
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Certainly, the best example we have of how to prepare ourselves to endure the suffering and persecution for our faith in Christ, is Christ Himself. Christ is not asking us to do anything that He Himself has not endured. In fact, the persecution and suffering that Christ endured was far greater than anything we can imagine. But there was a God-planned purpose in Christ coming to this world knowing that He would be persecuted even unto death, just as there is a God-planned purpose in our suffering as well. The fact that the Son of God entered into human life and became a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief is truly an awesome thing to consider.
1 Peter 3:18
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
This verse explains exactly what Christ did when He died on the cross. It tells us why Christ died and what the death of Christ does for man. It is so clear, that it leaves the reader without an excuse. Why did Christ have to suffer and die?
It was for the sins of all mankind that He died. Man is sinful, he stands guilty before God. Man has to be judged; he has to bear the punishment for his sins.
What is that punishment? Death and separation from God forever.
But this is the glorious gospel; this is the declaration of this great verse: Jesus Christ died for our sins. He took the sin and guilt of man upon Himself and bore the judgment and punishment for man. Note one other fact: Jesus died once for our sins. His death never has to be repeated. His death upon the cross satisfies God completely and covers the sins and death of believers forever. Notice carefully that I said believers. Christ died for the sins of all mankind so that the question is no longer have you sinned or not?
If you wish to have eternal life with Christ in heaven, the question is now, did you accept the free gift of grace that God has offered you by sending Christ to die in your place? Have you made Christ your Lord and Savior? Once you have said yes to this, then nobody can take your salvation away from you, and you cannot do anything to lose it. For if you could, Christ would have to die again for your sins to be forgiven.
Christ died so that he might bring us to God. It is our sin that separates us from God. It is our sin that makes us imperfect and unacceptable to God. But note the most wonderful truth, when Jesus Christ took our sin upon Himself, sin was removed from us. Therefore, as believers we stand before God in the righteousness and sinlessness of Christ. We are made righteous in Christ.
The vicarious atonement accomplished for us by Christ on Calvary's cross is the great God-planned reason for His sufferings.

Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
How we face suffering and persecution is one of the defining characteristics of the Christian faith that sets us apart from the world. Let’s be honest, it is not hard to face the good times, when things are going your way, and when the people around you support your words and actions as they relate to living for Christ. Christians look at the source of those blessings differently than the rest of the world does, but how they react to them is very similar to everyone else.
Being persecuted for your faith comes in many forms, from simple disrespect on the part of someone you meet or the government that rules over us, to being excluded from something or somewhere, to serious physical harm to your body by torture, death, and imprisonment. All because we stand and identify ourselves as Christians and live our lives accordingly. The world reacts to these kinds of persecutions by saying “That’s not fair, I want justice!” They get angry, they march in violent protest, or they take the baker or the florist to court and have the government shut them down. We are going to learn in our lesson today that God wants His children to face this kind of suffering with joy in our hearts.
Now, my first reaction to suffering is often the same as the world’s, shouting “That’s not fair,” and wanting someone to do something about setting that injustice right. My thoughts run immediately to the fact that this nation was founded on Judaeo/Christian beliefs and the constitutional guarantee we have of freedom of religion. So where is my government that is to support me and defend me? Well, as we all know, that government has long gone and now believes that we are to be free from religion, instead having freedom of religion. They now willingly persecute Christians for saying what they believe. In many other countries, the government violently attacks and kills Christians for living a life for Christ.
The secular world turns to those around them, or to their own brand of religion, or the government for help. As a Christian we are to turn to God and say “Lord, what am I to learn from this,” or, “Lord, who am I to be witnessing to? Who do you have watching me to learn how a Christian faces persecution?” The truth is that not all suffering is a lesson for the believer, sometimes it is a lesson for the persecutor, and sometimes it is just the face of evil doing everything it can to destroy Christianity. Satan hates mankind, but he has a special hatred for Christians, and there are times that he uses evil people to do great harm to the people of God.
