
Monday Dec 02, 2024
THE WORK OF REDEMPTION (Ephesians 1:7-14)
Monday Dec 02, 2024
Monday Dec 02, 2024
In today’s message, we will be talking about the work that God, in all three parts, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, did to obtain our salvation, to redeem us, completely forgiven for our sins. It is a wonderful story of God’s love, and God’s grace, that He would sacrifice so much so that we might have redemption from the sins that stain our soul. It is a story of the completed work of redemption, and eternal life, that is ours if we make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
It was God’s eternal counsel that the Lord Jesus should first give His life for us at Calvary, and then give His life to us.
Eph 1:7
7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
God the Father, planned our salvation by grace and not works. It was His idea that God the Son, Jesus Christ, would go to the cross to die and then be risen to walk in life and victory over death. It is because Jesus came to this earth as a God incarnate in man that The Father now sees us in the Beloved. He looks at us and sees Christ. No angel among the heavenly hosts has more acceptance than we.
Paul states, “The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” Notice that word “grace.” Paul uses it again and again in his letters. For, our redemption is by grace, God’s unlimited grace. Grace is unmerited favor. It is getting something we don’t deserve. Paul strikes this note over and over. Paul tells us that there is more of God’s grace to follow, an unending supply, when he talks of the “The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.”
We can thank God that He is rich in grace. God has revealed Himself to be a God of infinite power, a God of infallible wisdom, a God of inflexible holiness, and a God of unlimited grace! Amen, hallelujah, and praise the Lord.
Click on the play button to hear a message on the wonderful work of redemption, that God did to provide a completed salvation, if you will only accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Sep 08, 2024
THE REVELATION OF GOD'S WILL (Genesis 45:9 to 46:7)
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
THE REVELATION OF GOD’S WILL (Genesis 45:9 to 46:7)
Does God have a purpose in the events of this world? Does God have a purpose for your life? If the answer to those two questions is “Yes”, and it is, then the better question is do you know the purpose of God for your life? If not, how do you go about discerning the purpose, or the will, of God in your life? This is what our lesson is about today. I want to speak to you about The Revelation of God’s Will.
Your great desire ought to be to know His will. Your great delight will be to do His will. Your great danger is to refuse His will. Nothing is right for you, if it is not God’s will.
It may sound simplistic, but the will of God for you is Jesus, just Jesus. Jesus is the head of the church, and the church is the body. What is the will of my body? My head. What is the will of the church of the body of believers? Jesus, the head of the church. The will of God for your life is Jesus. He is your Lord. Know Him, know the will of God.
Here are three principles about the will of God.
First, The will of God is for your welfare. It is not something you have to do; it is something you get to do.
Second, The will of God will never take you where the power of God and the grace of God cannot enable and keep you.
Third, You are free to choose. God will never force His will upon you. You are free to choose His will. You are not free not to choose. When you say, “Well, I just won’t choose.” You just made a choice. You are free to choose, you are not free not to choose—and pay attention, you are not free to choose the consequences of your choice. You make a choice to follow God’s will or not, and that choice chooses the consequences for you.
So, what should we do to know the will of God? Ask the same questions that Jacob did.
Lord, who are you? Do you know that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you know Him as your personal Lord and Saviour? Do you have an intimate relationship with Him? Is your mind conformed to the mind of Christ?
Lord, what do you want me to do? Are you willing to do whatever God will enable you to do? Are you surrendered to God?
Click on the play button to hear a message on how to know the will of God for your life.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes wrong? Have you ever had one of those years when everything goes wrong? There are some years like that, when everything seems to go wrong. What do you do?
I’ve always been amazed at the advice that people give to other people. It sometimes seems like good advice. For example, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Tell that to a person who’s really hurting. Or here’s another one that will really bless your heart: “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” Now, doesn’t that just bless your soul? Can you see a guy dangling over a cliff, trying to tie a knot. It takes two hands to do that. If you try that, then you will fall. Or here’s one that’s really sweet: “Grin and bear it.” Now, really, that’s what the world tells us to help us in our times of loss, to help us to understand why these bad times are happening. Or you’ll be really hurting. I mean, you’ll be in darkness and consternation. One of your friends will come along and put his arm around your shoulder and say, “Cheer up! It could get worse.” Well now, that’s a lot of comfort: “Could be worse.” One person said in response, “Yeah, I cheered up, and it got worse.” He was right.
