
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB (Revelation 19:1-8)
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
How many of you remember your wedding day? I truly do remember that day. My wife was absolutely stunning, she was so pretty. I knew I was marrying way above my pay grade, and I still am. We are coming up on our 40th wedding anniversary in a couple of months, and I still claim to be the lucky one in this relationship. But that was quite a day, for two 20-year-old kids who had no idea what God had in store for them. We just knew we loved each other.
I remember how hard my wife worked to prepare herself for that day, and how hard she worked to make that event special. She made everything what every wedding is supposed to be, beautiful and full of joy. It was truly a day that I will always remember and cherish.
Today, we are going to be talking about another wedding, The Marriage of the Lamb. In chapter 19 of The Book of Revelation we are going to see that this marriage takes place at the end of the Tribulation period. It comes between the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus to establish His Millennial reign. The church comes to the most climatic time in all of its history. It is time for The Marriage of the Lamb to His chosen bride.
Click on the link below and hear a message on the day that the Lord Jesus Christ makes everything right. It will be a day of great music as all of heaven sings the Hallelujah chorus praising the Lord because Jesus Christ has come to reign.
Amen, and Hallelujah.

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
GOD JUDGES BABYLON (Revelation 18:8-24)
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
In the book of Revelation, the term Babylon represents the world’s false religions. It is the cradle and the grave of false, apostate, religions. This false religious system has been around for all of the history of mankind. When Satan tempted Eve in the garden, it was with the promise of becoming like God. That is a false religion, for there is only one, true, Almighty God, the Creator of all things. Over the history of mankind, brick by brick, stone by stone, this false religious system of Babylon has been building up sins against God until they reach toward heaven. In chapter 18 of The Book of Revelation, during the Tribulation Period, God tells us that He is going to judge Babylon.
There will be two basic reactions to the fall of Babylon, and they are completely opposite of each other. There are those who are grieved by it, and there are those who rejoice over it. On the one side, the people of this world who don’t know our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are going to be depressed by the destruction of Babylon. On the other side are the ones who rejoice over it. This group includes all of the saints of God and the entire hosts of heaven. God tells this group to rejoice over the destruction of Babylon.
Rev 18:20
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
Never let the devil get you to thinking negatively about God, for we are on the winning side. Those in heaven will see God’s righteous judgment on sin and Satan’s system and shout, at last, at last! Hallelujah! It is true that the hearts of the saints of God have been burdened with sorrow and bruised by Satan. Now this sinful system will meet its doom. It will be gone forever. The saints are on the winning side, and that calls for a celebration. I say, let’s start celebrating early.
Hallelujah and Amen.

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
GAINING VICTORY IN JESUS (Revelation 15:3-8)
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Let me ask you a question, have you ever considered celebrating the wrath of God?
Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation talks about the tribulation saints standing in victory on the crystal sea of glass, or the Word of God, and celebrating the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can learn three principles about our victory in Jesus Christ from these Tribulation saints, and how to celebrate that victory. We are studying the Tribulations saints and the events that occur during that Tribulation Period, but there is much that we can learn from this set of verses and apply to our lives today.
Have you ever looked at the sin of those around you and asked the question, Where is the wrath of God? Doesn’t God promise to punish sin? Yet, when you look at rape, child abuse, blasphemy, sexual perversion of all kinds, and the horror of terrorism, we are all tempted to ask, Where is God? And where is His wrath?
The answer to the question of where is God? Is, He is on His throne. The answer to the question of where is God’s wrath? John tells us “Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name?... for thy judgments are made manifest.” God’s judgements are God’s wrath for sin. John says that God’s judgment, or wrath, is made manifest, or visible, for all to see. One thing the Bible teaches us for certain is that all sin will be punished. Your sin will be punished. My sin will be punished. Every sin, whether it be that of a lost person, or a saved, will be punished. The only question is, who will bear that punishment? Every sin will be either pardoned by Christ, or punished in hell, but it will never be overlooked. Nobody’s sin is ever overlooked. All sin is dealt with.
Don't ever forget that the secret of our victory is the wrath of God. Apart from the wrath of God, apart from the righteous judgment of God, there can be no ultimate victory. Sin must be dealt with. We celebrate the Wrath of God, because we know that God will deal with all sin. God is indeed a loving God, but God is also a just God. God will deal with all sin. As believers, our victory comes from three things, the Word of God, the redeeming works of God, and the righteous wrath of God.

