
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
REVELATION OF GRACE (Genesis 44:1 to 45:8)
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
REVELATION OF GRACE (Genesis 44:1 to 45:8)
One of the key promises of God that is found in the Bible is that for a multitude of sins, there are a multitude of mercies.
Psalms 51:1
1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
God states, “according to thy lovingkindness.” This means that God will never stop loving us because of the sin in our lives. Our sin hurts God, because it is against God that we sin, but that does not cause God to stop loving us. Did you know that God does not love us because we are valuable; we are valuable because God loves us. Know also that God does not love us because we are good.
Romans 5:8
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
This is important for us to know because we need to have this confidence that no matter what we have done, God loves us. This tells us that there is nothing you can do to make God love you any more, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less. He simply loves you.
A man put the following ad in the Lost and Found section of the paper: “Lost Dog. Crippled in front paw, blind in left eye, mange on back and neck, tail missing. Recently neutered. Answers to the name Lucky.” And he was a lucky dog. I’ll tell you why, in spite of all the stuff that was wrong with him, somebody loved him enough to want him. You know we are better than a lucky dog, we are blessed dogs.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how God loves us out of sheer grace. I want you to have this confidence: God loves you with an everlasting love. No matter what you have done, no matter what is wrong with you, God loves you. That is the sheer grace of God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
In Genesis chapter 22, we come to an absolute mountain peak in the spiritual life of Abraham. This chapter is one of the great, great, chapters in all of the Bible. Chapter 22 is the account of Abraham’s obedience to God’s command of offering Isaac as a burnt sacrifice. God commanded him to offer Isaac on the altar and then restrained him at the last minute when He saw that Abraham was willing to go through with it. If you were to designate the ten greatest chapters of the Bible, you would almost certainly have to include Genesis 22. The Word of God makes it clear that God requires a life to be given up in order that He might save sinners. And there is no one among the children of men worthy to take that place. Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son was the only One capable of fulfilling that role.
In terms of depicting great truths about the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, this chapter easily compares with Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. In our message today, we will see the similarity between the sacrifice of Isaac and the sacrifice of Christ. It is no accident that this similarity exists. The Bible is full of repeated types and symbols that point to the real event in order to prepare us for what will happen. In this case, God is revealing the Gospel of the sacrifice of Christ for our sins to His beloved servant, Abraham.
On Mount Calvary, one day, men would see God providing Himself as a lamb. One day, on this place—this sacred place—God has provided Himself a lamb. And that’s the reason when John the Baptist saw Jesus Christ, who was God in the flesh, John the Baptist pointed to Him and said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)—for the Lord, Jehovah Jireh, has provided Himself as the lamb.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the Word of the Cross, a dress rehearsal for Calvary. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.” (John 3:16) There was no reprieve for the Son of God. There was for Isaac, but not for Jesus. And God knew that one day He would spare not his own Son, because He loved you that much.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
These three verses contain four wonderful, wonderful, truths that you need to learn. I want you to get these four things about a strong faith emblazoned in your heart, etched upon your consciousness. I want them to reverberate through your soul, because I want for you what I want for myself, a strong faith.
The first is that Strong Faith Releases the Grace of God. Faith is the key. It just opens the door and gets you in there where grace is, or it gets grace out here where you are.
The second is that Strong Faith Relies on The Guarantees Of God. Strong faith always relies on God’s guarantees. It does not rely on you, on what you wish, or what you want, but on what God has said.
The third is that Strong Faith Recognizes the Greatness of God. True faith is rooted in the promise, but not only in the promise, but in the One who promised. And so, if you are to have faith, not only must you have the Word of God, and a word from God, you must also understand the character of the God who gives this Word.
The fourth is that strong faith reveals the glory of God. The greatest way that you can glorify God is to believe Him.
Click on the play button above to hear a message on the most important part of God’s grace that we can apply to our hearts and lives. It is the foundational truth that we need to understand that our faith is based on. That truth is that There Is No Problem God Cannot Solve. You will never have to say that something is too difficult for God to do in your life. It is that truth that lets the peace of God rest in our hearts, for we have the omnipotent, the omniscient, and the omnipresent, God who can solve any issue, and any problem, that we might face as we serve the loving, living, God of all creation.
God said to Abraham, “Abraham, I’m going to give you a son.” Abraham was 100 years old. Sarah was 90. It was humanly ridiculous, so much so, that Abraham laughed, and yet he turned, and he believed God. How did he do it? Well, first of all, he said, “I know God that you want to do it by your sheer grace. And so by faith, I’m going to release that grace.”
Faith releases grace. It relies on God’s Word. It doesn’t look for anything else. It just simply takes the Word of God and gets a word from God. And, thirdly, the faith that relies on God, relies on God because it knows God’s character. It just simply is aware of who God is and what God can do. And, therefore, it just glorifies God. It just simply says, “God, I want to give you the praise. I’m going to give you the glory. I’m not going to stagger in unbelief.”
