temperature, lukewarm, Christians? Actually, in most churches today, if you are not a lukewarm Christian, you will stand out and be different from the majority of the other members.
Let me ask you another question, is it a sin to be a lukewarm Christian? G. Campbell Morgan said, “Lukewarmness is the worst form of blasphemy.” If you are lukewarm in your faith, then you are blaspheming the Lord Jesus Christ.
A lukewarm Christian says, “Jesus, I believe in you, but you just don’t excite me. I believe in you, but I just don’t get anything out of hearing your Word preached from the pulpit. There just is no message. Jesus, I believe in you, but I don’t intend to serve you with fire and fervor.” When you say these kind of things, you are saying to the Lord, who is present in every church service where two or more are gathered, “Lord, I am bored with You.”
Would you sing differently in the worship service if Jesus was standing next to you in the flesh? Would you pay more attention to the sermon, if Jesus was sitting next to you in the flesh? Would you be looking at your phone for the latest post on social media while the pastor preached? Would your mind be on the work you left undone the day before? If Jesus Christ was sitting next to you in the flesh, how would you be different in the service?
We ought to be worshipping and singing as if the Lord Jesus Christ was standing right there next to us. There is nothing pleasing to the Lord about a lukewarm service, full of lukewarm Christians, singing lukewarm songs, and hearing lukewarm sermons.
Click on the link below to hear a sermon about a lukewarm church. It is the last of the seven churches that we have been studying in chapters 2 and 3 of the book of revelation. These churches are real churches, but they are also representative churches of all the churches throughout the church age. There is not a problem in our churches today, that cannot be found in one these seven churches.
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
This week we are going to talk about how to be an effective church member. So, as I was preparing this lesson, I got to thinking about the role of a church member. And to be honest, compared to the pastor, church members have it pretty easy. All they have to do is show up on Sunday for worship services, and maybe again on Wednesday night just to add a little extra learning.
I mean, it is the pastor and the church staff who are supposed to do all of the work of the church. If there are people to witness to or souls to save, call the pastor. If there are letters to send out, call the church secretary. If there are people to visit either as prospects, or at the hospital, or home bound, that is what the associate pastor is supposed to do. If there are teenagers or children to be mentored and taught, that is what the youth minister and children’s director are for.
Now, members may need to bring some food, every once in a while, for a fellowship or a funeral, but all of the rest of the stuff like cleaning the church, replacing light bulbs that have gone out, or repairs around the church, that is what we pay the staff for. My job as a member is to sit in that chair or pew on Sunday morning, stay awake during the sermon, say amen when the preacher says something good, and then go on my merry way letting the staff take care of everything else. Right?
If I tore up the bulletin into little pieces during the sermon to keep my mind occupied, it is my job to leave it on the floor of the sanctuary for the janitor to pick it up. If something is not right with the building, it is my job to find the maintenance guy and let him know about it. If we are not singing the right kind of music to suit my taste, it is my job to let the music director know. If the sermons are too long, and the pastor is causing me to be late for the buffet line at the local restaurant for lunch, it is my job to tell the pastor about that, right? He needs to know the problems he is causing.
Now, I hope everyone knows that I am being sarcastic here, and most people would say that this is not really true. It is not the job of the shepherd to make more sheep, it is the sheep who make more sheep. Right? I also know that there are a lot of pastors out there saying, hey, he’s not being sarcastic at all, that is just what my members think and do.
So maybe we start looking at actions rather than words. Think about it. When was the last time you made a new sheep in God’s flock? When was the last time you saw something that needed to be done for the church, and you just took care of it? A visitor needed to be shown around the church, and you just did it. A fellow brother or sister in Christ was at the hospital and his family needed a meal, or to be prayed over, and you just did it. A paper towel dispenser in the bathroom was empty, and you refilled it. You didn’t tell somebody about it, so they could fix it, you just did it.
We live in a secular world where people get paid to take care of all of our needs. The buildings we work in have maintenance personnel. The streets we drive on have repair crews and cleaners. The restaurants we eat at have servers. So we have this expectation that a church works in the same way as the secular world, but does it?
Are the offerings we give to the church best used to maintain the building and pay the salaries of the staff, or touch souls for Christ? Now, make no mistake about it, I am speaking to myself as much as anyone else. I have often called the maintenance guy to take care of a problem, and in some cases, he probably would prefer we let him know about it, rather than doing a poor job of it ourselves, making the job harder for him. But the core of my question is what should our attitude be about our service for God? Should we expect others to be the servants of God, or are we, the members, the servants of God?
Listen to this podcast to learn how to be an effective church member. How we are to wear the garment of humility, how we are to deal with all of our problems and worries, and most of all, how we are to stand and resist our true adversary, Satan.
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
THE ROLE OF A SHEPHERD (1 Peter 5:1-4)
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016