
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Let me ask you a question, how particular is the devil in how he gets someone to go to hell? He is not particular at all, right? In fact, he would just as soon send you to hell from the church pew as he had from the gutter. It makes no difference to him. In fact, I think it gives him a sense of satisfaction when he can so easily deceive all of those church members into thinking they are going to heaven, just because they have their names on the membership role, and they go to church most Sundays.
Now, there are people today who believe in Christ, I mean, you believe it in your head. You believe the facts of the gospel. You believe that Jesus is the Savior. You believe that Jesus is Sovereign. And you believe that Jesus is Sufficient, and yet you are as lost as you can be. There is still something wrong with you, and that is you have a lack of genuine love for Jesus.
Now, let me give you the acid test for your salvation today. I want you to look down deep in your heart and ask yourself, Do you love Jesus, and thereby love those whom Jesus loves?
Let tell you something very important, there are great number of people who identify themselves as Christians, and they have their name written on the church roll, yet they do not have their names written down in glory. They have never been born again. Paul describes them as having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. It is possible to be loyal but lost, religious but rejected. Many are going to go to hell surrounded by baptismal certificates and receipts for church offerings. Yet, at the end, Jesus is going to hand you over for judgment, because you have never been saved.
Now, I’m not trying to make you doubt your salvation, but the Bible says (1 Corinthians 11:28) “Let a man examine himself, whether he be in the faith.” So, I am asking you to examine yourself, and ask are you saved? I mean, are you saved? Have you fully surrendered yourself to the will of Jesus Christ? Please do not go away without Jesus. Don’t let pride keep you from coming to Jesus. Don’t worry about what people think. You obey the Lord, and you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
Click on the podcast below to hear a message on the tragedy of a person who can serve the Lord for their entire life, yet still be lost.

Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
This is the second part of a message on the lessons we can learn from the portion of Scripture where Jesus is in the Upper Room and He washes the feet of His disciples. One thing I want us to remember as we go through this message is that we shouldn’t focus on the physical act of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, but on the spiritual messages that Jesus was illustrating by performing this act of service. Our Lord is teaching personal service to one another.
Eph 4:32
32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
What our Lord was doing is saying, "Peter, I am going to forgive you your trespasses. I'm going to wash your feet." Well, if Jesus has forgiven me of my trespasses, then I need to forgive each of you of your trespasses. That's what it's all about. Jesus says, "If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, then you need to wash one another's feet." You need to forgive your brothers and sisters in Christ, and you need to build them up in the faith. There are people around you whose feet you need to wash, spiritually, because Jesus has washed our feet.
Gal 6:1-2
1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
How dare we go around refusing to forgive and restore and renew. Our Lord expects us to be in the foot washing business. There ought to be no animosity, no unforgiving spirit. "Be ye kind, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." "If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet."
Click on the link below to hear four lessons that we can learn from foot washing:
• Salvation is essential.
• Security is eternal.
• Sanctification is extended.
• Service is expected.

Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Our messages over the next couple of weeks are going to be about the story of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. Now, I have heard many sermons on this portion of Scripture, and the majority of those sermons focused on being humble servants of the Lord, and we will talk about that, as well. But, I am also going to talk about what the Bible has to say about foot washing, and how that applies to us in this day and in this age.
In the Lord’s day, foot washing was a common practice. It was not a religious service, or ritual, but it was a very common practice. It was just something everybody did on a regular basis. There were public baths, and going down the street, if your feet were tired and dirty and dusty, you could go in there and a slave, or a servant, would wash your feet. If you had a wealthy home, generally there would be by the door a basin of water, and if you were receiving guests into your house, the first thing they would do would be to slip off their sandals and step inside the threshold of your house. Again, if you had a servant, that servant would be there with a towel and a basin. You would put your feet in that basin. There'd be a little stool there, and this servant would wash your feet, give them a gentle massage, and dry them with a towel.
Now, this exercise wasn’t just a luxury, or for show, there was a practical reason why they did this foot washing. What was that reason? Well, think about it for a moment. They didn't have paved sidewalks like we have. They didn't have asphalt or concrete streets either. Only the busiest streets were paved with bricks, but most were just hardened paths. This means that everything was dusty and dirty, and the people, for the most part, wore sandals. They didn't have leather shoes like we have today to keep out the dust and the dirt. Therefore, foot washing was a practical thing, but it was also a mark of hospitality.
Now, there are some great lessons here for us to learn in this portion of Scripture, and I would pray to God that we can all learn it. Today, I am only going to get to one lesson that we can learn, but next week we will cover several more lessons concerning foot washing.
Click on the link below to hear a lesson concerning salvation. We need to know that salvation is essential. Today, you may be sitting a church with an open Bible in your hand, taking notes, but you've never been saved. You may be reading this blog, or listening to the podcast message, but you have never been saved. When Jesus said, "Ye are clean, but not all of you," He's teaching us that salvation, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, is essential. If your desire is to live with Jesus in heaven for all of eternity, then it is absolutely necessary.

