Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
All things are possible with God. If it is not the strong, or the wealthy, or the sophisticated, or even the educated that can have eternal life in heaven with Jesus, then who possibly can? In our world these are the ones who are considered worthy of our admiration, our respect, even our worship, but Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for one of these to enter into the kingdom of God. If that is true, then it is impossible for man to save himself, or to earn his salvation from God. Listen to this podcast to hear how what is impossible for man to accomplish, is simple for the almighty Creator of all things. Learn how all things are possible with God. Learn how Jesus Christ has already completed all of the work for you salvation, all you have to do is accept His free gift of grace.
Monday Jun 10, 2013
Monday Jun 10, 2013
Monday Jun 10, 2013
What must I do to have eternal life?
Eternal life is an issue that each of us must decide how real it is, and if it is real, what we must do to have eternal life.
There are multiple religions, philosophies, and teachings, on what eternity looks like, and what a person must do to enter into it.
Must you earn it? Must you be a member of a certain religion? Is there any sin that will be unforgivable, or unpardonable, that would definitely keep you out of heaven?
Now, make no mistake about it, I firmly believe that the only true answer to this question is found in Jesus Christ. It is found in Jesus Christ and Jesus alone. There is no other way to eternal life in heaven, but through Jesus Christ.
Listen to this podcast to learn what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do, to provide you with eternal life. The answers you seek are in the Bible. The Bible is the true, the inerrant, and the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God where Jesus tells us what we must do to find eternal life in heaven.
Monday Apr 15, 2013
THE LORD OF OUR NEEDS (Mark 7:31 to 8:8)
Monday Apr 15, 2013
Monday Apr 15, 2013
How do you go about meeting your family's needs? You anticipate them. You plan for them. You work for them. You spend hours cooking, cleaning, and making the things that they need. You get up early every morning to go to a job because you know they are depending on you. You sacrifice for them. You want them to be able to depend on you. You want them to have faith that you will be able to meet their needs because you always have. You dedicate your life to meeting the needs of the family that God has been gracious enough to give you. You do this because you love them. If you, as a parent are capable of doing this out of the love found in your human heart, how much more so can Jesus, as the Son of the living God, meet your needs out of the unlimited love found in His divine heart? Listen to this podcast to learn how Jesus, as the Lord of our needs, plans methodically and miraculously for our needs. He structures our experiences to build our faith, and He expects us to have faith that He will always be there for us. That faith comes as we look back at the things that He has done for us in the past. That faith comes because He has promised to never, never, never, leave us.
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
CAN YOU WAIT TOO LONG? (Mark 6:14-29)
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
We live in a society that promotes acting now before it is too late. Items that we want go on sale so we rush down to the store to beat the crowd. Ads proclaim buy now while supplies last. There is so much noise, so many offers, that we become desensitized to the messages. When companies call us on the phone we screen our calls using caller ID. We don't answer the phone hoping that they will stop calling. God is knocking on the heart of the unbeliever. God wants everyone to be saved. Not just some elect group of people, but all people. God loves you and He wants you to have eternal life. So God knocks, and God waits. He never barges down your door. He never forces His will upon you. He just knocks and He waits. The question is how long will God wait? Can you wait too long before God stops knocking and walks away? Listen to this podcast to find out if a person can pass that invisible line of God's mercy to God's wrath. Can it ever be too late to accept Jesus as your Savior?
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
When we need something done that we cannot do for ourselves, then we begin to search for someone with the power to meet that need. When my car needs repaired, when something in my home needs repaired, I begin a search for someone with the power to meet that need. When my need becomes a desperate need, I look for someone with the power to save me. Listen to this podcast to find the One with the power to meet the most desperate need in each of our lives. Listen and discover that Jesus Christ is the only One with the power to save you. If you are lost in a dark world, then Jesus Christ is the answer to that need. Jesus Christ has the power to save you.
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST (Matt. 1:1 to 2:11)
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Why is the story of the birth of Jesus so important to the Christian faith?
Why do people all around the world read this story around the Christmas tree as they gather to celebrate this special day?
Listen to this podcast to learn the meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ. Why His birth must have been from a virgin Mary. Why there is absolutely no compromise on this fact.
This is a story of God’s amazing grace, in that He loved each of us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to the earth in the form of a baby. Listen and rejoice in such a wonderful act of God’s love.
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
OUR GRATITUDE (1 Cor. 1:4-10)
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
During this time of Thanksgiving, what are you grateful for? Is it your family, your husband, your wife, your job? For the believer, we are most grateful for our salvation granted to us by a gracious God. For we know that there was nothing in our actions that warranted that salvation, there was only the amazing grace of God. Listen to this podcast and learn how Paul expressed his gratitude to God, and as you listen you will find the things that you can be truly grateful for.
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST (Mark 1:35 to 2:12)
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
When you commit a crime against a state or local jurisdiction, it is a court from that jurisdiction that is given authority to determine your guilt or innocence of that transgression. This is because the law that you have broken was written by the same state or local jurisdiction. It is their law you have broken, therefore, they hold the right to judge you. When you commit a sin against a holy and just God, it is God alone that has the authority to determine your guilt or innocence, and then to convict and sentence you for that sin. This is because God has established the absolute truths of what is right and what is sin, therefore, He alone holds the right to judge you. It is because God is a just God that He cannot simply say your sin does not matter and release you from the consequences of that sin. So God chose to send His only begotten Son to pay the penalty for your sins. He did this so that He can forgive, not just some of the people of their sin, but so that He can forgive all of mankind's sin. The authority to forgive sin is God's and God's alone. No priest, pope, ruler, or potentate can do this. Listen to this podcast to learn how Jesus Christ claimed the power and authority to forgive your sin on this earth. Learn how if you do not seek the forgiveness that Jesus can provide before you die, you will not receive that forgiveness at all.
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
TO KNOW SOMEONE (2 Cor. 11:21-27)
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
When you look at the people around you, all you can see is what they physically display. You cannot see the experiences that have shaped them into who they are as a person. Our first impressions of people are often lasting impressions. Successful people dress differently than others. Educated people speak more eloquently than others. Poor people act with less confidence in a society that rewards only success. The same thing applies to our churches. Many people are misled by those preachers and teachers who boast of the credits applied to their name. They proclaim their educational credentials, their heritage, or the churches that sent them. Are these the things that really matter in preaching the gospel message? Listen and rejoice as we learn that God's gospel message is simple. It is a message of God's grace and not man's efforts to follow some set of religious ritual. It does not need to be hidden behind fancy speeches and educated speakers. The gospel message is so simple a child can understand it, and a broken heart can accept it.
Monday Aug 13, 2012
THE TRUE GOSPEL (2 Cor. 11:1-7)
Monday Aug 13, 2012
Monday Aug 13, 2012
How do you decide what is true and what is false? When it comes to salvation, how do you know the true gospel from a false gospel? When Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden he was described as being subtle, or crafty. There are many teachers who proclaim to be from God. They cry out that they provide a gospel message of salvation. Yet these false teachers have taken the Word of God and subtly changed it to meet their own form of religion. They apply rules to a free gift of God. They apply religious ritual to God's gift of grace. They apply legalism to the gospel message of Christ that frees man from the burden of the law. Eve faced the temptation from Satan with two weapons, the Word of God, and the Spirit of God. Satan attacked those weapons by creating doubt about the authority of the Word of God, then he denied the accuracy of the Word of God, then he created delusion about the acceptability of the Word of God. Satan uses these same tactics today. Listen to this podcast and find out how to determine the true gospel message of God. Learn how Satan is currently working in our world and how to combat him.