
Monday Feb 24, 2025
TO BE FAITHFUL IN MINISTRY (Ephesians 4: 7 to 16)
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025
In today’s lesson we are going to talk about how you can be faithful in your work for God, in whatever ministry God has chosen for you to do. God has a purpose for you in this world, and the Bible promises that God will give you the power, the spiritual gifts, that you need to accomplish that purpose.
Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest, and most influential, Baptist preachers that has ever lived, told a story one time. He told of a woman who had been a member of his congregation. This woman was very poor, and she lived in what they called “the poor house” in those days. And Spurgeon went to visit her to give her some comfort and some help. And when he was there in her room, he looked up on the wall, and there he saw framed a certificate, a piece of paper, and it was a legal document. And so, he went over and read it. And it was a document transferring great wealth to this woman. She didn’t know what it was. She had framed it and put it on her wall. What had happened is this: that she had served as a nurse and had taken care of an elderly man, and when he died, he left her his estate. But, she couldn’t read so she didn’t know what it was. She was untaught, unlearned. When, finally, the bank learned about it, they said, “We wondered who the old gentlemen left his estate to.”
When the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He left you an incredible giftedness. And it may be that you have not yet discovered what you have in the Lord Jesus. So, I want to talk to you today about your spiritual gift. Could it be that you have it framed as a motto on the wall, rather than having carried it to the bank to cash it and use it? Or could it be that you have left your gift under the tree, wrapped and unopened and, therefore, unappreciated? When God saved you, God saved you by His grace, but God did not save you to sit, soak, and sour; God saved you to serve. And you are saved by grace, and you serve by grace. You are a gifted child of God.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how you can learn what your spiritual gift is, and how you can develop and display your gift. If you are a born-again believer, then you are a person who has been gifted by grace,
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Today, I want to spend the entire message talking about God. I just happen to believe that God is the biggest subject that we can talk about, at any time, as we study the Word of God. And the amazing thing to consider is that there is so much in the Bible about God, that to talk about God for 45 minutes today would be like trying to bail out an ocean with a teacup. We will only scratch the surface.
But there are some things that we can know about God, and we can know God without knowing everything about God. You also don’t have to know all that the Heavenly Father does when He administrates the universe in order to know God. And so, we can find out some things about God by objective observation, but we can really only know the heart of God, the goodness of God, by revelation. And how do we know the goodness of God? And what kind of a revelation has God given of Himself?
Certainly, the Bible is the most complete way that God has revealed Himself to us. But, did you know that one of the greatest revelations that God has given of Himself are the names of God. The Bible says, in (Psalm 9:10) “And they that know thy name shall put their trust in thee …” This tells us that to know the names of God is a great thing. So, today, I’m going to give you the names of God. Now, not all of the names of God, but I have selected some of them.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how God reveals Himself to us by His names. He is the God of strength, “Elohim.” He is the God of sovereignty, “Jehovah.” He is the God of superiority, “Adonai.” He is the God of sufficiency, “El Shaddai.” He is the God of supremacy, “El Elyon.” He is the God of stability, “El Olam.” He is the God of sympathy, “El Roi.” All of these names are wrapped up in one sweet name, Jesus.
There is one God and Father who is above all—that is the greatness of God. And through all—that is the goodness of God. And in us all—that is the grace of God. And it is all summed up in one person—and that’s Jesus. Now, you’ll never know the Father, until you receive the Son.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Jan 27, 2025
GOD'S TRUTH REVEALED (Ephesians 3:1-12)
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
In the book of Ephesians, Paul revealed a secret that God had kept to Himself. God had kept it hidden when He visited fallen man in Eden, when He talked with His friend Abraham, and when He gave the law to Moses. He told David, a man after His own heart, many things, but He did not tell him this secret. He spoke to Isaiah and Jeremiah, to Ezekiel and Daniel, but still He kept His secret. He did not tell the twelve minor prophets, and then He kept this burning secret for four more silent centuries.
Finally, God sent His Son, who was involved in the secret. Jesus dropped hints of it here and there, but He did not give it away. The day of Pentecost came, and the church was born. Peter preached, souls were saved, and the secret was out, but still men did not grasp it. So, God saved Saul, shared the secret with him, and said, “You tell the world.”
What was this secret? God was going to create a church. He would baptize Jews and Gentiles into it, making no difference between them. That church would be the mystical body of Christ. He would raise it higher than angels. He would seat it with Himself in the heavenlies. It would share fully and forever all that Christ has. That church would be His crowning masterpiece. Creation itself, the showpiece of God’s eternal power and godhead, would pale before the everlasting splendors of the church.
Click on the play button to hear a message on the great truth of God, His Church, revealed.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Now, that is a great big word, dispensational. So, what does it mean? For purposes of studying the Bible, a dispensation is a period of time, and it defines how God deals with man during this time period, and how man interacts with God. It has nothing to do with salvation, for salvation, throughout the Bible, has always been by God’s grace alone.