The difference between how a Christian faces persecution and all others comes from their personal relationship with, and their knowledge of, Jesus Christ as their Lord and Master. They know from personal experience that God is in control of all things. His hand of protection is around His children, and His Spirit is in the believer’s heart providing the strength, courage, faith, and hope, to deal with whatever Satan and the world can dish out. It is not easy, but the focus of the Christian is not to be on the short term of our lives on this earth, but on the eternity that we are going to have with Jesus Christ in heaven. That is our promise from our Lord, and that is the reason we can face persecution and suffering with a God-given joy in our heart. That is the defining difference in how a Christian faces persecution. This is what sets us apart from the world. This is what identifies us with our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. We have the promises of the Word of God, and the Spirit of God, in our hearts.
Listen to today’s podcast to learn how a Christian is to face persecution.

Sunday Jul 24, 2016
THE KEYS TO A HAPPY LIFE (1 Peter 3:8-12)
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
When I chose the title to this lesson, I decided to do an internet search on the phrase, The keys to a happy life. If you can imagine, there were lots of people out there who are ready to tell you what the keys to a happy life are. I saw titles like, 14 keys to a happy life, 10 keys to happier living, 21 keys to a happy life, and one from Psychology Today saying The key to living a happy life today. As I looked at these my first thought was that for there to be so many results in this internet search, there must be a lot of people looking for happiness. That may seem obvious, and I didn’t need to an internet search to know that this was true, it was just a confirmation of my thoughts. Happiness, true happiness, can be elusive in this secular world that we live in.
The thing that all of these sites had in common was that it hinged on you, how you thought about events, what you focused your thoughts on, how you were to let the less important things go by and not worry about them. Living for the “now” as one site put it. It was all about you, and what you could do for yourself. You were in control of your happiness, and I am not going to deny that some of this is true, we are in control of how we deal with life’s tragedies. But the wonderful thing about being a Christian is that we don’t have to face life alone. We have the Holy Spirit of God living within us. We have His power to depend on. We have His wisdom to guide us, and we have His love and joy to fill our lives with true happiness. Yet, many Christians totally ignore this benefit, and look to the secular world for their happiness. If I were to be able to see the hits on those search results, I would bet you find just as many Christians looking at them as you do non-Christians.
Let me tell you something really important here, they are all looking in the wrong place. There is no true, eternal, happiness away from God. He alone can give us the type of joy that overwhelms us. We just have to look to Him for that happiness which already exists within us. The wonderful good news is that we already have the key to happiness within us, we just have to activate it. So in today’s lesson we are going to close out this section on how a Christian is to live a life of submission to the various authorities and laws with the goals of glorifying God and winning others to Christ, and then we are going to talk about God’s five keys to a believer’s happy life. I say a believer’s happy life, for it is only the believer that has the Holy Spirit of God living within them.
How many men and women today, who are involved in living for the things of this world, suddenly wake up and find that it’s not worth it? Life is monotonous, and life is not worth it. No wonder they commit suicide in growing numbers every day. It is not until you come into a right relationship with God that you can live life to its fullest, and find the happiness that we all seek after.

Sunday Jul 17, 2016
A GODLY MARRIAGE (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
The institution of marriage, as it was created by God, is a wonderful thing. It is defined in the Bible as one man and one woman choosing to love God first and then each other next. They work together to accomplish the will of God in their lives. They are true yokemates working together to please God. Marriage is something which God has given to the entire human family, not just to Christians or to the nation Israel. In the Book of Genesis, we are told that God made man and at that time man was alone. I think the Lord let Adam be alone for a long time to let him know he was missing something. Then Scripture says that God took man and from man He made woman. Using the Hebrew words, Genesis 2:23 reads, She shall be called Isha, because she was taken out of Ish. She is called … an help meet for him (Gen. 2:18); that is, a help that was fit for him. In other words, she was to be the other half of him. He was only half a man, and she was to be the other part of him.
