Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
We have been talking about the purpose and the reasons behind Jesus coming to earth as a Man. Why He would care so much about us that He would even do such a thing, and the wonderful blessings that His coming means for us now and throughout eternity. Just think, if you choose Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you will spend eternity with the Son of the Living God, the Almighty Creator of all things, in a place in Heaven that He has especially prepared for you.
So, why would Jesus do this? Because Christ alone could redeem man, and He could do it only by dying on the Cross. It was the only way. Jesus was and is man. Jesus was and is God, Jehovah, and the second person of the Godhead. Jesus stood as the Perfect and Ideal Man before God. This meant that as the Ideal and Perfect Man, whatever Christ did would stand for, and apply to man, or in other words, it would cover for man.
•When Christ died, His death would free man from ever having to die in judgment for our sins.
•When He arose, His resurrection would assure man that he, too, would arise and live eternally.
•When He was exalted into Heaven, His exaltation would make it possible for man to be exalted into heaven and to rule and reign over the universe with Christ.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Christ made it possible for man to be restored to his destined glory and dominion. Christ has made it possible for man to live eternally with God, and to fulfill his purpose for God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
The only way we can truly understand what man is, is to understand what the Bible says about man. It is from the Word of God that we learn the truth of how God views man. How God answers the question, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou [didst visit] him?” From a biblical perspective, the key question that we need to consider is why do all the worlds of space exist? What is their purpose? Has God any pleasure in dead matter? Is He not the God of the living? Can inanimate matter praise Him, the Lord of all life? No, they cannot, and so there is man.
When God made man, God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living, eternal, soul. It is your soul that makes you of infinite worth. Your soul will be in existence when the sun, and the moon, and the stars have turned to cinders. Your soul will go on endless, timeless, dateless, measureless, for God breathed into you the breath of life. Man was created in the image of God, and you could no more cease to exist than God Himself could cease to exist.
God is mindful of you. He sees you now—He’s looking at you right now. He desires you; He loves you. God doesn’t love us because we are valuable; we are valuable because He loves us. The dignity of man is that God is mindful of man, that God desires man.
Click on the link below to hear a message on why God loves you so much that He would send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross to pay the penalty of your sin.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Let me ask you a question, how particular is the devil in how he gets someone to go to hell? He is not particular at all, right? In fact, he would just as soon send you to hell from the church pew as he had from the gutter. It makes no difference to him. In fact, I think it gives him a sense of satisfaction when he can so easily deceive all of those church members into thinking they are going to heaven, just because they have their names on the membership role, and they go to church most Sundays.
Now, there are people today who believe in Christ, I mean, you believe it in your head. You believe the facts of the gospel. You believe that Jesus is the Savior. You believe that Jesus is Sovereign. And you believe that Jesus is Sufficient, and yet you are as lost as you can be. There is still something wrong with you, and that is you have a lack of genuine love for Jesus.
Now, let me give you the acid test for your salvation today. I want you to look down deep in your heart and ask yourself, Do you love Jesus, and thereby love those whom Jesus loves?
Let tell you something very important, there are great number of people who identify themselves as Christians, and they have their name written on the church roll, yet they do not have their names written down in glory. They have never been born again. Paul describes them as having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. It is possible to be loyal but lost, religious but rejected. Many are going to go to hell surrounded by baptismal certificates and receipts for church offerings. Yet, at the end, Jesus is going to hand you over for judgment, because you have never been saved.
Now, I’m not trying to make you doubt your salvation, but the Bible says (1 Corinthians 11:28) “Let a man examine himself, whether he be in the faith.” So, I am asking you to examine yourself, and ask are you saved? I mean, are you saved? Have you fully surrendered yourself to the will of Jesus Christ? Please do not go away without Jesus. Don’t let pride keep you from coming to Jesus. Don’t worry about what people think. You obey the Lord, and you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
Click on the podcast below to hear a message on the tragedy of a person who can serve the Lord for their entire life, yet still be lost.