Now, if you’ll do that, then God will make you a person of strong faith.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Jan 08, 2024
TO BE STRONG IN FAITH (Genesis 17: 15-17)
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Archimedes was a philosopher and physicist, and he said, “If you will give me a lever long enough, if you will give me a fulcrum with something to rest it on, and if you will give me a place to stand, I can move the earth.” He was right. For us, that lever is faith, that fulcrum is the Word of God, and that place where we stand is in His grace. With it, not only can we move the earth, but we can move heaven as well, if we learn to be strong in faith.
It is strong faith that releases the grace of God. Rom. 4:16 says, “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace …” meaning that without faith, you will never know grace, “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure.”
What is grace? Grace is “God’s riches at Christ’s expense.” Grace is God giving us and showing us His great wonderful love. There’s nothing we can do to deserve it, or to earn it. Grace is the unmerited love and favor of God that is just given to us.
Now, how can you get in on this unmerited love and favor of God? Only by faith! If you begin to work for it, if you begin to pay for it, then it is no longer grace. It is no longer grace. If it is by grace, then by definition, it is no longer works, otherwise work is not work. And, if it is by work, then by definition of the word work, it is not by grace, otherwise grace is no more grace. This is what the Bible says. You can’t mix grace and works, so the only way that grace can be grace is through faith. That is the only way that grace can be grace.
Now, it is important to understand that unbelief holds grace prisoner. If you are an unbeliever, grace will never work in your heart and in your life. The Bible says it is by faith so that it can be by grace.
Click on the play button above to hear a message on how a strong faith is the key to unlock God’s grace in your life.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
THE CALL OF ABRAHAM (Genesis11:10 to 12:8)
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Chapters 11 and 12 of the Book of Genesis mark an important turning point in the Scriptures. Up to this point, the story has been that of the whole Adamic race. There has been neither Jew nor Gentile. All have been one in “the first Adam.”
From this point forward in the Scriptures, the human race must be seen as a great river from which God, in the call of Abraham, and the creation of the nation of Israel, draws off a small stream through which He may at last purify the great river itself. Israel is the tool through which God chose to bring a Savior to the world. It is important for us to note that neither Abraham, nor Israel, were perfect, they didn’t do anything special to deserve this. In fact, as we will see today, Abraham was far from perfect. But, when God spoke to him, Abraham responded, and that is exactly what God was looking for. It was by grace that God chose Abraham, and the nation Israel, to bring revelation and salvation to the world. It was through the faith of Abraham that the nation Israel would be called.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how our obedience to God comes after we have stopped telling God what we want to do, and listen to what He wants us to do. Let me illustrate that with a question, how much of your prayer time do you spend telling God what you want, rather than being quiet and listening to what He wants to tell you? That is a measure of how much you harken/obey God, for you cannot obey God until you know what He wants you to do. Abraham was obedient to God because he listened, and then transformed what he heard into action.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Sep 17, 2023
THE FAITH OF NOAH (Genesis 5:25 to 6:10)
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
In our message today, we begin a section of verses that describes The Flood and the reasons that God brought destruction to His creation. From the time that God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden, God had blessed man, and man had been fruitful and multiplied. In a relatively short period of time man had populated the whole earth. Yet, instead of recognizing the God that created him, man had turned away from God, and reveled in his own abilities and knowledge. And as happens every time man turns away from God, man had degenerated into total depravity.
What was the condition on the earth before the Flood? What caused God to bring the judgment of the Flood?
Genesis 6:5
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
But as we see throughout the Bible, there was a remnant, someone left who still believed in God. Noah “found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” The Bible tells us that grace is the unmerited favor of God; it is getting something we do not deserve. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. But it goes beyond that, why did Noah find grace in the eyes of the Lord? It is because “Noah walked with God.” It wasn’t because he deserved it; it wasn’t because his good works outweighed his bad; it was because Noah walked with God.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the faith of Noah, and man who preached righteousness for a period of 120 years without a convert, other than his family, and witnessed to the grace of God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Today’s message is on the meaning of the words “light” and “day” as they are used in the Bible’s account of creation. Two very simple words, that we use all of the time, but so many people have a hard time understanding when it comes to what God says about the creation of all things.
In the book of Genesis, God said “let there be light.” The word “light” stands for and performs so many different functions and things in the Scriptures. The concept of light is described throughout the Bible, and it is first used here in Genesis. Light truly is a unique creation. The Holy Spirit chose light as a metaphor for God throughout the Scripture. Like God, light is mysterious but glorious.
