Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Many Christians see nothing wrong with reading a daily horoscope, attending séances, and playing games that reach out to the spiritual world. They see them as just harmless fun. In this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 10:15-33, Paul discusses the wisdom of the Christian being separated from the evil things of the world. He gives us practical examples of how to apply this principle of separation in our daily lives.
Monday Aug 01, 2011
TO ESCAPE TEMPTATION (1 Cor. 10:10-14)
Monday Aug 01, 2011
Monday Aug 01, 2011
We have all heard and quoted to ourselves and others the Scripture that says but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able. And that verse continues by saying... But will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. This means that God always provides a way to escape temptation. Paul provides us with instructions on how to find that way of escape in a verse by verse study of 1 Cor. 10:10-14.
Sunday Jul 24, 2011
TO LEARN BY EXAMPLE (1 Cor. 10:1-9)
Sunday Jul 24, 2011
Sunday Jul 24, 2011
Does God's Word have examples that we can learn from? Examples of people who have tried to live a victorious Christian life and either failed or succeeded? Yes it does. They are in both the New Testament and Old Testament of the Bible, and they provide us with detailed instructions on living our lives in a way that would be pleasing to God. In this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 10:1-9, Paul presents a series of examples to the Corinthians to help him explain the consequences of the choices they have been making in how they conduct their daily lives.
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Have you ever asked yourself why anyone would want to be a pastor, preacher, minister, or missionary? What drives him to want to be a preacher of the gospel message of Jesus Christ? For that matter what drives any Christian to want to be a soul winner for Christ? Well, this is what Paul addresses in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 9:10-27. He is going to tell us what motivates him to be an apostle for Christ, and he tells us what should be your motivation as a Christian worker as well.
Thursday Jul 07, 2011
Thursday Jul 07, 2011
Thursday Jul 07, 2011
In this lesson Paul is going to talk specifically about his rights, or his liberty, as an apostle, and those of the ministers that do the work of the Lord in obedience to their calling. Certainly the liberty of an apostle was great. He could choose to do many things, but he also was held to a very high standard as he interacted to the world around him. He had the power to win large numbers of people to Christ, and he also had the power to drive them away. He would willingly choose to limit his liberty in order to make sure God's message was understood. Paul would do nothing that would cause one of his flock to turn away from God. This is a verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 9:1-9.
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
Sunday Jun 26, 2011
How does a believer decide whether it is ok for them to participate in activities such as drinking, smoking, dancing, or going to R rated movies? What is the basis for making your decision? Is it based on the fact that there are no commandments that state categorically thou shalt not smoke, or drink, or whatever the case may be? It is based on whether you can do it and it will not affect you? Paul answers these questions in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 8:7-13.
Monday Jun 20, 2011
Monday Jun 20, 2011
Monday Jun 20, 2011
As a believer, are there any limitations on what we can do and what is it that drives the decision about those limitations? Paul has been explaining to the Corinthians that there are direct rules in the Word of God that a Christian must obey. But what about the things that are not so clearly labeled as wrong in the Bible? Are there any limitations with these? What follows is a study on the things that are controlled by how our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the lost people of the world, will perceive and be affected by our actions. This is a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 8:1-6.
Sunday Jun 12, 2011
TO KNOW CHRIST ONLY (1 Cor. 7:25-40)
Sunday Jun 12, 2011
Sunday Jun 12, 2011
The Bible tells us that time is short, and there is much work to be done for the Lord. What is it that distracts you from focusing totally on the Lord's work in your life? Is it your marriage? Is it your job, your friends, your stuff that you have accumulated while you have lived? In this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 7:25-40, Paul challenges us to focus our whole life on completing the Lord's work.
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
Have you ever wondered if God truly realizes what He has done to you since you became a Christian? Does God see the mess that becoming a believer has made in your marriage? Your lost husband or wife feels like they are now married to an alien. They want the person back that they married. Does He see the problems that you are having at work because people recognize the change in your life? You have stopped socializing in the ways that you did before. Did God know the type of person you were when He called you to be a Christian? Should you change anything? Should you leave your marriage, your job, your old friends? Paul answers these questions in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 7:12-24.
Monday May 30, 2011
Monday May 30, 2011
Monday May 30, 2011
Our lesson today concerns marriage. The matter of marriage has always been one of great interest and concern among God's people. Whether or not to remain single? Who to marry? When to marry? All are questions that relate to the stuff that life revolves around. With the exception of accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, I can think of no other decision that impacts our lives like the decision of whom we marry, and if we should marry. It affects every single part of our life, as it should. Paul answers these questions in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 7:1-11.