
Sunday May 08, 2022
THE PERIL OF UNBELIEF (Hebrews 3:13 to 4:7)
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Have you ever asked yourself what is one of the most serious sins that we as either, a lost person, or a believer, can commit against God? As a believer, we know that our salvation is secure, we cannot lose it no matter what we do, but we can still sin. So, what do you think would be one of the worst sins that a believer could commit? Murder, lying, stealing, adultery, worshipping idols, all very serious, but what could be more serious?
The sin of unbelief, the sin of not trusting God with your whole life, is one of the most serious sins that a believer can commit. It is serious because your unbelief will keep God from using you to do His work, and from blessing you. A Christian that does not trust God, is totally useless. For the lost person, unbelief is even more tragic and dangerous. It is the one sin that will close the door to salvation. Unbelief leads to denial and rejection of God, which leads to judgment and an eternity in darkness without God.
The writer of Hebrews is warning believers not to make the same mistake. Don’t doubt God. Come enjoy the rest of obedience, the rest of enjoyment of a Christian life. Learn what it is to have the full joy that comes with being in the Will of God.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the great failure of believers today is unbelief. They have received the rest of salvation, but they have not trusted God to do everything He says He will do. They still want to handle their problems all on their own. They have not found the peace and comfort, the rest, that comes from living a life of obedience and faith. The rest of obedience that an all powerful God can give you.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.

Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
The Bible talks about entering into God’s Rest. There is the “rest of salvation” spoken of in:
Matthew 11:28
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Then, there is “the rest of redemption.” The Israelites that came out of bondage knew the rest of redemption. They were no longer slaves of Egypt. They came out by blood, blood on the doorposts. They came out by power---the power of God. God had brought them across the Red Sea. God had delivered them.
Then, Jesus spoke of “the rest of obedience, the rest of enjoying a Christian life.”
Matthew 11:29
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
The great failure of believers today is that they have received “the rest of salvation,” but they have not trusted God to do everything He says He will do. They still want to handle their problems all on their own. They have not found the peace and comfort, the rest, that comes from living a life of obedience and faith. “The rest of obedience” that an all powerful God can give you.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Christ is a superior Savior and Priest, who provides better security than anything offered by Moses and the Law that God gave the Jews through Moses. How our belief and obedience to Christ, can bring us into the rest of obedience, the rest of enjoying a Christian life.

Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
We have been talking about the purpose and the reasons behind Jesus coming to earth as a Man. Why He would care so much about us that He would even do such a thing, and the wonderful blessings that His coming means for us now and throughout eternity. Just think, if you choose Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you will spend eternity with the Son of the Living God, the Almighty Creator of all things, in a place in Heaven that He has especially prepared for you.
So, why would Jesus do this? Because Christ alone could redeem man, and He could do it only by dying on the Cross. It was the only way. Jesus was and is man. Jesus was and is God, Jehovah, and the second person of the Godhead. Jesus stood as the Perfect and Ideal Man before God. This meant that as the Ideal and Perfect Man, whatever Christ did would stand for, and apply to man, or in other words, it would cover for man.
•When Christ died, His death would free man from ever having to die in judgment for our sins.
•When He arose, His resurrection would assure man that he, too, would arise and live eternally.
•When He was exalted into Heaven, His exaltation would make it possible for man to be exalted into heaven and to rule and reign over the universe with Christ.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how Christ made it possible for man to be restored to his destined glory and dominion. Christ has made it possible for man to live eternally with God, and to fulfill his purpose for God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
The only way we can truly understand what man is, is to understand what the Bible says about man. It is from the Word of God that we learn the truth of how God views man. How God answers the question, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou [didst visit] him?” From a biblical perspective, the key question that we need to consider is why do all the worlds of space exist? What is their purpose? Has God any pleasure in dead matter? Is He not the God of the living? Can inanimate matter praise Him, the Lord of all life? No, they cannot, and so there is man.
When God made man, God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living, eternal, soul. It is your soul that makes you of infinite worth. Your soul will be in existence when the sun, and the moon, and the stars have turned to cinders. Your soul will go on endless, timeless, dateless, measureless, for God breathed into you the breath of life. Man was created in the image of God, and you could no more cease to exist than God Himself could cease to exist.
God is mindful of you. He sees you now—He’s looking at you right now. He desires you; He loves you. God doesn’t love us because we are valuable; we are valuable because He loves us. The dignity of man is that God is mindful of man, that God desires man.
Click on the link below to hear a message on why God loves you so much that He would send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross to pay the penalty of your sin.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church in Wichita, KS.