In God’s blueprint for marriage, He has assigned roles for both the wife and the husband. A godly wife was a woman who has a healthy fear and respect of God. A woman who is obedient to God’s will for her life. A woman who seeks to fit into the needs of her husband as they work together to accomplish the tasks that God has assigned to them. She is also a woman who is submissive to her husband. Now, when Peter says to the wives, Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, it absolutely does not mean that the wife is to be a slave to her husband. The Bible does not teach that in any form or way. What is does teach is that a woman is to make a voluntary choice to be submissive to her husband because of her love for God. The Christian wife, in obedience to her Lord, subjects herself to her husband’s leadership, authority, and control. She does this because she fears God, because she loves God, and her duty, just like the husband’s, is to be obedient to God’s will for her life.
Now, this is important to understand, none of this means that men are superior to women or that women are inferior to men. They have simply agreed to work together with the husband leading. In the marriage relationship, it simply means that God insists on order in the home. To establish that order, He assigns the respective roles to the husband and the wife. There cannot be two captains on a ship; neither can there be two people at the helm in the home.
Godly husbands are to be considerate of their wives. Men are not to ride roughshod over their wives, bossing and bullying them, ordering them around, letting them do hard labor which is beyond their strength, or making unreasonable demands upon them. Peter says that godly husbands and wives are heirs together of the grace of life. This means you both are co-heirs of God’s grace. You both are saved from your sin. You both are joint heirs with Christ. You both are adopted children of God. You both have been granted eternal life by God’s grace. The husband and the wife are partners. They must work together. They have something more than marriage vows to bond them together. They have Christ. They are heirs together of God's gracious gift of everlasting life. They are true yokemates. They should work together to establish a Christian home, to bring up children in the ways of the Lord, to provide a measure of stability to a community, and to be the moral and spiritual backbone of the nation.
A godly husband is to dwell with them according to knowledge. For a husband to deal with his wife in the way that God wants him to do, the husband must know and understand several things. First, he must know God’s desire for the marriage relationship. This means he knows what marriage is and what it is to be in the eyes of God. Next, he must know his wife. This means he knows her nature and emotional makeup, what she needs and wants emotionally and spiritually, her strengths and her weaknesses. He must also know the word of God. You cannot be the spiritual leader of your home if you do not know what God says in His Word. The husband has the responsibility to guide the family in the will of God. In order to do this, the husband must know the Word of God. It is amazing how easy it is for a wife to submit herself to a husband that is who and what God says he is supposed to be.
With that in mind, you can see that the marriage relationship is not to be one of a man insisting on treating his wife like a little child who has to jump every time he says so. She is there to help him. She is there to be a part of him. She is there to love him. And he is there to love her, guide her in the ways of God, and protect her. That is God’s desire for the relationship of a man and woman in marriage. This is how a husband is to treat his wife, and this is how a wife is to treat her husband. They both do this because they love God first, and then each other next.
Listen to this podcast to learn what God defines as a godly marriage.

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
If I were to ask you to describe something in your life that was absolutely perfect, what would you say?
I would say a big round plate, with three buttermilk biscuits, made from scratch, piping hot from the oven, split open with steam coming off of them, and then multiple ladles of sausage gravy filled with pounds and pounds of spicy sausage poured all over those biscuits. And then me with permission to eat the whole plate, bite by bite, until it was all gone. Now that is the absolutely perfect meal.
How about the love of my wife for me, now that is absolutely perfect. Why she loves, I don’t know, but she does, and in my eyes it is perfect.
Unfortunately, as good as those things are, we really have no concept of the absolute perfection of the living, true, almighty, God. That sausage gravy may be too thick or runny, and as perfect as my wife is, she still gets mad at me from time to time. Yet, God’s perfection is total and complete.
God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is perfect. He came to this earth and He remained absolutely perfect. He died on the cross for our sins, even though he was totally pure of sin in any form. He had no reason to do this other than His love for us. No other sacrifice could do what His did. No other sacrifice could be good enough to meet the demands of God’s holiness. This is why no amount of good behavior can grant you eternal life in heaven. We simply cannot be good enough, there is nothing on this earth that is truly perfect. But Jesus Christ was and is, and He chose to suffer for us. At Calvary, all of the sins of the world, past, present, and future were placed upon this perfect sacrifice. The Lord Jesus his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree. He died so that we might live.