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
ISRAEL'S SATANIC FOE (Revelation 12:3-12)
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
God has not turned His back on Israel. He has not forgotten them, and He has not abrogated any of the promises that He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Every promise that God has made, God will fulfill completely, and He will fulfill it just as He planned to do so from the foundation of time. God’s plan is on schedule, and that plan includes God’s chosen people, the people of Israel. Israel is God's yardstick. Israel is God's measuring rod. Israel is God's blueprint, and Israel is God's program for what He is doing in the world. Each of us stand here today blessed because of Israel. The Bible that I hold dear to me is a Jewish book. I serve a Jewish Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. And God has made Abraham a blessing to all the nations of the world.
Yet, the nation Israel has a satanic foe. Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation describes this foe as a great red dragon. John says that he is red because of his bloodlust. He is a murderer. He is called a dragon, because he's so fierce. He is called a serpent, because he's so subtle. He is called the devil, and the word devil means accuser because he's the accuser of the brethren. He is also called Satan, and the word Satan means adversary. Satan hates Jesus, and he hates the Jew. As Bible believing Christians, we are to love Jesus, and we are to love the Jew, if for no other reason than the fact that Satan hates them.
Satan is indeed a powerful foe, but he is also a defeated foe. Jesus Christ defeated Satan when He died on the cross and then rose victoriously from the grave. Satan is on his way down, and all those who follow him will go down with him. First, Satan was cast down from his lofty place in heaven where he was the anointed cherub, ministering praise to God, but still given access to heaven in order to accuse the brethren. Yet there is a time coming when even that limited access is taken from Satan and he's cast down to the earth. And then he's going to be cast into the bottomless pit, the abyss. Then, he's going to be taken out of the abyss and put into the lowest hell, and that's where he will spend eternity and he won't be ruling there in hell. He won’t be in charge of anything down there. He will simply be in the worst kind of torment, for all of eternity.
The one who said, I will exalt myself above the stars of God, will be brought down into the lowest hell. When Satan fell, he took a third of the angels with him. Every one of those angels, that chose to follow Satan, is going to be brought down to the lowest hell with him. Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. God did not make hell for you. God made hell for the devil and the devil's angels. That tells me if you do go to hell, then you will be an intruder there. You will be going someplace you were not meant to go to, for Hell was not made for you. But if you chose to follow Satan, instead of Christ, then just like these angels, that will be your destiny. Why in the world would you choose to follow a loser? I have made my choice, and I am following the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you have made your choice for the Lord as well.
Click on the link below to learn about Israel’s satanic foe, and how you can defeat him and live a victorious Christian life.

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
JESUS CHRIST AS KING (Revelation 11:14 to 12:2)
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
There is a time coming in the future when heaven will open up and the people of the world will see Jesus Christ crowned as King of kings, and Lord of lords. Jesus Christ is coming to this world to establish His Kingdom on earth. Satan has been trying to establish this kingdom since the beginning of mankind, but all of his efforts have failed. Yet, there is a time that Jesus Christ will come to this earth to rule the whole world. It is important to understand that the Lord is not coming to be given a simple constitutional monarchy. Rather, it will be absolute, untrammeled, unhindered power. It will not be granted to Him by some decree issued by a group of men. No church will grant Him this reign. It will be taken, and imposed upon the earth, by the absolute power of God.
Heaven's ideal form of government for earth is a totalitarian monarchy with complete power vested in the Person of the Lord Jesus. When Jesus Christ comes to set up His Kingdom on earth, that is what it will be, and nothing, or no one, will be able to stand in His way.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the great power of our Lord Jesus.

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
The Book of Revelation presents to the world Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Creator of all things, and the Lord of lords and King of kings. Jesus is the One we worship.
One of these days, sin's clock will be stopped, and the mystery of God will be finished, and delay will be no more. Sin has been on a rampage. Righteousness seems to have suffered. It is now coming to a conclusion. God has given the inhabitants of the earth time for repentance, but time is running out. The clock will strike its last note and sin's clock is about to be stopped. God’s mercy for sin is about to end. The time for repentance will come to an end.
Don't get the idea that you have time before the rapture to turn to God, for that may come at any moment. Don't get the idea that even after the rapture, that God will continue to give you time, even if you've never heard the Gospel before. There is coming a time when time will run out. When God's clock stops, that's it! And if you are not on God's train, you are going to be left.
The Book of Revelation tells us about the majesty, the mastery, and the mystery of Jesus Christ. When I see the majesty of Christ that means Jesus, my Savior is due my total worship. When I see the mastery of His power that means that Jesus my Lord is worthy of my total confidence. He is the one who has everything under control. When I see God’s mysteries are revealed, then God’s mercy ends.
Click on the link below to hear a message on our Lord Jesus Christ as He is revealed in The Book of Revelation.

