
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
The Holy Spirit bears the name of Jesus. That is, Jesus says, "He comes in My name." He has all the power of Jesus that is released through us, and He makes Jesus real to us. But the problem is that we fail to think of him as a dear friend. If that is true of you, then that is something that needs to change in order for you to live a victorious Christian life. It is vitally important to your relationship with God that you understand that the Holy Spirit is the One, the Person, who makes Jesus Christ real and alive in your heart. You need to know the Holy Spirit of God, personally, and you must not mistreat Him.
Today’s message is about three ways that you dare not mistreat your best friend, the Holy Spirit of God. Each of these are things that I just pray to God that you will not do. Each of them comes from the Word of God.
The first one, is not to let Him in your life at all. First and foremost, you must not resist the Holy Spirit when He tells you that you need to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit of God wants to speak to you. How does He speak? He speaks through song, He speaks through Scripture, He speaks through sermons, He speaks through servants, He speaks through situations, He speaks through sorrows, He speaks, and He speaks, and He speaks.
The second way we mistreat our best friend is to grieve His indwelling. If you have invited the Holy Spirit of God in, and if He has come to live in your heart, then don’t mistreat Him by grieving Him. How do you grieve the Holy Spirit, by your unholy character, your unholy conduct, and your unholy conversation.
The third thing is that you will not quench His outgoing. The Holy Spirit is in me. He lives in me. Why does He live in me? He lives in me to minister through me. He wants to bless you through me. He wants to start a fire burning in me that'll reach out and bless you. He wants there to be a stream of living water flowing out of me that will slake your thirst. And, He wants you to be a blessing to me. And, He wants us to be a blessing to one another and to this lost world.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the reason that many of us are floundering around, saying, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do." The reason is that you are grieving the Holy Spirit and quenching the Holy Spirit. When you stop grieving Him, and stop quenching Him, then you are going to be amazed how much power and guidance there is in your life. When you stop grieving Him, and stop quenching Him, He will speak to you, if you will listen.
Don’t mistreat your best friend, the Holy Spirit.

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? (John 14:15-18)
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Today’s message is about a wonderful friend that all believer’s in Jesus Christ have. That friend is the Holy Spirit. Now, the problem is that many of us know theologically that the Holy Spirit is a person. That is, we worship one God who has revealed Himself as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We know that theologically, but many of us fail to think of the Holy Spirit as a person. We think of the Holy Spirit almost as an influence, a force, some empowerment, or something very much like energy is in a battery. But we fail to think of Him as a dear friend, and I want to talk to you about your best friend, the Holy Spirit, because He makes Jesus Christ real and alive in your heart.
Now, I know that you believe that the Holy Spirit is God, but I want you to become acquainted with Him personally. The Holy Spirit is to be to you today what Jesus Christ was to the disciples so long ago. And, you are to treat the Holy Spirit as those disciples treated the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to be your Lord, He is to be to your guide, He is to be to your director, your friend, and your comforter. And, if you don't do this, then you're going to suffer the tragedy of a barren life.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the best friend you can have. This friend is the only friend you have that can bring you to salvation. It is the Holy Spirit that enables you to be saved. That is what your best friend does, He enables you to have enteral life. He seals you into Jesus Christ. He indwells you, and He comforts, and strengthens you with all the power you will need to do the things that God asks you to do.
Your best friend is the Holy Spirit of God.

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
In today’s message, we are going to cover a topic that I believe is vitally important to any believer who wants to live a victorious Christian life. It is a subject that we need to continuously hear about and something that we need to be constantly re-applying in our lives. It is the matter of prayer.
Now, one of the greatest privileges that we have is the privilege of prayer. However, one of the greatest failures that we have is in the area of prayer. We need to understand that prayer is so powerful because prayer can do anything that God can do. Prayer is unlimited in its power because prayer brings God into action. I don't have a failure in my life that is not in some way a prayer failure. There is not a sin in my life that proper prayer would not have helped me to avoid it. There is not a need in my life that if I learned how to pray, and knew how to pray, that need would be met.
I want to be clear that this is not about name it-claim it prayers. That is not Biblical. We do not have the almighty God of all creation at our beckon call. We cannot command Him to do anything. He commands us. This is about finding out what God wants for you, and then praying for that. The prayer that is answered, is the prayer that begins in heaven.
John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
This is one of those verses that we use all of the time. Many of you will have it memorized, and you use it to witness to others about salvation, and how there are not many ways to get to heaven, there is but one way. Through Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that is one of the messages of this verse, but I also believe there are other things that we must do in the power of, and through, our Lord Jesus. Prayer is one of those things. For this to make sense, we need to understand that when we come to God in prayer, we're coming to the Father, and the only way we can come to the Father in prayer is through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, this verse makes it very clear and very plain, that the reason many people don't have their prayers answered is that they have never been born again. Why is that? Well, if you are not born again, then you cannot pray in Jesus' name. Why? Because, if you are not born again, then you do not have Jesus Christ in your heart. And, if you don't have Christ in your heart, then you do not have Jesus to bring you to the Father. Jesus is the only way. You must have Jesus in your heart.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the six keys to answered prayer.

Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
When Bible talks about Jesus being the light of the world it has several meanings, but essentially it means that Jesus is God. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the light of the world? If not, then how long have you been rejecting Jesus as the light of the world? How many times do you believe that the Holy Spirit will stand knocking on the door of your heart asking to come in? Everyone wants to believe they have forever to decide about Jesus, but the truth is, that there comes a time in everyone’s life when their refusal to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, becomes final, and the Holy Spirit walks away never to return. When this happens, the eternal destiny of that person is sealed forever.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Jesus is the light of the world, and how the rejection of that truth will cause God to leave you to die in your sins.

Sunday May 05, 2019
ARE YOU THIRSTY? PART 1 (John 37-39)
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Let me start by asking a question, how important is religion in your life? You see, I would say that religion is really only a small part of my life. I come to church on Sunday and participate in the form and the structure of a typical Protestant church. Certainly, there are differences in the religious rituals that are performed between the different Christian religions, but there are some basic similarities as well. Now, I am no expert on all Christian religions, but there is generally a sanctuary where everyone meets, there will be some music, some Bible verses read, and some preaching of one kind or another. The music may be contemporary, or it may be traditional hymns. It could be lively, with a bunch of dancing and shouting, or it could be almost silent whispers. The preaching may be fire and brimstone, or much more formal. It could be topical in nature, or it could be expository in nature. It could be entertaining, or it could be a real snoozer. Hopefully, it is someplace in the middle, but I have to admit that I have slept through a good share of the services I have been in. While there are differences, the basic building blocks of a worship service are all there in one form or another.
So, let me ask that question again, but just a little differently, how important is the style of the religion to you? How important are the traditions that created that style to you? How important are the rituals that are performed in that service to you?
Now, most people don't need more religion. We've got enough religion. What we need is a personal, vital relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What we need is true salvation with joy. We need to draw water from the wells of salvation.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how we should stop enduring religion. You need to ask yourself, why do you come to church on Sunday? Do you come to be blessed, or do you come to bless others? The importance of that answer is critical to your attitude as you walk into the doors of your church. Are you coming as a taker, or as a giver? Are you coming to check the box of obedience, or are you coming as a servant?
Are you thirsty?

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016

Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Sunday Jan 17, 2016

Saturday Mar 14, 2015
Saturday Mar 14, 2015
Saturday Mar 14, 2015
Think about the things that you yearn for. These are the things that start as a desire deep in your soul and well up into your heart and mind. These are not our simple wants, but the things that are so passionately desired by our soul that we groan for them. Now think about how you could ever go about obtaining these things. Are they even within your power to obtain?
Next, think about the things that you hope for. Are they the same things that you yearn for? To hope for something is to look forward to something that you have not seen or realized yet. Do you hope for a body that is free from disease and pain? Do you hope for an end to loneliness? Now think about how you could go about obtaining these things that you hope for. Are they even within your power to obtain them?
Our lesson today is about the yearnings and the hopes of the believer. What are the things that a believer wants so badly that they well up from the bottom of their soul? And what are the hopes of a Christian? Are they different from a person who has rejected Christ as their Savior? And best of all, what is the solution for how a believer goes about obtaining these things.

Friday Mar 06, 2015
TO BE A CHILD OF GOD (Romans 8:15-22)
Friday Mar 06, 2015
Friday Mar 06, 2015

Friday Feb 27, 2015
Friday Feb 27, 2015
Friday Feb 27, 2015