
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
A TALE OF TWO TREES (Genesis 2:15-17)
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
A TALE OF TWO TREES (Genesis 2:15-17)
In today’s lesson we are going to be talking about a couple of very important trees that God has given to mankind.
For the first tree, God had created man, and He placed man there in the beautiful Garden of Eden and gave him absolutely everything he needed for indescribable happiness and for joy and fulfillment. But in order that man might have a will—and a free will—God gave him the moral opportunity of a choice. And so, God created a tree and planted that tree in the Garden of Eden. It was called “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” and man was absolutely forbidden to eat the fruit of that tree. That was the first tree.
For the second tree, we have Calvary’s tree, which is a tree of life. Now, don’t be confused, this is not the tree of life that was also placed in the Garden of Eden, but it is “The” tree of life. The tree of eternal life. The tree that Christ died for our sins on. when you see the cross, and when you see what it did to Jesus, and when you see the wrath of God being poured out, there you have a knowledge of evil. That tree, Calvary’s tree, was a tree of the knowledge of evil, but it was also a tree of the knowledge of good. When you see the cross, when you see Calvary’s cross, there and there alone do you behold the goodness of God, the glory of God, the grace of God, the righteousness of God, the majesty of God—the glory of God—as you’ve never beheld it before, by beholding the cross.
Click on the play button above to hear a message on the two trees that God has given man. Trees that give the knowledge of good and evil. With the first tree we see the sinfulness of man, and with the second tree we receive the wonderful grace of God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Mar 20, 2023
A LIFE WITHOUT FEAR (Hebrews 13:5-6)
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
A LIFE WITHOUT FEAR (Hebrews 13:5-6)
When the old mapmakers were drawing ancient maps, they did not know what we know today. They didn’t have global positioning satellites. They could not see the world from outer space, and they would make maps of what they knew. But there was much that they did not know, and when they would come to the edge of their knowledge, they would often write something like this: “Beyond this, there may be dragons.” And, if you will look at some of the old maps, you will see the sea monster in the ocean right alongside those words. This is because man has an innate fear of the future, and of the unknown. The fear of the future is a foe that we all face. Whether we are young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, we wonder about what is going to happen. Fear has no racial bias. It’s endemic to all people.
There is a fear of where our country is heading. There is a fear of the persecution of Christians that is occurring as our country, and world, move further and further away from the Biblical values of God, and God Himself. There is fear of the violence that is occurring all around us. There is a fear of financial loss and the inability to pay the bills that are sitting on your table at home. There is a fear of disease and failing health in a world filled with cancer and pandemics. These are just a few of the things that we face in an uncertain future, and yet, God wants us to have a future without fear. As a matter of fact, God has not only admonished us, but God has commanded us, not to fear.
Click on the play button to hear a message that will teach you how to live a life free of fear.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Today’s message is about a problem that many Christians have, and it is called bitterness. It is bitterness that blows out the candle of joy and leaves the soul in darkness, and I am afraid more people have a root of bitterness than we dare think. Bitterness has done untold damage to communities. It has done untold damage to churches, and untold damage to homes.
I am convinced that bitterness does more to hold back the power of God and revival than liberalism. Bitterness does more to hold back the power of God and revival than does alcohol or pornography. Bitterness keeps the people of God from having the power of God, and the holiness of God, that they need in their hearts and in their lives. Unfortunately, much of this bitterness, is found in the people of God. We have bitter brothers, sour sisters, caustic Christians, and the Bible speaks of a “root of bitterness.”
Click on the play button above to hear a message that will help you identify bitterness in your life, and how to deal with it. How to root bitterness out of your life.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Today’s message is about a champion of faith named Rahab, and the story of Rahab will teach us that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the transformation business, and the greatest power on earth is the grace of God made available by faith. A great preacher once said that “nature forms us, sin deforms us, schools inform us, jails reform us, the Word conforms us, but Jesus transforms us.” He changes people. He literally, actually, eternally, changes people. He cleanses us, justifies us, and washes away all of our sin.