Now that, really, is what the world does when the world cannot understand. Listen, there are times when you, as a child of God, will find yourself in difficulty, and darkness, and consternation.
Click on the play button to hear a message on one of the greatest testimonies that we can share with the world is how we face tragedy and loss. How we deal with events when it seems like everything is going wrong in our lives is the difference between a life of hope, and a life without hope. It is that hope, based on the absolutely certain promises of God, in our lives that gives us the strength to face whatever it is that God allows in our lives.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
One of the great reoccurring lessons in the Bible is the need for the Christian believer to have faith. Not a hope-so faith, but a know-so faith based on the promises found in God’s Word. This know-so faith is absolutely required for the believer to live a victorious Christian life.
Abraham is called “the father of all them that believe” (Romans 4:11). When we think of Abraham, we think of faith, and we can learn some incredible lessons about faith as we study how he struggled to become this great man of faith. And, by the way, when I’m talking to you about faith, I’m not talking to you about something insignificant like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. I’m talking to you about something that is so important that I can hardly think of an adjective to describe the importance of faith. It is of monumental, inestimable, importance.
Once you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, how are you going to live the Christian life? By trying? No. By trusting. The Christian life is lived by faith. Four times, the Bible says, “The just shall live by faith.” God says it one, two, three, four times. Now, do you think He’s trying to tell us something really important? I’m telling you, the way to live the Christian life is by faith.
Click on the link below to hear a message about the school of faith, and that’s a wonderful school, but sometimes we don’t make very good grades. And I want to talk to you about “How to Mend a Broken Faith,” because there are just times that we don’t do all that good in God’s school of faith. Now, life is the classroom in the school of faith. Obviously, the Bible is the textbook in the school of faith. The faculty includes the prophets and the apostles. But the dean of the school of faith would have to be Abraham.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
I don’t think anyone listening to me today would disagree that we are in moral crisis in our world today, and especially in America. But, we are also in a crisis of leadership, and certainly the Bible teaches us that a nation gets the kind of leadership that nation deserves. May I say clearly and plainly that leadership is crucial for any nation to be blessed by God.
There’s an old proverb that says, “If the gold rust, what shall the iron do?” Now, what that proverb is trying to say is that, if our leadership is not right, what’s going to happen to the rest of us?
Now, here in our country, our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The very genius of our government is that the people participate. It’s unthinkable that God Almighty would have ordained government and then told His people to stay out of it. Because, if we do stay out of it, then who would that leave to influence and to lead? Unfortunately, we see the answer to that question with the leadership that populates all levels of our government. There is a crisis in leadership in our country today, nor is this anything new. It has been a crisis for a very long time.
Yet, don’t ever think for one moment that because wicked men make wicked choices, and wicked rulers lead, that God has forsaken control. He has not. The Bible says, “For God is the King of all the earth,” and not only is He King of all the earth, but He is King forever.
Now having said all this, what should we do? Well, number one, the very first thing that we need to do is to pray for revival. The second thing we need to do is prepare for suffering. We need to teach our children that it may not be like we had it. We need to be building character into these boys and girls. Then, the third thing we need to do: We need to prepare for the Lord Jesus Christ’s arrival. He is coming. Jesus is coming. All you have to do is look around and see that the signs of the times are saying that Jesus is near.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the character of a leader.

Sunday Jan 09, 2022
APPLYING GOD’S TRUTH (Proverbs 23:23)
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Our message today is on the subject of truth. Now, the idea of real truth is something that is an often-discussed issue in our society, and everybody seems to think they can subscribe to their own version of truth. The idea of God, as our Creator, having the sovereign right to determine the absolute truths that govern our world, is certainly rejected by the majority of our society.
We have a generation today that does not know how to differentiate between truth and facts. Now facts deal with knowledge, and knowledge may double, but truth, never. If it is new, it’s not true. Truth is settled in eternity.
