
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
When a person rejects Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are rejecting Him as the Son of God. They are rejecting Him being anything more than just a prophet, a teacher, or a good man. They are rejecting Christ as being sovereign. They are saying that He is nothing more than a man, that He was born as a baby, just like the rest of us. Therefore, He cannot be God, so He must be a man.
Yet, Jesus says “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.” The Bible is clear that Jesus is the Son of God, and that His Father giveth Him people for salvation. There is no other path to salvation than through believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He alone is the way, the truth, and the light.
John 6:47
47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Jesus is the bread of everlasting life. Jesus tells us, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever.”

Sunday Dec 16, 2018
JESUS IS GOD (John 5:16-24)
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is truly God? That Jesus Christ is equal to God the Father in all respects? If not, then I challenge you to open your mind as you listen to this message. In this fifth chapter of John, Jesus Christ, Himself, is going to declare that He is indeed God. That God is one God but composed of three distinct Persons. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the second person of the three-part godhead. He is God the Son, the Creator of all things, the all powerful, all knowing, King above all kings, Lord above all lords, true, living, eternal God. That is who Jesus Christ is, God.
The fifth chapter of the Gospel of John is an incredibly important foundational block in our salvation. It answers the question of who Jesus Christ is. If you are to be reborn as a child of God. If you are to have your sins forgiven, if you are to be redeemed, regenerated, and saved to eternal life, then you must believe that Jesus Christ is God. That He came as a man, but He was fully God and fully man. He was God incarnate in man.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the deity of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
A STRONG, SAVING, FAITH (John 4:48-54)
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Why do we Follow Christ? Think about your answer to that question, why do you follow Christ?
Do we follow Christ because of promised healing? No, that is not the reason we follow Christ, because Christians get sick and die just like everyone else.
Do we follow Christ because of protection from disaster or accidents? I see no evidence that Christians escape disaster and accidents more often than others. A bullet makes no detour around the body of a believer.
Do we follow Christ for promised prosperity? Again, I see no evidence that Christians are particularly favored with wealth and success in the world.
Do we follow Christ because of a promise of stronger personalities or fewer neuroses than non-believers? I have watched Christians suffer emotional and mental disabilities, just like non-believers.
So, why do we follow Christ? Why become a disciple of Jesus when life may become more complicated as He so often warned us it would?
For one reason alone. In Jesus we behold the face of God. He is the truth, the everlasting truth. I trust in Him and His promises. He is the one certain thing in an uncertain world. He is to be worshiped, not so something will happen to me or to the world, something already has happened to me and the world, but because He is God, who through Christ has reconciled the world to Himself. He saves me. He is my justification. He is the center that holds. We offer our lives to Him because He alone has claim upon us."
Don’t base your faith in Jesus Christ based on signs and wonders. Jesus is the Savior. He suffered, lived, bled, and died for you, rose from the dead, and if you'll trust Him, I promise you, according to His Word, He will save you and He will keep you, and one day we'll be gathered around the throne to give Him praise forever and ever and ever. Believe in miracles, but trust in Jesus, and you go from a superficial faith, to a strong faith, to a saving faith. That's what matters.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how to progress from a superficial faith based on signs and wonders, to a strong, saving, faith in Jesus Christ.

Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016

Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
How much of your time is spent worrying about things you cannot control? What is it that worrying is keeping you from doing? What are the top 10 things you worry about? Your job, finances, food, shelter, loneliness, or your health? What would it take to get you to stop worrying about these things? SomeOne you could trust to handle those problems for you. Listen to this podcast to understand how knowing Jesus makes a difference in what you worry about, how much time you spend worrying, and how much time you spend accomplishing the things that God wants you to do. Learn how Jesus is that SomeOne you can have faith in. Learn how to worry about the right things.

Monday Nov 19, 2012
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Do you always try to do what is right? Most of us would say yes. In your daily activities are you always trying to do what is ethical, moral, and just? Again, my expectation is that you would say yes, as Christians we are basically moral people. Do you have a set of values about what is right or wrong that you try to live your life by? Of course, you do. When you face a hard decision about your career, or marriage, or divorce, or even where you are going to go on vacation, do you try to do what is right in your own eyes? Listen to this podcast to learn how Jesus tells you that if you answered yes to any, or one, of these questions, and you are a believer, then you have failed to fully enter into the rest that Jesus Christ offers each believer.