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
TO LIVE ABUNDANTLY Part 2 (John 11:25-44)
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
This is the second part of my message on how to live abundantly. Jesus said, "I've come that you might have life, and have it abundantly." What does it mean to live abundantly? It means to live the way the Bible teaches. Well, Ok, what does it mean to live the way the Bible teaches? It means several things, but the basic foundation is that you must live before you die, and live after you die. How do you do that?
Let me ask you a question, have you exercised faith in Jesus? Have you? Well, this is the time for you to do it. I want to tell you on the authority of the Word of God that Jesus will save you today and He will keep you saved. Jesus is not a probation officer. Jesus is a Savior. He will see you through all the way. Now you might have to be unwrapped. You might have some hangover sins for a while, but He will save you. And the One who gives you life will give you liberty, and you can feast with Him and you can witness for Him. Now you might be a seasoned individual. You might think I'm too old for this. Well, it's never too late with God.
If you believe that you are dead in trespasses and sins. If you want a new life. If you want to be saved so you can have fellowship with Jesus and live with Jesus. Jesus says, I am the resurrection and the life. If you would believe me, you would never die. If this is how you feel, then exercise faith in Jesus.
Now, you may be already be a member of a church. Unfortunately, some church members never really understood how to be saved. They were good folks in their own minds and the minds of their neighbors when they joined the church, but they never really, honest-to-goodness got saved. You need today to trust Christ.
For others, it may be their first time in a church, and they might say, "Well, you know, I need Jesus, but I need to wait till I get more acquainted with the church."
Let me tell you, it's not the church that saves; it's Jesus. This may be the last opportunity you'll ever have to give your heart to Jesus. It may be your first time here, but it may be your last opportunity.
Others of you are intimidated by the devil. He whispers in your ear and says, "You'll never make it. You're too bad. You don't deserve it. You'll never be able to live it." Listen to me. Satan is a liar. Jesus died for you on the cross, and Jesus said, "Whosoever will, may come."
There is a deep desire in my heart that each of you learn to live abundantly in Jesus. That you learn to live life in the way the Bible teaches you to live.
Click on the link below to learn, if you want to live before you die, and live after you die, then you must apply these four principles to help you to have, a truly, abundant life:
1) You must exercise faith in Jesus.
2) You need to have freedom through Jesus.
3) You need to enjoy fellowship with Jesus, and
4) you need to exhibit faithfulness to Jesus.

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Today, we will finish this series on knowing you are eternally secure. As I have said over the last couple of weeks, I am doing this series because I believe that God has laid a burden on my heart to share this gift of security in your salvation that He has shared with me. I want you to know this is true, but most of all, God wants you to know this is true in your heart.
In this message we look at several of the verses that people will point to and say that they indicate that a person can lose their salvation. Last week we looked at 2 Peter 2:20-22. This week we look at Matt. 24:11-13, John 15:6-8, and Heb. 6:4-9. As we look at these verses, we will discover what God is really trying to say. One thing I know for sure, God’s Word is infallible and inerrant. He will not tell us in one verse that we are eternally secure, and then in another tells us that we can lose our salvation.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how you can know in your heart that once you are saved, you are eternally secure, and cannot lose that salvation.

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
This message is part three of a four-part series on knowing that you are eternally secure. Now, I am spending so much time on this because I want you to not only know this is true in your head, but in your heart as well. I want you to know this because God wants you to know that you are eternally secure. He has other kingdom work for you to do, and you can’t focus on that, if you are always worried about your salvation.
So far, we have covered six of the eight reason that you can know you are eternally secure.
Promised: God has promised you eternal security. If you believe what God says in His Word, then there can be no doubt that you have eternal security.
Perseverance: God will complete what He has begun. Even before you got saved, the Holy Spirit began a work in you, and He will not quit that work until the day of Jesus Christ.
Predestination: God has predestined your salvation. God has known that you would make the choice to be His child since before the foundations of the universe. He loved you first, and then He called you, and you accepted that call. It was His calling and your choice, He just knew which choice you would make. He predestined your salvation.
Perfection: By one offering He, Jesus, hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Not two offerings, not three. One. Jesus shed His precious blood on that cross one time, and in doing so, He perfected each believer forever. Forever.
Position: God tells us that we are already positioned in the Lord Jesus Christ. God has told you to come into the ark, the ark of Jesus Christ. He said come in where I am. When we got saved, we came into Christ, we are a part of His body. What is true of Christ, is true of us. We are not Christ, but we are like Him, and we are in Him. The door to the ark of Christ has been sealed shut by God Himself. The only way we can go down is if Christ goes down.
Possession: God tells us that we already have eternal life. On the day I got saved, I received eternal life. It is mine, and nobody can take it away.
Click on the link below to the last two reasons why you can know that you are eternally secure.