Prov 23:23
23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
So, we have substituted facts for truth. Not that facts in themselves are wrong. Facts are stubborn things. But there is a difference in acquiring facts and learning truth. We’re drowning in facts. What’s the difference between facts and truth? Facts are like a recipe; truth is the meal. When you digest the truth, it will change your life.
Now, the Bible says, “Buy the truth, and sell it not.” When the child of God looks into the Word of God, and sees the Son of God, and is changed by the Spirit of God into the image of God, for the glory of God, I believe he has learned the truth of God.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how to apply God’s truth in your life, and how that truth will set you free.

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
A WISE MAN AND A FOOL (Proverbs 10:8-17)
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
The word "fool" is used 66 times in the King James Version of the Bible. It appears 57 times in the Old Testament, and only 9 times in the New Testament. 37 out of those 66 times, it is used is in the book of Proverbs. Suffice it to say that God was trying to get the message across about the consequences of being a fool.
The word "fool" is translated from different Hebrew and Aramaic words that have various meanings. Generally, it is speaking of someone who is perverse, morally deficient, a scoffer, and evil. These are not just people who are slow-minded, as some might think. No, these are people who have deliberately chosen to reject God’s Wisdom.
They can be the intellectuals of the world who scoff at anyone who believes in God, to the corrupt businessman who steals from his customers. They can be the friends in your social circle who try to get you to join them in the type of behavior that God has commanded that you do not participate in. They will ridicule you for your moral and ethical values which are based on the Word of God, calling you Mr. Goody-two-shoes, kill-joy, and generally anything that means you are putting a damper on their fun, and that you are the simple-minded one because you refuse to party. By-the-way, if this is what you close circle of friends are like, you need better friends. It would be better to have no friends, than to have friends who would lead you away from what God wants you to do.
Being careful about who you associate with is usually advice that we think of giving to younger people than to us older, wiser, people. But, it is true of us as well. Friends, even Christian friends, can lead you away from doing the things God wants you to do. Satan, would like nothing better than to create division in the church from the gossip that happens out in the commons area before church or Bible Study begins, the false teachings from teachers and preachers, to the envy and jealousy over who gets to do what in the church. Now, there is nothing wrong with good fellowship, which we ought to have. But, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing among every church group.
Click on the link below to hear a message about the contrast between living our lives applying God’s Wisdom and living it foolishly rejecting that wisdom. One leads to eternal life, the other to eternal death.

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
For the last several weeks, we have been studying about the virtues of God’s Wisdom. We have talked about the character of God’s Wisdom, the majesty of God’s Wisdom, how to find God’s Wisdom, and then last week we talked about how to apply God’s Wisdom to our lives. I think it is safe to say that God intends for us to use His Wisdom as we do the work that He has for us to do. God drives this point home in our message today where He contrasts the differences between good and evil. A good example of this is the contrast between a wise son and a foolish son.
Proverbs 10:1
1 The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
Do you see the contrast here? “A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.” You have the wise son and the foolish son, and the impact they have on the family.
Now, many parents have understood the truth of this proverb. It describes the experience of a loving set of parents when their son, who is likely in his teenage years, goes through a rebellious phase and, as a result, he goes seriously wrong. The young man may have run away from home, experimented with alcohol and drugs, and he ends up getting arrested, and is likely headed to jail. The young man has rebelled against parental discipline, chose his friends from a worldly crowd, and had no use for preachers who have their own faults, or the church full of hypocrites. He especially does not want to hear the Wisdom of God’s Word.
Solomon says that such “a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.” This means that the son’s actions drive the mother into a state of depression. You can imagine the feelings of doom and gloom in the hearts of both of the son’s parents, but it especially impacts the mother. Of course, the devil is having a heyday with all of this. That is when the mother becomes convicted and asks the Lord for help, both for her and her wayward son. She wears out the rug on her knees as she prays. After perhaps months, or even years, of these nights spent in prayer with a broken heart, there comes a day, when late that night, the son comes stumbling into the house after a night of partying. He sees his mother there, on her knees, talking to the Lord Jesus about her son. He might even pause to listen to her cries for help, and see her tears fall down her cheeks.