Last week we described the Jesus Christ who willingly chose to step down from His throne in heaven and come to earth as God incarnate in man in order to suffer for us because sin raised its head in the universe and was transplanted to Earth. Adam fell. Sin entered, and death by sin. Now the Creator must become the Christ. Prophet after prophet arose to foretell the coming of a Kinsman-Redeemer, a Savior which is Christ the Lord.
So God's Son became the Seed of the woman, the Seed of Abraham, the Seed of David. He was to be the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He was the Child born and the Son given. He was called the Wonderful Counselor, the Father of eternity, the Mighty God, the Prince of peace.
He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem, the Lord's Anointed, Prophet, Priest, and King. Page after page of the Old Testament told the story. Book after book was written, all about Him. Detail added to detail increased the wonder of it all. He stood apart from all others, robed in majesty, the altogether lovely One, and the chiefest among ten thousand, the One who suffered for us. He was the perfect sacrifice.

Sunday Jun 19, 2016
OUR EXAMPLE IS CHRIST (1 Peter 2:19-21)
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
How many people do you know that would suffer gruesome torture and death for you? I would suspect not many, if there was anyone at all. Yet, Christ suffered for us, and the truth is that we don’t even really understand the magnitude of the suffering Christ endured for each of us and for mankind in general.
When we think of Christ, it is generally after He came to live among us. We think of the baby Jesus, the man Jesus, the miracle worker Jesus, the teacher Jesus, and the Jesus that died on the cross, who was buried and rose again. We think of Jesus as we see Him portrayed in movies and TV, as a Man. As believers, we also think of Him in His risen and resurrected glory. This is the Jesus we normally think of. But that is a very limited view of our Lord. Jesus Christ was much more than that.
I love the description that John Phillips gives of who the Lord Jesus really is. I am paraphrasing here, but he says that the Bible gives us a picture of who the Lord Jesus was way back before time ever began, dwelling in a light unapproachable and living in perfect harmony with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit in unimaginable glory. He was uncreated, self-existing, coeternal, coequal, and coexistent with the Father and the Spirit. He was, and is, God the Son, the second person of the triune Godhead. His wisdom was infinite, His love fathomless, and His power without measure or end. His nature and attributes were those of the living God. He basked in the sunshine of the Father's love in endless delight. Eternal ages rolled by without end. All was love, joy, and peace, beyond all imagination or thought. And then, in the council chambers of eternity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit agreed that They would act in creation. The Son was the active agent.
Col 1:16
16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
All things were created by Him. John tells us the same thing.
John 1:1-3
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
The Son put forth His wisdom and His power, and hosts of angels appeared, rank upon rank. Galaxies of stars sprang into being and filled space with billions of centers of light. Planet Earth, a bright blue sphere in the Milky Way, was chosen to be the home of man. Life, in a countless variety of forms, appeared at His command. Man was created and became another exhibit of the Son’s wisdom and power.
This is the One who willingly chose to step down from His throne in heaven and come to earth as God incarnate in man in order to suffer for us because sin raised its head in the universe and was transplanted to Earth. Adam fell. Sin entered, and death by sin. Now the Creator must become the Christ. Prophet after prophet arose to foretell the coming of a Kinsman-Redeemer, a Savior which is Christ the Lord.
So God's Son became the Seed of the woman, the Seed of Abraham, the Seed of David. He was to be the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He was the Child born and the Son given. He was called the Wonderful Counselor, the Father of eternity, the Mighty God, the Prince of peace.
He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem, the Lord's Anointed, Prophet, Priest, and King. Page after page of the Old Testament told the story. Book after book was written, all about Him. Detail added to detail increased the wonder of it all. He stood apart from all others, robed in majesty, the altogether lovely One, and the chiefest among ten thousand, the One who suffered for us.
Peter saw it happen. He was an eyewitness of much of it. The suffering began when Jesus was but eight days old. He was circumcised. It was His first personal experience of pain. He grew up. He began His ministry. He suffered at the hands of the people He had come to save. He knew loneliness, rejection, and malicious hatred. His family disbelieved His claims. His disciples let Him down. Peter himself denied Him with oaths and curses, and Judas sold Him for a pocketful of change.