When you think about it, those of us who were born and grew up in this age of Grace, take for granted the direct relationship we have with God, and the blessings of the Holy Spirit empowered life that we lead. In today’s lesson, Paul is going to take us back in history and describe the relationship the Gentiles had with God prior to this great dispensational change. And then he will describe the changes brought about by Calvary and Pentecost.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how the church is the body of Christ, and in this body, all believers are equal members. There are no divisions based on denominations, racial origins, religious backgrounds, class distinctions, national boundaries, or color prejudices in the true church. All believers are equal members of this marvelous, mystical body. A new bond has been established.
The gospel reduces all people to the same level. All people are brought into the great equation of salvation through the same common denominator: repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Dec 29, 2024
Sunday Dec 29, 2024
Sunday Dec 29, 2024
Today’s message includes one of the most recited pair of verses in the Bible, for it is the foundation God’s promise of salvation by grace and not of works.
Eph 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
And when you add the rest of verses 1-10, it is also a guidebook for the believer “How to Share Your Testimony.” We should never ever underestimate the power of a Christian testimony. We are called to be witnesses and not lawyers. A witness is somebody who tells what he’s seen and heard. A lawyer is somebody who argues a case. We are witnesses of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without a doubt, a Christian with a glowing testimony is worth a library full of arguments.
Now, you don’t have to be a theologian to be able to give your testimony. Remember the man who was born blind, and Jesus healed him, and then the Pharisees jumped on his case? Oh, they were angry because this man had been healed, and they got him and backed him into a corner, and they started to ask him all kinds of theological questions. The man just said, “Well, I’m sorry. I can’t answer all of those questions, but, one thing I know: once I was blind and now I see” (John 9:25). There is nothing theological about that fact, yet it is a great testimony to the power of the Lord Jesus. “Once I was blind and now I see.” And a Christian with a testimony is never at the mercy of an infidel with an argument. Remember that.
Now, it’s important that we learn to share our testimony. Our testimony is the convincing thing when we witness and share the Lord Jesus Christ. And so today, I want to give you an outline for sharing your testimony; and you can fill in the personal part, but I’m just going to give you the outline. And listen, if you are saved, right here is your spiritual biography and your future history.
Click on the play button to hear a message on our past guilt, our present grace, and our future glory. I want you to learn some wonderful things about what has happened to you, what is happening to you, and what will happen to you.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Dec 08, 2024
A PRAYER FOR BELIEVERS (Ephesians 1:15 to 23)
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
In today’s lesson, we will be talking about Paul’s prayer for believers. Paul rarely prayed for the things that make up most of our prayers. Things like better health, more money, job conditions, family problems, and world crises. I am not saying these are not important, but Paul prayed that people might know God better, that they might become better acquainted with Jesus. It is when we are closer to Christ, and know Him more, that many of these problems we face on earth are less important. For our trust is in Christ to deal with our needs, as He has promised to do.
God has revealed Himself in two ways, in the inspired Word and the incarnate Word. He has said what He is like in the one, and He has shown what He is like in the other. Our responsibility is to get to know Him by getting to know the Scriptures and the Savior. There is no greater, or more important, occupation that we can have here on earth.
Paul prayed that his fellow believers might have a spirit of wisdom and revelation and that they might be occupied in gaining knowledge of God. “Get to know Him” is Paul’s basic answer to all of life’s problems and questions. Knowing God would solve most of the present-day problems that cause people to run to the psychologist or the family counselor. Knowing God would affect how people cope with all areas of life, for the Almighty God of all Creation has an abundant supply of wisdom, power, and answers for all of our needs, trials, and tribulations. Best of all, is that He wants to share them with us.
Click on the play button to hear a message where Paul describes what he most desires for the believer to know and understand about God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Dec 02, 2024
THE WORK OF REDEMPTION (Ephesians 1:7-14)
Monday Dec 02, 2024
Monday Dec 02, 2024
In today’s message, we will be talking about the work that God, in all three parts, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, did to obtain our salvation, to redeem us, completely forgiven for our sins. It is a wonderful story of God’s love, and God’s grace, that He would sacrifice so much so that we might have redemption from the sins that stain our soul. It is a story of the completed work of redemption, and eternal life, that is ours if we make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
It was God’s eternal counsel that the Lord Jesus should first give His life for us at Calvary, and then give His life to us.
Eph 1:7
7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
God the Father, planned our salvation by grace and not works. It was His idea that God the Son, Jesus Christ, would go to the cross to die and then be risen to walk in life and victory over death. It is because Jesus came to this earth as a God incarnate in man that The Father now sees us in the Beloved. He looks at us and sees Christ. No angel among the heavenly hosts has more acceptance than we.
Paul states, “The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” Notice that word “grace.” Paul uses it again and again in his letters. For, our redemption is by grace, God’s unlimited grace. Grace is unmerited favor. It is getting something we don’t deserve. Paul strikes this note over and over. Paul tells us that there is more of God’s grace to follow, an unending supply, when he talks of the “The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.”
We can thank God that He is rich in grace. God has revealed Himself to be a God of infinite power, a God of infallible wisdom, a God of inflexible holiness, and a God of unlimited grace! Amen, hallelujah, and praise the Lord.