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
OUR SO GREAT SALVATION (Hebrews 1:13 to 2:4)
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Who was it that thought up this idea of salvation? Not you, not me. It originated in the heart of Almighty God. Before God ever swung this world into space, before God ever scooped out the seas, and heaped up the mountains, and flung out the sun, moon, and the stars, salvation was in the heart and mind of God.
Why is this salvation so great? Because Jesus, with His rich, red, royal blood tasted death for every man. Jesus died instead of you. His death had your name on it. Only the dead in hell can even begin to know what Jesus suffered on that cross, and He did it for you. If you refuse this salvation, if you just drift on by, then you trample underneath your feet the precious blood of Jesus and pour contempt upon His death.
So, the writer of Hebrews asks this question: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” That’s the question. That’s a question that no lawyer can answer. That’s a question that no scientist with his computer can answer. That’s a question that no philosopher with his thick volumes can answer. That is a question that no soothsayer can answer. That is a question that even God Almighty cannot answer because there is no answer to the question “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” There is no answer because there is no escape.
Click on the link below to hear a message on our so great salvation that God has provided for us.

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Heb 1:8
8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
I want you to notice something very important here, God the Father calls God the Son, God. Now, the eternal claim of Jesus is that He is God. Jesus is forevermore God. A billion, billion years from now, He still will be God. Look at this verse: “Unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever and ever and ever.” Jesus will still be King forever more.
A basic truth of our created universe is that things change. All created things change. This universe is going to wear itself out. This universe is going to run down, the second law of thermodynamics tells us that it’s on its way down. It is burning out. Another basic truth is that anything that moves makes friction, and anything that makes friction wears, and anything that wears, disintegrates. And that’s the reason that this universe that is moving and pulsating is wearing down, it is wearing down like a garment that wears out. It’s going to wear out. But Jesus is from everlasting to everlasting. A billion years from now Jesus is the same from age to age;
Click on the link below to hear a message on Jesus Christ, our Superlative Savior.

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
“You may learn to love Jesus better, but you can never love anything better than Jesus. He is our superlative Savior.”
H. G. Wells, wrote in his outlines of history the 10 greatest men of all history, and number one on his list was Jesus Christ. But, the truth is, that Jesus Christ does not belong on anybody’s list. Why? Because, He is God’s unique, only begotten Son. He is our singular Savior. He is our superior Savior. He is our superlative Savior.
Jesus is unique in comparison to all of the other religious leaders. Buddha was a religious leader. Mohammed was a religious leader. Confucius was a religious leader. But let me tell you what all of these have in common. You can take them out of their teachings and still have their teachings. You can take Buddha out of Buddhism and still have Buddhism. You can take Mohammed out of Islam and still have Islam. You can take Confucius out of Confucianism and still have that system of thought. You just follow the deeds, the teachings, the precepts, the creeds of those particular faiths, and you have it.
But you can’t take Christ out of Christianity and still have Christianity, because Christianity is not a code, not a cause, not a creed, not a church, but Christ. It is a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you tried to take Jesus out of Christianity, that would be like taking the notes out of music. That would be like taking the water out of a well. That would be like taking numbers out of mathematics. If you take Jesus out of Christianity, you don’t have anything left, because Christ and Christianity are the same.
Christianity is not just believing some thing; it is receiving someone. And this is the difference between Christianity and any other religion: Christianity is a vital relationship with a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. He is alive and well and living in me today. If we are to be Christ followers, born again believers in Jesus Christ, then we need to understand that Jesus Christ is our singular Savior, and therefore He is our superlative Savior.
Click on the link below to hear a message on Jesus Christ, our Superlative Savior.