
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
THE LINE OF SETH (Genesis 4:25 to 5:32)
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
The descendants of Seth are described in the Bible as the godly line. And as the world of the ungodly began to take shape right from the beginning, so did the world of the godly. God never leaves Himself without a witness, so from generation to generation, step-by-step with the generations of the wicked, the generations of the faithful to God flowed through the days before the flood.
As we study this line of Seth, there are only two things recorded, neither of which are recorded of the line of Cain. The first is that they lived. It is stated twice for most of them. The reason God doesn’t say that the Cainites lived is because, to God, they were “dead in trespasses and sin.” Yet for the line of Seth, the Scripture tells us that they lived, and Jesus tells us that they had life abundantly.
John 10:10
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The second thing that is recorded of the Sethites is that they died. Once again, God did not record the death of the Cainites for heaven had no interest in their deaths. But for the Sethites, it is recorded that each one died and how old they were when they died. All that is except for Enoch, which is another story.
God said to Adam in Gen 2:17, “… For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die,” and they all died who were the sons of Adam. But, on the other hand, it was a day of jubilee. As each man dies, God proves Satan a liar, for Satan had said “thou shalt not surely die.” Yet each man died. God took note of each death and recorded it. The death of each saint was a jubilee day in heaven.
Psalms 116:15
15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Death for them was not the end, but the beginning.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
In the story of Cain and Abel that we find in the book of Genesis, Abel was a prophet, and Able taught that when you believe on Jesus, you’ll have remission of sin. Now, in order to have faith, Able had to have the Word of God. The Bible says that he was a prophet. He understood the blood atonement. I want to tell you, he may not have understood it as you and I understand it, standing on this side of Calvary, but he was a man of God. He was one of the Old Testament prophets that pointed to the Lord Jesus Christ.
You see, there is a principle that starts in the book of Genesis and goes all the way through to the book of Revelation, and that is blood atonement. You cut this book anywhere; it will bleed. There is a red river of redemption. It welled up there in the Garden of Eden and flowed past the gates of Eden when God made for Adam and Eve coats of skin.
Adam and Eve had three kinds of garments. First of all, they had a robe of glory; they were covered with light. And then they lost that robe of glory, and they had a robe of guilt. They knew that they were naked, and they were covered with shame. And then they had a robe of grace, as God killed an innocent animal, and with that innocent animal, He made for them coats of skin. What was God teaching right there in the dawn of civilization? That “Without [the] shedding of blood is no remission [of sin].”
Then we see Abel as he comes continuing in the same idea, and he brings this pure, spotless lamb and the fat thereof, and God had respect unto the prophet Abel’s offering.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how there are really only two divisions of all religion, and that is the salvation of works and the salvation by grace.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Did you know that all religion is not the same? Somehow, we have thought that it is antisocial if we don’t just put our arms around everybody else and say, “Well, God bless you. You believe one way, and I believe another way, and your way is just as good as my way.” Well, that is simply not true. There is but one way to worship God, and that’s God’s way. Now, Jesus is not just a good way to heaven; Jesus is not even the best way to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Now, that may sound narrow to some people, but, it is what God, in His Word, has said is true.
John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 4:12
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
If Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven, then Jesus Christ is none of the ways to heaven. If Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven, then Jesus is a faker, because He claimed to be something that He was not. A faker is nobody’s Savior. If He’s not the only way, then He is none of the ways. He Himself said, “I am the way, the truth … no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Click on the link below to hear a message on how there are really only two divisions of all religion, and that is the salvation of works and the salvation by grace.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
The topic of our message is going to be on the accountability of the preachers and pastors that lead our churches. But, this message is not only for our pastors, it is for each of you as well, because you will also face a day of judgment. The Bible teaches that if the pastor is God’s man, then you ought to follow him; if he’s not, then you ought to fire him. It’s just that simple.
It is a fact that one of these days, every pastor, every preacher, every minister, must face the Lord, and He’s going to ask them to give an account of their ministry. But, it’s also a fact that each of us who are a true follower of Christ will one day face the Lord, and we will also have to give an accounting for not only, if we were obedient to God’s command to be submissive to our pastors, but for our own Christian work and ministry that God has given us.
Now, we are saved by grace through faith, and we cannot work our way to heaven. But, somehow people have gotten the idea that they can live just any way they like, do anything they like, and because they’re saved by grace they can just go to sleep in a Pullman car and just coast into the yards of glory and it will make absolutely no difference how they serve the Lord, what they did, or whatever. But the Bible teaches to the contrary.
The Bible teaches there is coming a day of accountability. The preacher is going to face an accountability. He is going to have to answer to God for the way he leads his church. Even though he is saved by grace, he will have to give an account.