Click on the play button to hear a message on the wonderful work of redemption, that God did to provide a completed salvation, if you will only accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 24, 2024
KINGDOM AUTHORITY (Ephesians 1:15-23)
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
In our lesson today, we will be talking about a tremendous Biblical truth about a believer’s “Kingdom Authority.” God wants you to discover Kingdom Authority, to enjoy Kingdom Authority, and to exercise Kingdom Authority. And my heart is so full, because I’m afraid that you’re going to miss the blessing, miss the truth, if you do not listen to what the Holy Spirit has to say to us today. But my prayer is that God will impregnate your heart with this great, dynamic, life-changing, truth of Kingdom Authority.
Paul tells us in the first chapter of Ephesians about the Kingdom Authority that belongs to the children of God. And if you’re a child of God, meaning that you are a true, twice born, follower of Christ, then I want to tell you something, you have incredible authority and power. Whether you have discovered it or not, it’s there, inherently. You already have it.
Have you ever seen a real live king? Well, would you like to see one? Did you know the Bible says that God has made every believer a king and a priest?
Rev 5:10
10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Look to the person to your right, the person to your left. There’s a king, and there’s a priest, if they’re saved. Go home, and look in the mirror, and, if you’re saved, if you’re a child of God, looking back at you will be a king and a priest. God has made us a kingdom of priests. Now, that is absolutely wonderful!
However, you don’t have to be a preacher, teacher, or even a member of a church, to be a king and a priest, or a queen and a priestess. Paul, says very plainly, you just have to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, because God has given to all His children Kingdom Authority. And that’s what we’re going to be looking at, and that’s what we’re going to be studying, today.
Click on the play button to hear a message that describes what Kingdom Authority is, how God graciously gave Adam dominion over all the earth, how Adam legally lost that dominion to the devil, and how Jesus righteously regained that dominion when He came to this earth as a man.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
When Paul talks about a seal, he is talking about a legal seal, and a seal means finality. It means the transaction is done. A seal also means security; it means the transaction is safe. And then a seal also means identity; it shows to whom the transaction has been delivered. I want you to think about the fact that Christians have the sealing of the Holy Spirit of God.
Paul says that when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, when we’re born again, one of the ways that we know that we are saved, one of the proofs, one of the authenticating pieces of evidence, that we are genuine, bone fide, legally belonging to Jesus Christ, is that God places His seal upon us. Now, the seal that God places upon us is the Holy Spirit of God, because every believer, when he is saved, receives the Holy Spirit of God.
The Bible is very clear when it says that if you have not received the Holy Spirit, then you have not received Jesus. The only way that you can receive Christ is to receive God’s Holy Spirit. He lives in you; He abides in you. And when He comes into you, it is the same thing to you that a seal is to a legal document. “Ye were sealed”—the Bible says—“with that holy Spirit of promise.” And a seal means finality; it means the transaction is done.
Now, Paul is telling us that Jesus has purchased you, and there is finality. And when you receive the Holy Spirit of God, that means that the price has been paid in full. There’s nothing else you can do, and nothing else that you need to do. For, without Jesus, nothing can be done, and with Jesus nothing else needs to be done.
Click on the play button below to hear a message on the six reasons why I believe the Bible teaches us that we are eternally secure in our salvation.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 10, 2024
WHAT WE HAVE IN JESUS (Ephesians 1:4-14)
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
The verses that we are going to review today are about you. This is your life. Here, the Lord is just giving your biography: from grace to glory; from eternity past to eternity future. Now, if you’re not interested in what you have in the Lord Jesus, and you’re not interested in your own personal spiritual welfare, then what on earth would you be interested in? What on earth could you be interested in?
Did you know that God chose you, that God purposed your salvation, before He laid the foundations of the earth? Now, you want to talk about some old-time religion, well you can’t get any older than this. I mean, this was before there were any trees and mountains and birds and bees and fleas. Now, that’s before there was anything. God, way back in eternity past, chose you, and God chose me.
You know, when we were kids playing football, or basketball, we would choose teams from among the group of kids. And there is always somebody who wonders if he is going to be chosen at all. Now, isn’t it wonderful to know that God chose us so far back? You see, God is love, and what good is it to be a God of love if there’s no one to love? Love, by its very nature, cannot dwell by itself. And so, since God’s nature is love, God created people like us, and chose us, that He might love us.
Listen, God does not love us because we are valuable, we are valuable because God loves us. You are somebody because God chose you by His grace. And by His sovereign will, God chose to bestow His love upon you. I like what Charles Haddon Spurgeon had to say about it. He said this: “God certainly must have chosen me before I came into this world, or He never would have chosen me afterward.” Now, isn’t it wonderful to know that even before we got here God looked down and said, “I see who he’s going to be, and I choose him”?
Most importantly, that means I can’t take any credit for my salvation. Because, it wasn’t, primarily, that I chose God. He chose me first. I love Him because He first loved me.
Click on the play button below to hear a message on what we have in Jesus.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.