Now, if your religion hasn’t changed your life, then you’d better change your religion, because you don’t have the New Testament kind of religion. Jesus is in the transformation business. There’s no one so bad he cannot be saved. God is not finished with you. God loves you, and there’s no one so good he or she need not be saved.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the transforming power of the grace of God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
In today’s message we will be talking about Abel. You may not know it, but Abel was a prophet of God, and today we will be discussing his message on faith. The central theme of the entire 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews is that God is to be worshiped, and if God is to be worshiped, then He must be worshiped in Spirit and in truth.
The key to Abel’s sermon on faith is that there are only two religions in the entire world: the true and the false. That may seem narrow to you, but that’s what this message is all about. There is the religion of grace and the religion of works. There is the religion of Cain, and there is the religion of Abel.
What is the way of Cain? It is to try to save yourself by your own good works rather than by the grace of God. It represents culture rather than Calvary. Most of the people in this world don’t need religion. They need to turn from religion to Jesus Christ. Most of the people in this world are egomaniacs strutting to hell, thinking they are too good to be damned. They believe that modern man is good. Yet, the Bible says that man is not good, and the news is not modern. It’s as old as the book of Genesis, and it is good news for bad man. It is the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is not salvation by works. Religion is what sinful people do for a holy God. The gospel is the good news of what a holy God has already done for sinful man.
The difference between Cain and Abel is the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how we need to lay our pride and our good works in the dust, and trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Today our message is going to be on the wonderful, God blessed, subject of “Nothing but the Blood.” Someone has said that you can cut the Bible in any place, and it will bleed because the Bible tells the story of what Jesus Christ did for you and me. This is one of my favorite topics to teach on, because this precious blood of Christ is the reason that I have eternal life with my Lord and Savior in Heaven. I honestly cannot think of a more important message to teach than this, Nothing but the Blood.
Actually, there are three cords that run through the Bible. One is a somber cord, a dark cord of sin and shame and degradation. The Bible teaches us about the sinfulness of man. The other is a bright, scarlet-red cord of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a book about blood. And then there’s a golden cord that speaks of the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ which tells how He is going to rule and reign forever. The dark cord of sin, the red cord of redemption, and the gold cord of His Second Coming in glory. What a joy it is to read the Bible and find all of those things.
Actually, the four ingredients of a great church are these: the book, the blood, the birth, and the blessed hope. That is what makes a great church. Those are the things that we just have to keep on preaching over and over again: the book, God’s holy Word; the blood, the sacrificial blood atonement of the Lord Jesus; the birth, the necessity of a new birth, to be a twice-born person; and the blessed hope that Jesus is actually, literally, visibly, bodily, coming back to this earth one of these days.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the prophecy and the provision of the saving blood of Jesus Christ.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
We have been talking about the purpose and the reasons behind Jesus coming to earth as a Man. Why He would care so much about us that He would even do such a thing, and the wonderful blessings that His coming means for us now and throughout eternity. Just think, if you choose Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you will spend eternity with the Son of the Living God, the Almighty Creator of all things, in a place in Heaven that He has especially prepared for you.
So, why would Jesus do this? Because Christ alone could redeem man, and He could do it only by dying on the Cross. It was the only way. Jesus was and is man. Jesus was and is God, Jehovah, and the second person of the Godhead. Jesus stood as the Perfect and Ideal Man before God. This meant that as the Ideal and Perfect Man, whatever Christ did would stand for, and apply to man, or in other words, it would cover for man.
•When Christ died, His death would free man from ever having to die in judgment for our sins.
•When He arose, His resurrection would assure man that he, too, would arise and live eternally.
•When He was exalted into Heaven, His exaltation would make it possible for man to be exalted into heaven and to rule and reign over the universe with Christ.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Christ made it possible for man to be restored to his destined glory and dominion. Christ has made it possible for man to live eternally with God, and to fulfill his purpose for God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.

