
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013

Monday Jul 29, 2013
Monday Jul 29, 2013
Monday Jul 29, 2013
The criminal justice system in our country makes a distinction between those who commit crimes either ignorantly or accidentally, and those who commit crimes knowingly, willfully, and with malicious intent. This distinction has been playing out in our media for the last several weeks. However, the justice system has a special dislike of those who commit crimes knowingly, willfully, and with malicious intent.
This same principle works in the spiritual realm as well. The Bible is clear that there are degrees of punishment in Hell, as well as levels of reward in heaven. There is no doubt in my mind that a person like Stalin, or Hitler, or Charles Manson, or a person who would intentionally harm a child, has a special place in the hottest, loneliest, darkest, and most pain filled place in Hell reserved for them. It is a place that they will spend the eons of eternity being tormented in.
But imagine the penalty that will be imposed by God on those who have willfully, knowingly, and maliciously rejected Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the sacrifice that He made on the cross for the sins that they have committed.
These people have heard and rejected the gospel message of Jesus Christ on the TV, the radio, in books and magazines, and the personal testimonies of family and friends who told them how a gracious God has sent His only Begotten Son, so that they may have eternal life. They have then compounded this sin by convincing others to reject Christ, or even persecuting those that are Christians. They have made this choice knowingly, willfully, and maliciously.
Listen to this podcast to hear how Jesus Christ exposes the willful ignorance of those that would reject the Word of God and the great Biblical truth of the resurrection of the dead.

Monday Apr 09, 2012
Monday Apr 09, 2012
Monday Apr 09, 2012
a) A master to confess: It provides us with a living Jesus Christ sitting on the right hand of God the Father. He is sitting because He has accomplished all that God has asked Him to do.
b) A message to convey: The resurrection of Jesus Christ provides us with a message to tell others:
- About Eternal life.
- About Power over sin in our lives.
- About The hand of the One who will bring us into the presence of God when we enter Heaven’s Gate. Where we can stand clothed in the robe of righteousness purchased with His Holy blood.
c) A mandate to complete: Jesus has commanded us to go out into the world and preach the gospel of His death, burial, and resurrection, baptizing them in the name of the Lord.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2011
Tuesday Dec 20, 2011
Tuesday Dec 20, 2011
The ascension of our Lord and the work that He is performing today for us as our High Priest is significant to our faith. Jesus is alive and working for us today. Jesus did not just go off into heaven and leave us never to be heard from again. His work on earth has provided us with a perfect and complete salvation. His work in Heaven continues our salvation as our great High Priest in the Holy Tabernacle in Heaven. Jesus is alive. Jesus is working for us in Heaven, and Jesus is coming back. These are things that distinguish our faith from all other religions. These are things we base our faith on.

Monday Dec 05, 2011
Monday Dec 05, 2011
Monday Dec 05, 2011
In this closing section on the resurrection, Paul tells us what happens to those believers that are alive at the time of the resurrection. He provides us with the order of the change to the resurrection body for the believer, and then he describes what the resurrected body will be made of. Listen to what God says about the body you will spend eternity in.

Sunday Nov 27, 2011
Sunday Nov 27, 2011
Sunday Nov 27, 2011
How will our resurrection bodies be different from our earthly bodies? How will those changes affect the body, soul, and spirit that comprise our human nature? Paul answers these questions in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:40-45. Learn how we will be able to explore the entire universe in our new body, and how our new bodies will no longer grow old, never ache, never get sick, never fail, and never sin. Listen and rejoice to what awaits each believer on that resurrection day.

Monday Nov 21, 2011
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Monday Nov 21, 2011
The form and capabilities of the resurrected body has been a topic of discussion among Christians ever since Christ told the disciples that He was going to Heaven to prepare a place for them. Chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians is a treasure trove of information about our resurrected body. Of course, those that do not believe in an afterlife, find no need to discuss what form the body they will spend eternity in. For them the grave is all that awaits their physical body, and they live their life in accordance with this belief. The secular world says eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. The grave is it, and there is no value in thinking about the resurrection. In this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:29-39 Paul tells us about the value of the resurrection, and then he begins a description of the resurrected body. Listen and rejoice to what God says about the body you will spend eternity in.

Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Contrary to what most religions will tell you, there is not just one general resurrection where, based on their works, God chooses the good from the bad, and the good go to heaven and the bad go to hell.
Absolutely not. There are multiple resurrections and they each have an important role in fulfilling God’s plan for the redemption of a sin-cursed earth and a sinful man.
In this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:20-28 Paul tells us the order of these resurrections, and we will discuss which of the resurrections each of us will participate in, based on one single question, “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, or not?”
Listen as Paul tells us that there is something beyond the grave for each of us, and we get to choose what that is.

Sunday Nov 06, 2011
Sunday Nov 06, 2011
Sunday Nov 06, 2011
This lesson is on the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no middle ground on this subject. This is not an issue that as believers we can equivocate on and try to be politically correct so as not to offend anyone. We cannot say things like "Well, we can't be sure about the Resurrection, so let's not say too much about it." This fact is so important that we must take our stand. We stand on a foundation; that foundation is the Rock, and the Rock is Christ. He came back from the dead. Christianity rises and falls on that Rock. If Christ did not rise, then our faith is in vain. Our sins and our iniquities cling to us still. Hell has triumphed. Death has won. Satan was victorious. The curse remains. Judgment for all looms. Our faith is folly. Listen and glorify God as Paul confronts this issue head on. Christ did rise and He lives today. Rejoice as Paul describes in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:12-19 what the Resurrection means to you and I.

Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
The gospel message of Jesus Christ rests upon two indisputable facts, the death of Jesus Christ as propitiation for our sins, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Christ did not rise, then His death had no meaning. It would mean that Jesus was not the Son of God, that He was instead just another man. It is because Christ rose from the dead that you and I know that He conquered death forever and that we can have eternal live with Him if we make Him our Savior. The work of our salvation was completed when Jesus Christ came out of that tomb. Listen as Paul describes the proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:5-11.