
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
The Bible commands each of us, as believers in Jesus Christ, to be ready to answer this question for someone who asks you to explain the hope that exists in you.
1 Peter 3:15
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
My answer is this, I know that Jesus is the Christ, personally. I know it personally. I have proven it in my own life. Not only does history tell me that He is the Son of God. Not only does the Bible tell me He is the Son of God. Not only does the Holy Spirit tell me that He is the son of God, but I know it to be true through personal experience, for personal reasons. I can testify that I know, that I know, that I know, that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.
Ask yourself, Is Jesus Christ real to you? My answer to that question is Yes, he's real. He is real to me. I know, I am sure that he's the Christ, the son of the Living God.
Jesus Christ alone is the answer to your heart's need. There is nowhere else to go. Where else will you go if you don't go to Jesus? No one else has the answer to your sin. No one else can fill the longing of your heart. Nobody else can give you peace that passeth understanding. Nobody else has the words of eternal life. Nobody else walked out of that grave, but Jesus did, and I want you to know and be sure that He is the son of God.
Click on the link below to hear a message on why I believe in Jesus Christ, and if God calls upon you to talk to someone this afternoon about why you believe in Jesus Christ, then you should be able share why you believe in Him.

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
This is an important question to have a ready answer for, because if you cannot articulate a response to that question in your own mind, then you will not be able to explain it to someone else. You cannot effectively share the gospel of Christ without explaining who Christ is and why you believe in Him.
Now, as believers, we all will agree that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He came as God incarnate in man. That is the easy part. Yet, many of us will have a different answer to the question of why we believe in Jesus Christ. It will be different because each of us came to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior in our own way. Some of us, like me, knew Jesus from a very young age, others not until much later in life, and still others after a tragedy or trial occurred.
How we were saved is the same for each of us, for there is but one way to the Father and that is through Jesus Christ, but how we learned to love Jesus is different.
Click on the link below to hear a message on why I believe in Jesus Christ, and hopefully, it will help you learn how to express your own reasons.

Friday Oct 17, 2014
ARE YOU TOO BAD TO BE SAVED? (Romans 4:6-15)
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Friday Oct 17, 2014

Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014

Saturday Jul 19, 2014
HOW GOD IS REVEALED (Romans 1:17-20)
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Saturday Jul 19, 2014

Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Saturday Jul 05, 2014

Monday Apr 28, 2014
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Monday Apr 28, 2014

Sunday Mar 10, 2013
CAN YOU WAIT TOO LONG? (Mark 6:14-29)
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
We live in a society that promotes acting now before it is too late. Items that we want go on sale so we rush down to the store to beat the crowd. Ads proclaim buy now while supplies last. There is so much noise, so many offers, that we become desensitized to the messages. When companies call us on the phone we screen our calls using caller ID. We don't answer the phone hoping that they will stop calling. God is knocking on the heart of the unbeliever. God wants everyone to be saved. Not just some elect group of people, but all people. God loves you and He wants you to have eternal life. So God knocks, and God waits. He never barges down your door. He never forces His will upon you. He just knocks and He waits. The question is how long will God wait? Can you wait too long before God stops knocking and walks away? Listen to this podcast to find out if a person can pass that invisible line of God's mercy to God's wrath. Can it ever be too late to accept Jesus as your Savior?

Tuesday Feb 26, 2013
Tuesday Feb 26, 2013
Tuesday Feb 26, 2013
The single most important decision you will ever make in your life will be to accept or reject Jesus Christ.
The single most important prayer you will ever pray will be to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Master.
It is not the sin in your life that will determine what happens to you after you die. It is has nothing to do with the scales of good and bad that you have done.
To have eternal life requires that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master. To reject Jesus will condemn you to eternal separation from God and torment in Hell. Nothing else matters. Nothing, and no one, else has the power to save you, but Jesus Christ.
Listen to this podcast to learn why people want to reject Christ and what the consequence of that rejection is.

Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
When we need something done that we cannot do for ourselves, then we begin to search for someone with the power to meet that need. When my car needs repaired, when something in my home needs repaired, I begin a search for someone with the power to meet that need. When my need becomes a desperate need, I look for someone with the power to save me. Listen to this podcast to find the One with the power to meet the most desperate need in each of our lives. Listen and discover that Jesus Christ is the only One with the power to save you. If you are lost in a dark world, then Jesus Christ is the answer to that need. Jesus Christ has the power to save you.