
Monday Feb 13, 2023
STAR WARS (Hebrews 11:32-34)
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
STAR WARS (Hebrews 11:32-34)
This message is about a man named Barak whose story is found in the Old Testament book of Judges. As you might imagine, since he is a member of God’s Hall of Fame for the champions of faith, Barak was a man known for his faith. The title of the lesson, which is Star Wars, comes from the Old Testament book of Judges which says,
Judg 5:20
20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
The background of this story is that there was a battle between Barak and a Canaanite general named Sisera, and the outcome of this battle was known before the battle even started. It was fixed. The verse tells us that it was impossible for Sisera to win because he was battling the stars. He had a collision with the stars. The message is very clear, and it is that All the universe is against the man who is against God. If you are not with God, ultimately, you are destined to fail. The God who runs those stars, the God who created the universe and flung those stars out into space, programmed everything against Sisera. There was no way that he could win, because sin can’t win, and faith can’t fail, and this was a battle of faith, and God gave the victory.
Click on the arrow button above to hear a message on how God’s purposes will prevail. “Have faith in God, He cannot fail; have faith in God, He must prevail. He can’t fail.” Satan cannot win. The stars in their courses are against the man who’s against God. The stars line up for the man who loves God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
A VIRTUOUS WOMAN (Proverbs 31:10-31)
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Today’s message is a very interesting passage of Scripture because it talks about God’s ideal of a virtuous woman, He is saying that this woman is the complete, perfect, woman. That is, she is God’s ideal of what a woman, a wife, and a mother ought to be.
Sometimes when you ask a woman what she does, she’ll say, “Oh, I’m just a housewife.” Well, if that is you, then I hope that you will never say that again after this message here today, because you’re going to find out that perhaps the most difficult, the most demanding job in all of the world is being what some people call a “housewife.” Now, I’d rather call her a “homemaker,” because she is not married to a house. So, I don’t like the word housewife; but indeed, she is a homemaker.
This is the ideal wife. Now, I don’t believe that there is anyone really like her in all of the world. Yet, God has put into His Word God’s standard, God’s ideal for wives, and God always deals in perfection with His standards.
Listen to me men, if you are married to a good and godly woman, as I am, happily so and for many years, I can tell you that I do not have words in my vocabulary to express to you how much I value my precious wife. I will also tell you that the real value, the real worth, of a wife is not in her outward charm—though I thank God for outward charm; it is not in the beauty of her face—though I thank God for that; but the real value of a wife is her virtue. God says “Who can find a virtuous wife? Her price is far above rubies.”
To her children, to her husband, and to her neighbors, she’s known as a godly woman, a woman who fears the Lord. That is her glowing witness. I am convinced that virtually all of the major problems that we have in America would change overnight if we just had some more women who met this standard of God’s virtuous woman. The Bible tells us that the only way to be this kind of a woman is to fear the Lord. It’s all possible because of Jesus.
Click on the link below to hear a message on God’s ideal of a virtuous woman.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.

Monday Oct 17, 2011
THE SILENCE RULE (1 Cor. 14:26-40)
Monday Oct 17, 2011
Monday Oct 17, 2011
God is a God of order. Paul tells the Corinthians, and the modern day tongues movement, that if there is chaos and confusion while the gift of tongues is exercised, then it is not of God. He then establishes the rules that are to govern the use of the spiritual gifts. Listen to what the Word of God has to say about the practice of tongues and discover the history of the modern day tongues movement in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 14:26-40.

Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Has God established an order in His worship services? What is God's intended relationship between man and woman? Who is the man's head? Who is the woman's head? Who is Christ's head? These are the questions answered in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 11:1-16.