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Who do most people say that Jesus Christ is? Do they say that He is the Son of God? No, most people do not. Instead, they say that Jesus was a prophet, a teacher, or just a man who lived in history.
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is more than a man. He's more than a great man. The Islamic faith calls Him a prophet, but He's more than a prophet. The liberal looks upon Him as a philosopher, or a teacher, or an example. But the Jesus Christ that is Lord of my life is much more than a philosopher, or teacher. The Jesus Christ that I know personally as my Savior, is much more than just a good example.
Who is Jesus Christ? He is the One and Only Almighty God. The Creator of all things. That's who Jesus Christ is. The rich man is poor, the mighty man is weak, and the educated man is a fool if he does not know who Jesus Christ is. No one can claim to be truly educated who is ignorant of Jesus Christ.
Click on this link to hear a sermon on the glory, the grace, and the power, of the One and Only Almighty God, Jesus Christ as He is revealed in The Book of Revelation.

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
CAN'T GOD DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? (Revelation 9:15-21)
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
I think that we can all agree that evil is certainly growing around us today. In spite of the restraint of the Holy Spirit during the day that we live in, evil is still on the rise. Men murder others. Women even murder their own children, and now we have children who become murderers in their own homes and schools.
Yet, most of all, may God have mercy on the murderers of unborn babies. May God send His Spirit to bring repentance to every man and woman who has participated in this most heinous act against defenseless little babies. People today get upset and wonder where the judgment of God is for the perpetrators of terrorism and mass shootings, but the number of people who die all across the world from terrorism is but a fraction of the murders of babies that occur each year in this country. It is a sin that God will hold this country accountable for. It would be easy to wonder where is God in all of this, and why isn’t He doing anything about it.
Click on the link below to hear a sermon on the Biblical truth that timing is more important to God, than time. God has a plan to deal with all of the evil of this world and in all of creation. That plan is on time. God is never early, and He is never late. Nothing, or no one can stop or change that plan. Not Satan, or all of his demons, for Satan is but a creation, and God is sovereign.
We started this series by asking Doesn’t God know? Doesn’t God care? And if God knows and cares, then why isn’t He doing something about it? God knows, and God cares. It is man that has turned his back on God. That no longer wants to know God. That no longer cares about God. Yet, we have still have a chance during this age of grace that we live in to turn to God. God loves you. Lay aside your pride. May the mercy of God through His Son bring the saving judgment of eternal life to you today, so you will not be lost in the fires of Judgment for all of eternity.

Monday Oct 09, 2017
WHERE IS GOD? DOESN'T HE CARE? (Revelation 9:12-14)
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
With events like the terrible tragedy that occurred in Las Vegas last week, it would seem that everything not nailed down is coming loose, and that Satan is busy at work prying loose everything else. Every day it seems that evil is growing and dominating the world. It would be easy to understand if there are people who are asking Where is God? Doesn’t He know? If He knows, doesn’t He care? If He knows and cares, can’t He do anything about it?
Click on the link below to learn that God does know, God does care, and God does have a plan. If you want to know where God is, He is right on time. With God, timing is more important than time. If you want to know if God knows and hears your prayers, the answer is yes, they are before Him as incense. If you to know if God cares, yes He does, He cares so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross so you do not have to. If you want to why God is not doing anything, God says, just wait, my plan will occur just as I said it will, because I am sovereign, and nothing, and no one, can stop or deter my plan. Amen.

Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Do you believe that this is a true statement? Is there really no person too hard for God to save? Does God save every person that He could save? Why not?
You cannot stop God from loving you. You can reject His love, but you cannot keep Him from loving you. Neither can you keep it from raining, but you can raise an umbrella to keep the rain from falling on you. You can also raise the umbrella of indifference, or the umbrella of sin, or the umbrella of rebellion, so that you won’t experience God’s love, but you cannot keep God from loving you.
You can turn your back on God; you can blaspheme Him, and you can shake your fist in defiance at Him, but you cannot keep Him from wanting to save you. You cannot keep Him from loving you, for He provided a Savior, His own Son, to die in your place, and you cannot keep Him from wanting to save you. However, you can keep Him from saving you. God could overpower your will and save you whether you wanted Him to or not, but that is not God’s way. Each person is given a choice, to accept Christ or not.
Click on the link below to hear a sermon that shows there is no person too hard for God to save. No matter what you have done, there is no sin too far, and there is no crime too horrible, for God to save you. God loves you that much, but you can refuse to accept that salvation. We know this because God will save great multitudes of people, of every tribe, of every nation, and of every language during the Tribulation Period. There is no person too hard for God to save.