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
God has a gift for you in this series of messages. God wants you to know that you can be saved. He wants you to know that you can be certain of your salvation. But, most of all, God wants you to know that you are eternally secure. That once you are saved, you can never, ever, lose your salvation. That is what the Bible says, and God wants to give this certainty to you, so that you can concentrate on loving Him, praising Him, and working for Him.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how God has promised you eternal security. If you believe what God says in His Word, then there can be no doubt that you have eternal security. God will complete what He has begun. Even before you got saved, the Holy Spirit began a work in you, and He will not quit that work until the day of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Let me ask you a question. Is there something that could be better than knowing that you can be saved? Yes, there is. It is knowing that you can be certain that you're saved.
Well, is there anything more wonderful than knowing that you can be saved and knowing that you can be certain that you are saved. Yes, there is. It is knowing that you can be saved, knowing that you can be certain that you're saved, and knowing that once you're saved and certain you're saved, you can also know that you can never ever lose your salvation.
The title of today’s message is, “Knowing you are eternally secure.” If you don’t believe this can be true, I want you to listen to the scriptures that we are going to cover over the next 3-4 weeks. I want you to ignore for a little while, what makes logical sense to you, because God’s love and grace for you is beyond your ability to understand. I also want you to ignore what you have been taught before. I want your mind open, your heart open, and your ears open. No preconceived ideas or ideologies.
Instead of all of that stuff that man says, I want you to listen to what God has to say about this question. God wants you to know that you can be saved. He wants you to know that you can be certain of your salvation. But, most of all, God wants you to know, that once you are a child of God, an adopted member of His family, a joint-heir with Jesus Christ, saved to eternal life, that you can never ever lose that salvation. That father-child relationship can never be undone. You don’t drop in and out of God’s family. Once you are in, you are in for good. That is what the Bible says, and that is what we are going to talk about over the next few weeks. Jesus tells us this is true in the verses from the Gospel of John that are the focus of our lesson today.
John 10:27-29
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
Click on the link below to hear a message that is talking about something that is fundamental to our faith when we're talking about eternal security of the believer. How you can know that you are eternally secure.

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
When you think about it, it may be hard to understand why Jesus would choose Judas to be in the select group of men that were to represent Him to the world. Was Jesus fooled by Judas? Was Jesus surprised by His betrayal by Judas? Does this mean that Jesus was a bad judge of character? Did Jesus make a mistake? Absolutely not, Jesus never made a single mistake in His whole life. The Bible says he doeth all things well. He knew exactly what he was doing when he chose Judas.
So, the question is why did Jesus choose Judas? Why would Jesus choose to have a man like this knowing that He would be betrayed? Well, let me ask you why Jesus did anything during His earthly ministry? So that the will of His Father might be fully accomplished, and so that we might know that Jesus was the Son of God. We also know that everything Jesus did was to be a lesson for us as believers in how we are to live the life of a victorious Christian.
Click on the link below to hear a message concerning religious hypocrisy, a message concerning the divine sovereignty of God, a message concerning our personal responsibility and the tragedy of sin, and a message concerning the security of the believer. Those are the four reasons to explain why Jesus chose Judas, and those are the four lessons that Jesus would have us learn from that choice.

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
When a person rejects Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are rejecting Him as the Son of God. They are rejecting Him being anything more than just a prophet, a teacher, or a good man. They are rejecting Christ as being sovereign. They are saying that He is nothing more than a man, that He was born as a baby, just like the rest of us. Therefore, He cannot be God, so He must be a man.
Yet, Jesus says “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.” The Bible is clear that Jesus is the Son of God, and that His Father giveth Him people for salvation. There is no other path to salvation than through believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He alone is the way, the truth, and the light.
John 6:47
47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Jesus is the bread of everlasting life. Jesus tells us, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever.”