Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
TO BE OBEDIENT TO GOD (Romans 16:19-21)
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Friday Aug 08, 2014
GOD'S JUDGMENT IS REAL (Romans 2:7-16)
Friday Aug 08, 2014
Friday Aug 08, 2014
Monday Mar 04, 2013
THE WHEAT AND THE TARES (Matthew 13:24-43)
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Monday Mar 04, 2013
As a believer, you have been placed in this world as the ambassador of Jesus Christ. Your mission is to share the gospel of Christ. Satan hates everything that God does, so he has placed his own agents in the world right alongside the ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Their mission is to dilute the message of the gospel of Christ. They are to deceive those who hear the message of Christ with their own version of it. They are to destroy the message of the gospel of Christ. The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares is a story from Jesus that describes the world that we live in today. How God's messengers are hard at work, and what Satan is trying to do to stop it. Listen to this podcast to discover how believers are to respond to the work of Satan's agents and what will happen at the time of the harvest.
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Have you forgotten Christ in your everyday life? Do your actions tell others that Christ lives in you and is leading you, or do you subscribe to the stealthy Christian lifestyle? The one where you keep Christ hidden until you show up for church on Sunday? Christ is coming again. Do you really believe that this is true? Do you have your house in order for Him to come? Are you standing in the Word of God, are you obedient to its teachings? Are you surrendered to the will of God, ready to do whatever the Lord has for you to do? Have you cleansed your life, and your church, of the things that are of Satan? Listen to this podcast to hear how Paul spoke to the Corinthians about the Christ that they had forgotten. This lesson will speak to you about your own Christian witness.
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
ARE YOU READY? (2 Cor. 12:11 to 13:3)
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Are you ready? Are you ready for Jesus to come? If not, what are you lacking? Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? How will Jesus greet you, as a faithful servant, or as someone He does not know? These are important questions that most people do not want to answer. They think that the need to make sure they are ready is far away in some future, it may happen, time. Listen to this podcast and learn how Paul tells us to make ourselves ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Monday Sep 03, 2012
DO YOU HAVE A MESSAGE TO SHARE? (2 Cor. 11:28-12:4)
Monday Sep 03, 2012
Monday Sep 03, 2012
Have you ever had a message to deliver that was worth facing difficulties and hardships to deliver? A message so important that it is written in the blood of those that would share it with the world, and then fight to make it happen. This is the kind of message that changes lives. As a believer you have a message to deliver that is this important. It is a message that can change the eternal destiny of your family, your friends, and those around you. The question is, are you willing to share it? Listen and rejoice as we study about the apostle Paul describe the gospel message he has been divinely appointed to deliver and about his visions of heaven.
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
TO KNOW SOMEONE (2 Cor. 11:21-27)
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
When you look at the people around you, all you can see is what they physically display. You cannot see the experiences that have shaped them into who they are as a person. Our first impressions of people are often lasting impressions. Successful people dress differently than others. Educated people speak more eloquently than others. Poor people act with less confidence in a society that rewards only success. The same thing applies to our churches. Many people are misled by those preachers and teachers who boast of the credits applied to their name. They proclaim their educational credentials, their heritage, or the churches that sent them. Are these the things that really matter in preaching the gospel message? Listen and rejoice as we learn that God's gospel message is simple. It is a message of God's grace and not man's efforts to follow some set of religious ritual. It does not need to be hidden behind fancy speeches and educated speakers. The gospel message is so simple a child can understand it, and a broken heart can accept it.