Sometimes, the son is impacted by this image of his mother praying over him, and other times it pushes them even further out. But, I still believe there is nothing stronger than a mother’s prayer for her children. Sometimes, that rebellious son will be so impacted by what he sees that he chooses to return and be saved. It is then, that the foolish son becomes the wise son, and Solomon tells us, “A wise son maketh a glad father.” A wise son is a blessing to both of his parents.
In this life one of two things happens to us. Either our sins get blotted out, or our names get blotted out. There can be no greater horror for a man than to wake up in a lost eternity to the terrible realization that his name is not written in the Lamb’s book of life. If he had but chosen to make Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior, if he had been redeemed, then his name would have been written in the Lamb’s book of life to be remembered for Christ’s sake forever.
Click on the link below to hear a message on God’s Wisdom of living an honorable life that is pleasing to God.

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
HOW TO APPLY GOD‘S WISDOM (Proverbs 9:1-12)
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
In today’s world, YouTube is a source of information of just about anything you want to know. The problem is that 95% of it is done by people who think a lot more highly of themselves than they should. In fact, most of it is just useless information. If you are looking for the truth, it takes a lot of work to sort the wheat from the chaff, just to find a simple nugget of man’s wisdom. In fact, most times I walk away without an answer to my question.
However, my experience with the Bible, which is God’s Wisdom, has been quite different. The Bible is the bountiful table that Wisdom spreads. I find more help, insight, and instruction, and more practical, reliable, down-to-earth counsel in a half-dozen verses of the Word of God than in all the videos that can be found on YouTube put together. I never sit down to Wisdom’s table and come away feeling empty.
Wisdom and knowledge are by nature cumulative. We learn by adding to what we already know. For example, as a child we begin by learning the alphabet. Then we learn to recognize and pronounce simple words. After that we use complex words. We add words to our vocabulary. We put sentences together and learn laws of grammar. We learn to write and compose paragraphs.
In mathematics we learn to count, to add up simple sums, and then to figure more complex sums. We learn how to subtract, how to multiply, and how to divide. We learn how to handle fractions, decimals, and square roots. We go on to geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. Moreover, we learn from our mistakes. When a teacher marks answers as being wrong, we do not just shrug our shoulders; we rework the problems until we get them right.
People who refuse to learn from their mistakes not only continue to make the same mistakes; they compound them. People who are wise, accept instruction and increase in learning. They find out where they went wrong, what they did wrong, and why. The same principles that enable us to add to our knowledge in the secular world, enables us to add to our Wisdom when it comes to living the life that God wants us to live. We continue to grow in God’s Wisdom as we live a life of faith in Jesus Christ. We add to that Wisdom as we suffer through tragedy and God responds to our needs. We add even more to that knowledge as we study the Word of God. We choose to accept God’s Wisdom.
How do we apply God’s Wisdom in our lives? We hear Wisdom’s call. We receive God’s Wisdom into our hearts and apply it to every decision that we make, and we share that wisdom with those who the Holy Spirit leads us to.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how we apply God’s Wisdom to our lives.

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
HOW TO FIND GOD (Proverbs 8:27-36)
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Gods’ wisdom is evident everywhere in God’s creation. The promise of God’s Word is that if we seek Him, then we will find Him, and when we find Him, then we will obtain life everlasting.
Deut 4:29
29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
God is not hiding from us. He can be seen in all the wonders of the world we live on.
Rom 1:20
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Then, when we find God, we find life everlasting.
Prov 8:35
35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord.
There is a God sized hole in every individual. We were created to have God living in us to fill that hole. You can spend your entire life trying to fill that hole with the things of this world, but you will never be satisfied, you will never be complete, until you find God and make His Son, Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. Now, all you have to do to find God, is to seek Him with all of your heart.
Where do you look for God? God’s Wisdom tells us that God is all around us in the universe that He has created. God’s Wisdom is available to be seen and found by whosoever chooses to love God and seek Him. God promises that if we will love and seek Him, then we will find Him and find life.