Light by its nature, just like our Lord, is constant. The speed and the nature of light never change. The speed of the light that leaves our sun millions of miles away is traveling at the exact same speed as when it reaches us as we stand outside and let it fall on us to warm and comfort us. The light of our Lord is the same. It is the same today as it was on creation day, and as it will be when He comes for us to take us home. Satan and his kingdom must bow before God and the majesty of His light. When God’s light comes, Satan’s darkness must go.
It also means that there is only one way to get rid of Satan’s darkness, and that is the light of the Word of God. We have victory in Jesus because no force on the earth, or below the earth, can stand against the mighty majesty of His light. When our lives are filled with sin, it is the light of the Word of God that will give you victory over that sin in your life. In fact, it is the only light that will give you victory over Satan and sin. You cannot live the Christian life without the power and light of the Holy Spirit in your heart.
Click on the play button at the top of the post to hear a message on the meaning of the words “light” and “day” as they are used in the creation story found in the first few verses of the Bible.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Apr 03, 2023
IN THE BEGINNING, GOD (Genesis 1:1-3)
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
As you study the Bible, it always amazes me how one part folds into and helps the understanding of another part. For example, you must have an understanding of the Book of Daniel before you can understand the Book of Revelation. In my opinion, there are two books which are key to the understanding of all of the Scriptures, the book that opens the Old Testament (Genesis), and the book that opens the New Testament (Matthew).
God had some definite purpose in giving the book of Genesis to us. The first section of the book has to do with the universe and with creation, but the last part deals with man, with nations, and with the person of Jesus Christ. God was more interested in Abraham than He was in the entire created universe, and God is more interested in you and attaches more value to you than He does to the entire physical universe.
With Genesis begins the progressive self-revelation of God which culminates in Christ. The three primary names of Deity-Elohim, Jehovah, and Adonai appear in Genesis and these in an ordered progression which could not be changed without confusion. It also presents the problem of sin and how it affects man’s condition on the earth and his relationship to God. It also presents the divine solution of that problem.
Click on the link below to hear a message that describes what the book of Genesis is all about. Genesis is the “seed plot” of the Bible, and here we find the beginning, the source, the birth of everything. The Book of Genesis is just like the bud of a beautiful rose, and it opens out into the rest of the Bible. The truth here is in germ form.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Mar 20, 2023
A LIFE WITHOUT FEAR (Hebrews 13:5-6)
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
A LIFE WITHOUT FEAR (Hebrews 13:5-6)
When the old mapmakers were drawing ancient maps, they did not know what we know today. They didn’t have global positioning satellites. They could not see the world from outer space, and they would make maps of what they knew. But there was much that they did not know, and when they would come to the edge of their knowledge, they would often write something like this: “Beyond this, there may be dragons.” And, if you will look at some of the old maps, you will see the sea monster in the ocean right alongside those words. This is because man has an innate fear of the future, and of the unknown. The fear of the future is a foe that we all face. Whether we are young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, we wonder about what is going to happen. Fear has no racial bias. It’s endemic to all people.
There is a fear of where our country is heading. There is a fear of the persecution of Christians that is occurring as our country, and world, move further and further away from the Biblical values of God, and God Himself. There is fear of the violence that is occurring all around us. There is a fear of financial loss and the inability to pay the bills that are sitting on your table at home. There is a fear of disease and failing health in a world filled with cancer and pandemics. These are just a few of the things that we face in an uncertain future, and yet, God wants us to have a future without fear. As a matter of fact, God has not only admonished us, but God has commanded us, not to fear.
Click on the play button to hear a message that will teach you how to live a life free of fear.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Man is the only creature who knows he’s going to die, and he’s trying desperately to forget it. If you don’t believe that, look at the woman who wears too much makeup trying to hide those wrinkles and age spots, or the man who has already passed middle age, making a fool of himself in a sports car, and trying to dress like a teenager with a gold chain around his neck. We just don’t like to think about death. If you mention death, people will look at you like you have smallpox. In society today, we don’t talk much about death. You go to a funeral, and in the funeral, we do all we can do to camouflage the fact of death. Our cemeteries look like memorial parks. We just change the subject of death like we switch channels in a television set. So, why is that? Well, there is a fear of death, and the Bible teaches that the devil keeps people in bondage through the fear of death.
I want you to understand this, anybody who’s afraid of death, is in bondage. Are you afraid of death? Then Satan has done a job on you, and you have failed to understand what Jesus Christ has done for you. I want to say clearly and plainly, no one is ready to live until he’s no longer afraid to die. Jesus has come to deliver us from the fear, and, correspondingly, the bondage, of death. Jesus Christ is the risen, living, victorious as Savior, and because He lives, we live with Him. We no longer fear death. We no longer fear death because we have a Savior, a dear, loving Savior.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how to live confidently; how to die expectantly, and how to no longer fear death.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.