
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
What does the Bible say about giving to God? Not what some TV evangelist says, whose only motive is to make himself rich, but what does God say in His Word about giving? God does not want you to be ignorant about what He desires from you and for you. Listen to this podcast and rejoice as we learn that our giving is always from our increase and for our increase. God truly wants to use our giving as a door to pour out blessings upon us.

Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
When you hear a preacher talking about giving, what is your reaction? As a believer do you regard giving as an obligation or an opportunity? What would you say if I told that God does not want your giving if it is out of compulsion or obligation? Contrary to what you might think, God does not need our giving, rather it is us that need to give to God. God has promised blessings to those that give willingly. If you don't want God's blessing, then God says in His Word that you should not give. Listen to this podcast and learn what it means to give willingly as Paul uses Jesus Christ as the supreme example of grace giving.

Thursday Jun 14, 2012
GIVING THROUGH GRACE (2 Cor. 7:12 to 8:5)
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
What do you know about God's grace? Theologians define grace as the unmerited favor of God, but if that is our only definition then we will miss the rich flavor of this word. The grace of God is the passion of God to share all His goodness with others. Listen to this podcast as Paul uses this principle to describe the spirit of a believer towards giving to God. Paul calls giving a grace. It is a grace of God.

Monday Jun 04, 2012
THE HEART OF PAUL (2 Cor. 7:2-11)
Monday Jun 04, 2012
Monday Jun 04, 2012
Do your emotions tell others about you? Do they describe what you are passionate about? Do they tell the ones you love how sincere you are when you apologize for causing them grief? Do they reveal how you deal with worry, fear, and trials, as well as joy, happiness, and love? This is what this lesson is about. First, Paul lets us into the depths of his heart as he reveal his emotions of fear and then joy. Then Paul shows us the emotions of a person who genuinely is repenting of the sin in their lives. Paul will challenge how you go about telling God that you are repentant of the sins you have committed, and then he describes the characteristics of genuine repentance. Listen and rejoice to the heart of an apostle.

Sunday May 27, 2012
A CALL FOR SEPARATION (2 Cor. 6:15 to 7:1)
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sunday May 27, 2012
What is the separated life of the believer? This week's podcast describes what the Biblical meaning of a separated life is, and powerful effect it can have on your life and your testimony. Christ did not call us to live a secluded life. He called us to live a separated life. Listen and rejoice to this verse-by-verse study of 2 Cor. 6:15 to 7:1.

Sunday May 20, 2012
Sunday May 20, 2012
Sunday May 20, 2012
What is the character of a believer? Is the world to notice something different in the way the believer lives his life? In this study, Paul uses the example of his own life, and the challenges that he has faced in the ministry of Christ, to encourage the Corinthians engage in the spreading of the gospel message of Christ. Rejoice as you listen to how Paul describes the power of the believer, the life of the believer, and the way God protects His messenger.

Thursday May 10, 2012
A CALL TO SERVICE (2 Cor. 6:1-6)
Thursday May 10, 2012
Thursday May 10, 2012
Are you telling yourself that someday you would like to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? You are still young, still busy with life, still waiting for that right time to accept the free gift of salvation that God has provided through His Son Jesus, so you say someday I will take care of things with God. In His Word, God tells us that now is the accepted time, now is the time for salvation. Not tomorrow, not next week, not someday, but now is the time that God has provided for you to learn what it means to know Jesus, and to have everlasting life. This is the message of this podcast. In 2 Corinthians 6:1-6, Paul makes a plea to all believers to join him in the ministry of sharing the gospel message of Christ to a lost world. He makes his plea with the sense of urgency that comes from knowing that life is short, sometimes too short. Don't miss this opportunity to find God as you listen to this podcast.

Thursday Apr 26, 2012
TO BE RECONCILED (2 Cor. 5:17-21)
Thursday Apr 26, 2012
Thursday Apr 26, 2012
Do you hate God? The answer to this question is yes for many people in this world. When sin entered the world a state of enmity was created between man and God. But all of the hatred is on the side of man, not God. God does not hate you, He loves you. Listen and rejoice to the description of three great Biblical truths:
1) How God reconciled the world to Him by sending His Son to die for the world's sin.
2) How you can become a new creation in Christ
3) How the baptism of the Holy Spirit changes the new believer forever.

Tuesday Apr 03, 2012
Tuesday Apr 03, 2012
Tuesday Apr 03, 2012
What are your ambitions in life? To be financially secure, to have a family, a high level job in a large corporation, or to be a powerful politician? Are these the things that motivate you every day? Can you be a believer and have these same ambitions and motivations? In this week's study in chapter five of 2 Corinthians, Paul describes for us what it means to be an ambitious believer. Listen and rejoice as we learn what God wants your motivations to be.

Saturday Mar 31, 2012
ARE YOU CONFIDENT? (2 Cor. 5:6-8)
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
It is one thing to say that I believe in God, and I believe what God's Word says about death, life, Heaven, and Hell. It is another thing to say that I am so confident of what God says is true that I have no fear of death. In fact, I am ready, or as Paul says, I am groaning, to be absent from this earthly body and present with my Lord and Savior Jesus. In this lesson Paul describes what it means to walk by faith, and not by sight. This is not a hope so faith, nor does it depend on how hard you believe. True Biblical faith is a faith built on substance and evidence. Substance for the scientific mind, and evidence for the legal mind. Listen and learn what it truly means to walk through the shadow of death and to have no fear.