He wept His heart out in Gethsemane. He was falsely accused, beaten, and abused by His own people, then He was mocked, scourged, and crucified by the soldiers of Rome. He endured the torments of death on a cross. Finally, He was made sin for us and abandoned by God.
Peter says, Leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. As believers we are the apprentice and Christ is the Master Carpenter. He is our example of how to live the life of a victorious Christian. He is our example of how we are to react to suffering, living in a moment-by-moment cooperation with the indwelling Spirit of God.

Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
But my boss is moody, unfair, unjust, corrupt, and just plain awful to me. You can’t be serious; do I really have to honor my boss?
In our lesson today, Peter will talk about how we treat those around us. The good people and the bad people. The popular people and the social misfits. Our brothers and sisters in Christ and those who have rejected Christ, and even those who we work for. God wants us to win others to Christ, that is our mission. We won’t do that if we treat people poorly, or if we are in an adversarial relationship with them. People respond to those who treat them with respect. You don’t have to like them, or what they stand for, or even what they have done to you or others, but you can still treat them with respect and honor.
I have a son who works as a prison guard in a maximum security prison. This is a place that houses the worst of the worst in our state penitentiary system. Some guards use their position of authority to abuse the prisoners and treat them with despite. The prisoners react to this treatment with violence and it endangers all of the guards and other prisoners. My son has learned that if you treat them with respect, always watchful for deception, that the prisoners will generally respond with obedience and a level of respect in return. This is not to say that the prisoners would not harm you in a blink of an eye, but people, even really bad people, respond to being treated with respect.
God wants His ambassadors to be seen as law abiding, caring people, who treat others with respect, even in the face of persecution.
Peter says that we are to do this, For so is the will of God. This is not optional. To do otherwise is to be out of God's will. Our first priority is unto God. This applies to all of our relationships.
Sounds a lot like what my father told me, and what I told my own kids. There are just times that a parent must say to their child, I want you to do this, because I said so. I don’t have to explain myself, just do it because I want you to.
Now, fortunately, God is in the process of giving us a further explanation for His command to obey, but He starts out with, you are to do this because it is my will for you. Pretty simple. So simple, even I can understand it. Be obedient to the laws of man, or be out of God’s will. My dad would expect my response to such a statement from him to be, yes, sir. God expects the same thing.

Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
So, last week we continued the theme of submitting to the ordinances of man in order that we might bring glory to God. We know that we are going to be persecuted unjustly. The secular world hates Christianity, and they will do everything they can to destroy us. They will tell horrible lies about us. To know this is true, you have only to look at the headlines of our own country. The democratic party, and its progressive agenda, is focused totally on removing God, those who worship Him, and His morals about what is right and wrong from the public square, and for the most part, they have succeeded by telling lies about us.
So why would God command us to obey the laws that these corrupt governments create?
Our submission is limited only by our adherence to God’s laws in priority over man’s law. But, we are to obey man’s law right up to the point that it violates God’s law, and that is difficult to understand why. It is, of course, contrary to our natural desire for justice and fairness. And believe me, nothing is more distasteful that being forced to obey the laws of the moral degenerates who are pushing their progressive agenda. But God says I must. I can and should fight for what is good and moral by God’s definitions, but I must do it within the law.
The key to understanding this seeming paradox is that we must remember that we are the ambassadors of the almighty God, and all of our words, our actions, and our fights, must bring glory to His name, or we have failed Him. Our mission is to change the spiritual hearts of people by introducing them to our Lord Jesus Christ, and let God take care of the rest. Revival can only occur when the heart is changed by God.
In our lesson today, Peter begins to give us an explanation for our submission.

Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
If I were to ask you to give me a list of so-called Christians or Christian groups that give others a bad impression of Christians, and Christianity as a whole, who would you list? My list would include churches that protest military funerals, and violent anti-abortion groups and people. Make no mistake about it, God does not support this type of activity, and it does not bring glory to His name. When one of these groups protest the burial of war veteran, nobody is thinking positive things about the people of God. When an anti-abortionist walks in and shoots people, nobody is thinking positive things about the people or groups that this person represents or the God they claim to worship.