Sunday Dec 27, 2020
WHO DO YOU TRUST IN? (1Chronicles 21:1-30)
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
The America that most of us grew up in, was a country where self-reliance was expected and taught. You worked to provide for you and your family’s needs. If that meant digging ditches, or working in a factory, or in an office, then that is what you did. You relied on your physical skills and your mind to provide for you needs. You did not rely on the government or others or to provide for your needs. However, that is not the world that we live in today. We are told by a corrupt media and educational system that we are to rely on an equally corrupt and all-powerful government to provide all of our needs. The government takes from those whom they deem to have too much and gives it to those who they choose to give it to. We are expected, and we are taught, to trust in our government.
That is what the world teaches. Yet, as Christians, we are taught to rely on God to provide for our needs. However, that does not mean that we are to sit on our backsides and wait on God to turn rocks into bread so that we may eat. The Bible tells us that if we choose to not work, then we will not eat.
2 Thess 3:10
10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
So, the world teaches us to rely on the world, and the Bible teaches us to rely on God. The question that we have before us today is who and what do your actions, not your words, say that you trust in?
Unfortunately, for most of us, even Christians, the answer to that question depends on how things are going at the time. When things are going your way, who do you trust in, and what do you trust in? Is it yourself, your bank account, your skills, and your intellect? When things are going good, why should you bother God? He is very busy.
However, when things are going against you, and each bad event seems to just stack one upon the other, then who, and what, do you trust in? Is this the time that you choose to bother God?
If, when you search down deep for the truth in answering these questions, God only appears when the times are bad, then this lesson is for you. If God is only your 911 call when things go bad, then this lesson is for you.
Click on the podcast below to hear a message on one of the greatest sins that man can commit, the sin of unbelief.

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
A FAMILY DIVIDED (2 Samuel 13 to 18)
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
One of the great privileges of being a Christian is the knowledge that even though we may sin against God, He is sure and just to forgive us of those sins if we will repent of them. This just means that we go to God and tell Him that we agree that what we did was wrong and commit in our heart to not do it again. If we do this, then God will restore our relationship and fellowship with Him. However, this does not mean that we will not face the earthly consequences of that sin. For example, if we commit adultery, we may still lose our marriage, or if we steal something, we may face time in prison. Our sins are forgiven in the eyes of God, but there are still consequences to that sin.
God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross so that we might have this privilege of redemption and grace. Yet, there are so many people who choose to rebel against God’s offer of forgiveness and eternal life. They resent the fact that God is sovereign, and it is God that decides what is right and what is wrong. They resent that they must go to God and ask for His forgiveness. Instead, they choose to rebel against the almighty God. They raise their fist, shake it at God, and tell Him no, they will not worship Him and make Him the Lord of their life. Instead of eternal life with God in heaven, they choose eternal death separated from God.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how a son can rise up against his father. How a person can hate God so much that they will tell God no, I will not accept your mercy and grace.

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
ABIGAIL (1 Samuel 25:1-44)
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Our story is going to be about a beautiful woman named Abigail who is trapped in a marriage to a crude man named Nabal. Now, how many of you remember the story of Abigail? I will be honest, I had forgotten it, until I came upon it in my study this week. We have a lot to learn from this Godly woman.
As we look at the various people that come into the life of David, most are disappointing in one way or another. But when we come to Abigail, we come to one of the very rare individuals who truly loved David, and whose whole life radiated the light of her spiritual comprehension, compulsion, and commitment when it came to David.
Click on the link below to hear a message from the Old Testament that gives us a picture of the gospel message, and the choice that each of us have of choosing a Savior, or rejecting Him, and the consequences of that choice, eternal life or death.
As believers, we are living in the waiting day right now. We are living in the power of that new life in Christ which is ours. Our circumstances are wrapped in His grace. This is the waiting day. Tomorrow will be the wedding day of the bride of Christ, the church, to the Bridegroom that is Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming, and when He does come, He will take us to be with Him forever to be His own beloved bride.