Click on the play button to hear a message that will describe how Christ will hold pastors, and their followers, accountable the work that they have done in the name of our Lord.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Feb 13, 2023
STAR WARS (Hebrews 11:32-34)
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
STAR WARS (Hebrews 11:32-34)
This message is about a man named Barak whose story is found in the Old Testament book of Judges. As you might imagine, since he is a member of God’s Hall of Fame for the champions of faith, Barak was a man known for his faith. The title of the lesson, which is Star Wars, comes from the Old Testament book of Judges which says,
Judg 5:20
20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
The background of this story is that there was a battle between Barak and a Canaanite general named Sisera, and the outcome of this battle was known before the battle even started. It was fixed. The verse tells us that it was impossible for Sisera to win because he was battling the stars. He had a collision with the stars. The message is very clear, and it is that All the universe is against the man who is against God. If you are not with God, ultimately, you are destined to fail. The God who runs those stars, the God who created the universe and flung those stars out into space, programmed everything against Sisera. There was no way that he could win, because sin can’t win, and faith can’t fail, and this was a battle of faith, and God gave the victory.
Click on the arrow button above to hear a message on how God’s purposes will prevail. “Have faith in God, He cannot fail; have faith in God, He must prevail. He can’t fail.” Satan cannot win. The stars in their courses are against the man who’s against God. The stars line up for the man who loves God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
God tells us in the Bible that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” This means that without a word from God on a matter, you cannot, you have no basis, for a Biblical faith. Faith is not a leap in the dark. It is a step into God’s light. You must hear from God. Faith is not name it and claim it. The Bible is clear that You believe it and receive it, because God has named it, and you claim it. Now, that’s very important. You do not name it and claim it. You believe it and receive it, because God has named it, and you claim it. God does the naming. You do the claiming.
The Biblical word “hope” does not mean maybe, perhaps, or I wish. But hope means bedrock assurance. The Bible calls hope an anchor of the soul. It is solid, and the word “substance” or sub-stand means something beneath us that we can stand upon. Where do you get this assurance, this bedrock assurance, called hope? From the Word of God. God speaks.
Did you know that God speaks today? God has His written Word once and for all, settled. But then, God speaks to your own personal heart, and when God speaks to your heart personally, you have a rhema from God, that’s when you find faith growing in your heart and in your life. You have to hear from God in order to have faith. It is not just of God that you need to hear about, it is from God that you need hear. You hear God. In order to believe Him, you don’t just hear about Him; you hear Him.
The apostle Paul says in 2 Tim 1:12, “I know whom I have believed.” He didn’t say, “I know in whom I have believed.” Paul said that I have believed Him. I heard from God, and I believed what He said to me. Faith is believing God when He speaks personally to you. You must have faith that hears God.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how to have an unsinkable faith in God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
In today’s message we will be talking about Abel. You may not know it, but Abel was a prophet of God, and today we will be discussing his message on faith. The central theme of the entire 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews is that God is to be worshiped, and if God is to be worshiped, then He must be worshiped in Spirit and in truth.
The key to Abel’s sermon on faith is that there are only two religions in the entire world: the true and the false. That may seem narrow to you, but that’s what this message is all about. There is the religion of grace and the religion of works. There is the religion of Cain, and there is the religion of Abel.
What is the way of Cain? It is to try to save yourself by your own good works rather than by the grace of God. It represents culture rather than Calvary. Most of the people in this world don’t need religion. They need to turn from religion to Jesus Christ. Most of the people in this world are egomaniacs strutting to hell, thinking they are too good to be damned. They believe that modern man is good. Yet, the Bible says that man is not good, and the news is not modern. It’s as old as the book of Genesis, and it is good news for bad man. It is the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is not salvation by works. Religion is what sinful people do for a holy God. The gospel is the good news of what a holy God has already done for sinful man.
The difference between Cain and Abel is the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how we need to lay our pride and our good works in the dust, and trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
It is not enough to worship God. It is not enough to worship God. Now, you must worship God, and you should worship God, but any real worship will show itself in evangelism and service.
Matt 4:10
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Jesus links worship and service together, and any so-called worship that is not the blood-brother of evangelism is false worship. Real worship always results in evangelism. If your worship of God is not the blood-brother of evangelism, then there is something wrong with it. What better worship service can we have than one where people are getting saved?
When you truly worship in power and spirit, then you are going to witness to everyone around you, and your witness will be filled with a new power. When you worship in truth and spirit, your witness and your service will be different from anything you have done in the past.
Click on the link below to learn that there is a mandate to our worship of God. Jesus tells us “thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve.” It is the worship of God alone that will satisfy the longing of your heart, and it is the worship of God alone that will satisfy the longing of the Father's heart. God thirsts for your worship just as you thirst to worship him. The mandate that God gives us for our worship is to then share the gospel message of Jesus Christ to others who are seeking to fill that thirst for God. Evangelism always follows true worship.

Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015

Saturday Oct 11, 2014
IS GOD'S PLAN REASONABLE? (Romans 3:27 to 4:5)
Saturday Oct 11, 2014
Saturday Oct 11, 2014