If I were to ask you about the top lies the secular world says about Christians, what would you say? My list would include “They are all a bunch of hypocrites” or “They hate _____people,” fill in the blank with whatever sin you want, be it gay people, drunk people, abortion doctors, or adulterers. While these are certainly lies of the greatest magnitude about true Christians, people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are unfortunately true of a large group of people who claim to be Christians. Once again, make no mistake about it, God does not condone hypocrisy, or hatred of any person, on the part of His true followers. Some of the most vehement words that Jesus spoke while He was on this earth were directed at the hypocritical Pharisees and Sadducees. The Bible does not teach it, nor does God command His followers to behave in this way. In fact, He commands just the opposite.
Mark 12:29-31
29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
You cannot love your neighbor as yourself, and hate them at the same time. God didn’t say love only the good people, He said to love thy neighbor. We are to recognize and proclaim sin for what it is, rebellion against God. We are to recognize those who commit sin as rebels against God. We are to preach and teach people to obey the commandments of God. To behave in a way that is in accordance with God’s definition of good and moral, and to abstain from those things that God calls evil and amoral.
We are to do this with a spirit of love and because we know the eternal consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ and rebelling against God are real and permanent. Hell is real and it is forever. God’s judgment is real, and because we love our neighbors as ourselves, we do not want this for anyone. Our mission is to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ so that He can change the heart of that person, and provide them with eternal life.
The world is going to make up enough lies about us as it is. We are going to be persecuted unjustly. The only defense we have is that our behavior does not match the lies. If someone wants to look for the truth in your life, they should find a law abiding citizen who respects the law of man.
Yet, when we, as Christians, violate man’s laws and become labeled as criminals, when we lie, or steal, or fail to pay our taxes, drive a vehicle while we are drunk, when we commit violent acts, or when we violate God’s commandments, we bring dishonor to the God that we serve. We bring dishonor to the name of those who serve God and we taint the gospel message that we preach. Our actions have to match our words. This is what our lesson is about today, behaving in such a way that when the world tells lies about us, our behavior can set the record straight and bring glory to the God we serve.

Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Last week we began talking about how the believer is to live a separated life by his behavior. In other words, people should see a difference in us by our behavior. They are to see in us a type of behavior that brings glory to God.
We are a chosen people, we have a special position before God, we are separated by birth because we are the adopted children of God, we are no longer the slaves of Satan, we are separated by our new birth.
We are a people separated by our belief, our faith is in Christ, our beliefs are unlike any other man-made religion, we believe in our salvation by God’s grace and the precious blood of a risen Savior, not man’s works and efforts. We are separated by our belief.
We are also a people who should live lives that show a new attitude toward the world around us. We are to be strangers and pilgrims in this world that is no longer our home. The world is defined as the society around us, with God left out. God is deliberately not welcome in the minds and hearts of most people in our society. Neither are His adopted children, Christians.
We are strangers in this world. We are away from our home. We are in this world, but we are not of this world.
We are also pilgrims in this world because we are on our path back home. Our eye is on the goal of completing our mission that God has given us. The mission of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a dark world.
Peter is telling us that our goodness, a goodness that is to be something beautiful to behold, is how we are to behave. This goodness is to include our obedience of the laws of man. Christians will be, and have been, accused of horrendous crimes, of hatred, and of violence. These are lies on a grand scale, and God wants our behavior to prove that these things are false. Our behavior is to be such that when the world sees a Christian, they are to say that their behavior brings glory to the God that they serve. In other words, we are God's people in a world of lost people. Our behavior is to reflect the goodness of God who has sent us here as His personal ambassadors. This goodness, that is witnessed by others, is to be a result of our separation.
This is the basis for everything Peter teaches in this passage. We are a chosen people who have been saved, reborn, and given a mission from God. That mission is to serve God. It is to be a witness for Him, to lead others to Christ, and to bring glory to God. That is our mission. Everything else takes a back seat.
God has commanded us to live separated lives. He has given us His definition of the words good, moral, evil, and amoral. We do not get to change those definitions as the world has done. Our lives are to meet His standards so that we can represent Him and bring glory to His name. The world is to know God by what they see in us.
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