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
This message is part three of a four-part series on knowing that you are eternally secure. Now, I am spending so much time on this because I want you to not only know this is true in your head, but in your heart as well. I want you to know this because God wants you to know that you are eternally secure. He has other kingdom work for you to do, and you can’t focus on that, if you are always worried about your salvation.
So far, we have covered six of the eight reason that you can know you are eternally secure.
Promised: God has promised you eternal security. If you believe what God says in His Word, then there can be no doubt that you have eternal security.
Perseverance: God will complete what He has begun. Even before you got saved, the Holy Spirit began a work in you, and He will not quit that work until the day of Jesus Christ.
Predestination: God has predestined your salvation. God has known that you would make the choice to be His child since before the foundations of the universe. He loved you first, and then He called you, and you accepted that call. It was His calling and your choice, He just knew which choice you would make. He predestined your salvation.
Perfection: By one offering He, Jesus, hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Not two offerings, not three. One. Jesus shed His precious blood on that cross one time, and in doing so, He perfected each believer forever. Forever.
Position: God tells us that we are already positioned in the Lord Jesus Christ. God has told you to come into the ark, the ark of Jesus Christ. He said come in where I am. When we got saved, we came into Christ, we are a part of His body. What is true of Christ, is true of us. We are not Christ, but we are like Him, and we are in Him. The door to the ark of Christ has been sealed shut by God Himself. The only way we can go down is if Christ goes down.
Possession: God tells us that we already have eternal life. On the day I got saved, I received eternal life. It is mine, and nobody can take it away.
Click on the link below to the last two reasons why you can know that you are eternally secure.
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
God has a gift for you in this series of messages. God wants you to know that you can be saved. He wants you to know that you can be certain of your salvation. But, most of all, God wants you to know that you are eternally secure. That once you are saved, you can never, ever, lose your salvation. That is what the Bible says, and God wants to give this certainty to you, so that you can concentrate on loving Him, praising Him, and working for Him.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how God has promised you eternal security. If you believe what God says in His Word, then there can be no doubt that you have eternal security. God will complete what He has begun. Even before you got saved, the Holy Spirit began a work in you, and He will not quit that work until the day of Jesus Christ.
Monday May 08, 2017
A WORLDLY CHURCH (Revelation 2:12-17)
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
A worldly church is one that has compromised its doctrines to be acceptable in the world around it. A church that says they don’t want to preach a message on sin that might offend people. It is a feel-good church. A church that doesn’t teach about the importance of the soul cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ, because it is too graphic. A church whose message about Jesus is that He just wants to be your best friend, not your Savior, not your Master and Lord, but your best friend?
Today’s lesson is about a church that had compromised with the ideas and morals of the world around it. It is about a church, like many of our churches today, that no longer feels the great commission of winning souls for Christ is the most important mission they have, but it is one of entertaining the members, and getting along with everyone.
Click on the link below to hear a sermon on what the Lord Jesus thinks of a church that has turned away from the absolute truths about right and wrong found in the Bible, to the social ethics of the world.
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
We talked last week about a few things we could surmise about what Jesus looked like the first time He came, and compared that to the one portrayed in the paintings that we see, pictures, movies, and books today. The best example of this image is found in the painting of the last supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, showing Jesus with long hair, long white robes, and gentle in nature. If there is a picture of Jesus hanging in the church, it will be of this Jesus, the one man created because the Bible does not give us a clear description of what Jesus looked like the first time He came. Certainly, this is the image that people have in their minds when they think of Jesus today. When they use the name of Jesus in vain, this in the Jesus they are thinking of. When they declare that Jesus was nothing more than a good man, a prophet, or a teacher, this is the Jesus that they are thinking of. This is a Jesus that you can choose to ignore, or to reject, make fun of, or even deny that He ever existed, because there is nothing intimidating about Him.
