
Monday Feb 24, 2025
TO BE FAITHFUL IN MINISTRY (Ephesians 4: 7 to 16)
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025
In today’s lesson we are going to talk about how you can be faithful in your work for God, in whatever ministry God has chosen for you to do. God has a purpose for you in this world, and the Bible promises that God will give you the power, the spiritual gifts, that you need to accomplish that purpose.
Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest, and most influential, Baptist preachers that has ever lived, told a story one time. He told of a woman who had been a member of his congregation. This woman was very poor, and she lived in what they called “the poor house” in those days. And Spurgeon went to visit her to give her some comfort and some help. And when he was there in her room, he looked up on the wall, and there he saw framed a certificate, a piece of paper, and it was a legal document. And so, he went over and read it. And it was a document transferring great wealth to this woman. She didn’t know what it was. She had framed it and put it on her wall. What had happened is this: that she had served as a nurse and had taken care of an elderly man, and when he died, he left her his estate. But, she couldn’t read so she didn’t know what it was. She was untaught, unlearned. When, finally, the bank learned about it, they said, “We wondered who the old gentlemen left his estate to.”
When the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He left you an incredible giftedness. And it may be that you have not yet discovered what you have in the Lord Jesus. So, I want to talk to you today about your spiritual gift. Could it be that you have it framed as a motto on the wall, rather than having carried it to the bank to cash it and use it? Or could it be that you have left your gift under the tree, wrapped and unopened and, therefore, unappreciated? When God saved you, God saved you by His grace, but God did not save you to sit, soak, and sour; God saved you to serve. And you are saved by grace, and you serve by grace. You are a gifted child of God.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how you can learn what your spiritual gift is, and how you can develop and display your gift. If you are a born-again believer, then you are a person who has been gifted by grace,
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 10, 2024
WHAT WE HAVE IN JESUS (Ephesians 1:4-14)
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
The verses that we are going to review today are about you. This is your life. Here, the Lord is just giving your biography: from grace to glory; from eternity past to eternity future. Now, if you’re not interested in what you have in the Lord Jesus, and you’re not interested in your own personal spiritual welfare, then what on earth would you be interested in? What on earth could you be interested in?
Did you know that God chose you, that God purposed your salvation, before He laid the foundations of the earth? Now, you want to talk about some old-time religion, well you can’t get any older than this. I mean, this was before there were any trees and mountains and birds and bees and fleas. Now, that’s before there was anything. God, way back in eternity past, chose you, and God chose me.
You know, when we were kids playing football, or basketball, we would choose teams from among the group of kids. And there is always somebody who wonders if he is going to be chosen at all. Now, isn’t it wonderful to know that God chose us so far back? You see, God is love, and what good is it to be a God of love if there’s no one to love? Love, by its very nature, cannot dwell by itself. And so, since God’s nature is love, God created people like us, and chose us, that He might love us.
Listen, God does not love us because we are valuable, we are valuable because God loves us. You are somebody because God chose you by His grace. And by His sovereign will, God chose to bestow His love upon you. I like what Charles Haddon Spurgeon had to say about it. He said this: “God certainly must have chosen me before I came into this world, or He never would have chosen me afterward.” Now, isn’t it wonderful to know that even before we got here God looked down and said, “I see who he’s going to be, and I choose him”?
Most importantly, that means I can’t take any credit for my salvation. Because, it wasn’t, primarily, that I chose God. He chose me first. I love Him because He first loved me.
Click on the play button below to hear a message on what we have in Jesus.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 03, 2024
Sunday Nov 03, 2024
Sunday Nov 03, 2024
There was a woman by the name of Miss Bertha Smith, who served as a missionary in China between the years of 1917 and 1958. She was a warrior for Jesus, if you ever saw one. One time, she gave a talk about how we are. You know, the Bible says “our lives are hid with God in Christ,” (Colossians 3:3). And so, she had a box—a shoebox about that big—and on the outside she had the word “God” written on it. And so, she opened that shoebox up, and on the inside of that was another little box, smaller. She had written on that “Jesus,” for the Bible says, “Christ is in God, and we’re in Christ.” (John 17:23)
And so now, there’s God, and then there’s Jesus in God. And then, she opened that box, and inside of Jesus was one that said “Me.” There I am in Jesus. And I thought, “Boy, that’s glorious! How is the devil ever going to get to me if he’s got to tear up that first box and then that second box to get to me?”
But she wasn’t finished yet. She opened that one that said, “Me,” and inside that was a still smaller box, and that had “Jesus” on it again. What that means is, I am in Christ, and Christ is in me. You can’t get better than that, can you? I am in Christ, and Christ is in me. Now, how’s the devil ever going to get to me? I mean, he’s going to have to tear up that big box, and that next box, and once he gets through Christ and starts on me, he’s going to find Christ on the inside of me. That is the security of the believer.
Security is not in a place; it’s in a person. If you’re in Jesus, then you’re as secure as you’ll ever be. And if you’re not in Jesus, then you are not secure. He is the security of our riches, which includes all the needs of your spiritual soul, and your body, of the past, the present, and the future; your needs for salvation, sanctification, service, and glorification. All that you’ll ever need is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in … Christ [Jesus]”—“in Christ [Jesus].”
Click on the play button to hear a message about the riches that are ours in Christ Jesus. How to go from the rags of our self-righteousness, to the riches of God’s glory and His righteousness
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
There is an old proverb—not a biblical proverb, just a proverb—that says, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” But the problem is that a lot of people who go to bed early and get up early, they’re not healthy, they’re not wealthy, and they’re not wise. Going to bed early and getting up early doesn’t make you healthy, wealthy, and wise. However, what is taught in God’s Word will make you healthy, wealthy, and wise, at least by the standards of God’s word. Not by the world’s standards, but by God’s standards.
So, what is a proverb, anyway? Somebody once said that a proverb is a short sentence based on long experience—that is, it is a lot of wisdom that has been distilled, crammed into, packed into, a sentence. That is, by a proverb, we can learn from the experiences of other people. Somebody else said, “You’d better learn from the mistakes of others, because you’ll not live long enough to make them all by yourself.” That is probably a wise statement for most of us, but I know of some people who are definitely trying to do it alone. They like making their own mistakes.
But the proverbs that we find here in the Bible are not like earthly proverbs. Earthly proverbs are learned from experience. But that is not what Biblical proverbs are. Biblical proverbs are truths that are given to us by divine revelation. These are not just simply things that are being worked out by human ingenuity; these are God’s words of wisdom given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
This is telling us that Jesus is wisdom personified. Let me tell you about wisdom. It commences at conversion, and it deepens by discipleship.
Prov 9:10
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
That is, a man does not even have a modicum of wisdom until he knows the Lord. When a man reverences God, when a man receives Christ, when a man has a personal encounter, that man receives the wisdom of God.
This is the incomparable worth of wisdom, it is provided by the Father; it is produced by the Spirit, but only by the presence of the Son. When you have the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, then you are ready to have that real wisdom.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the incomparable worth of wisdom.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
TO EXPAND THE WORK OF GOD (Romans 12:8-13)
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015

Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015
Tuesday Aug 11, 2015

Monday Oct 17, 2011
THE SILENCE RULE (1 Cor. 14:26-40)
Monday Oct 17, 2011
Monday Oct 17, 2011
God is a God of order. Paul tells the Corinthians, and the modern day tongues movement, that if there is chaos and confusion while the gift of tongues is exercised, then it is not of God. He then establishes the rules that are to govern the use of the spiritual gifts. Listen to what the Word of God has to say about the practice of tongues and discover the history of the modern day tongues movement in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 14:26-40.

Sunday Oct 09, 2011
Sunday Oct 09, 2011
Sunday Oct 09, 2011
Why would God create the gift of tongues and then have Paul spend so much time talking about what a poor gift it is? Paul answers this question by first talking about the limitations of speaking in tongues, and then he establishes the reason for the gift of tongues. Listen and learn what the Word of God has to say about this spiritual gift that is so abused and misused in our world today in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 14:7-25.

Sunday Oct 02, 2011
THE CASE FOR LOVE AND PROPHECY (1 Cor. 13:8 to 14:6)
Sunday Oct 02, 2011
Sunday Oct 02, 2011
In this lesson Paul completes his description of agape love, and then he compares it and the gift of prophecy to the gift of tongues. He tells us of the permanence of agape love and how tongues fail. He tells us of the supremacy of prophecy over tongues. He tells us to desire that which is permanent and that which is of more value to the body of Christ. Here what Paul has to say in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 13:8 to 14:6. Listen and be blessed by the Word of God as we learn a description of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Sep 25, 2011
THE GIFT OF LOVE (1 Cor. 13:1-7)
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Paul describes the gift of love as the more excellent way. But this kind of love is more than an emotion. It is an act of will. Love involves the heart, the mind, and the will. Love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Although we are to covet earnestly the best gifts, they are to be exercised in love, and only the Spirit of God can do that. Love is the thing that needs to be added to every gift of the Spirit. Without love your gift is worthless. Paul describes this wonderful gift in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 13:1-7. Listen to how the Word of God describes agape love and be blessed.