However, even if this movie image of Jesus was correct, and I don’t believe it is, it was what Jesus looked like before the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of our Lord. The Jesus that stands in heaven today as the High Priest in the Holy Tabernacle of God, does not look anything like that Jesus. That Jesus was approachable, almost indistinguishable from everyone else. He looked like a common man, with nothing desirable about His appearance to draw our attention to Him. The one that stands before us today, retains the humanity of that Jesus, He has the scars of the nails in His Hands, but everything else about Him speaks of His deity, His glory, and His almighty power as the Creator of all things. The Jesus that stands before us today, is in the full glory of God. There is nothing meek or gentle in His nature or appearance, and when the world sees Him as He is, they will fall to their knees in worship and awe. No one will deny that this Jesus exists, nor will they ignore Him, or curse Him.
Click on the link and learn about the Jesus that stands before John as he hears a voice that sounded like a trumpet, and he turned and saw a vision of the resurrected, risen, glorified, Lord Jesus Christ. This is the Jesus who stands before us today.
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
This week we are going to talk about how to be an effective church member. So, as I was preparing this lesson, I got to thinking about the role of a church member. And to be honest, compared to the pastor, church members have it pretty easy. All they have to do is show up on Sunday for worship services, and maybe again on Wednesday night just to add a little extra learning.
I mean, it is the pastor and the church staff who are supposed to do all of the work of the church. If there are people to witness to or souls to save, call the pastor. If there are letters to send out, call the church secretary. If there are people to visit either as prospects, or at the hospital, or home bound, that is what the associate pastor is supposed to do. If there are teenagers or children to be mentored and taught, that is what the youth minister and children’s director are for.
Now, members may need to bring some food, every once in a while, for a fellowship or a funeral, but all of the rest of the stuff like cleaning the church, replacing light bulbs that have gone out, or repairs around the church, that is what we pay the staff for. My job as a member is to sit in that chair or pew on Sunday morning, stay awake during the sermon, say amen when the preacher says something good, and then go on my merry way letting the staff take care of everything else. Right?
If I tore up the bulletin into little pieces during the sermon to keep my mind occupied, it is my job to leave it on the floor of the sanctuary for the janitor to pick it up. If something is not right with the building, it is my job to find the maintenance guy and let him know about it. If we are not singing the right kind of music to suit my taste, it is my job to let the music director know. If the sermons are too long, and the pastor is causing me to be late for the buffet line at the local restaurant for lunch, it is my job to tell the pastor about that, right? He needs to know the problems he is causing.
Now, I hope everyone knows that I am being sarcastic here, and most people would say that this is not really true. It is not the job of the shepherd to make more sheep, it is the sheep who make more sheep. Right? I also know that there are a lot of pastors out there saying, hey, he’s not being sarcastic at all, that is just what my members think and do.
So maybe we start looking at actions rather than words. Think about it. When was the last time you made a new sheep in God’s flock? When was the last time you saw something that needed to be done for the church, and you just took care of it? A visitor needed to be shown around the church, and you just did it. A fellow brother or sister in Christ was at the hospital and his family needed a meal, or to be prayed over, and you just did it. A paper towel dispenser in the bathroom was empty, and you refilled it. You didn’t tell somebody about it, so they could fix it, you just did it.
We live in a secular world where people get paid to take care of all of our needs. The buildings we work in have maintenance personnel. The streets we drive on have repair crews and cleaners. The restaurants we eat at have servers. So we have this expectation that a church works in the same way as the secular world, but does it?
Are the offerings we give to the church best used to maintain the building and pay the salaries of the staff, or touch souls for Christ? Now, make no mistake about it, I am speaking to myself as much as anyone else. I have often called the maintenance guy to take care of a problem, and in some cases, he probably would prefer we let him know about it, rather than doing a poor job of it ourselves, making the job harder for him. But the core of my question is what should our attitude be about our service for God? Should we expect others to be the servants of God, or are we, the members, the servants of God?
Listen to this podcast to learn how to be an effective church member. How we are to wear the garment of humility, how we are to deal with all of our problems and worries, and most of all, how we are to stand and resist our true adversary, Satan.