
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Why would Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, need to be baptized? Did He need to repent of anything? Did He need to turn from religion to faith? For that matter, why would Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things, need to be tempted by one His own creations, Satan? Did Jesus, the last Adam, fall in this temptation, just as the first Adam did in the Garden of Eden? These are compelling questions with significant answers to all those who call Jesus, Lord and Master. Listen to this podcast and learn what the Word of God says about these questions that are the foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ.

Thursday Sep 13, 2012
Thursday Sep 13, 2012
Thursday Sep 13, 2012
Are you dealing with true hardship in your life?
Have you lost your job? Are you dealing with a terminal disease? Is addiction controlling your life? Are you facing divorce, or loneliness?
There is only one true answer to these problems, and that is Jesus Christ. A life surrendered to Jesus as Savior and Master. There is no other answer that will bring comfort and strength. Jesus does not promise to make the problems go away, but He does promise believers that He will comfort them and strengthen them as they go through the hardships of life.
Listen to this podcast and rejoice as you learn how the believer is to deal with adversity.

Sunday Sep 02, 2012
TO KNOW SOMEONE (2 Cor. 11:21-27)
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
When you look at the people around you, all you can see is what they physically display. You cannot see the experiences that have shaped them into who they are as a person. Our first impressions of people are often lasting impressions. Successful people dress differently than others. Educated people speak more eloquently than others. Poor people act with less confidence in a society that rewards only success. The same thing applies to our churches. Many people are misled by those preachers and teachers who boast of the credits applied to their name. They proclaim their educational credentials, their heritage, or the churches that sent them. Are these the things that really matter in preaching the gospel message? Listen and rejoice as we learn that God's gospel message is simple. It is a message of God's grace and not man's efforts to follow some set of religious ritual. It does not need to be hidden behind fancy speeches and educated speakers. The gospel message is so simple a child can understand it, and a broken heart can accept it.

Friday Aug 31, 2012
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Friday Aug 31, 2012

Monday Aug 13, 2012
THE TRUE GOSPEL (2 Cor. 11:1-7)
Monday Aug 13, 2012
Monday Aug 13, 2012
How do you decide what is true and what is false? When it comes to salvation, how do you know the true gospel from a false gospel? When Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden he was described as being subtle, or crafty. There are many teachers who proclaim to be from God. They cry out that they provide a gospel message of salvation. Yet these false teachers have taken the Word of God and subtly changed it to meet their own form of religion. They apply rules to a free gift of God. They apply religious ritual to God's gift of grace. They apply legalism to the gospel message of Christ that frees man from the burden of the law. Eve faced the temptation from Satan with two weapons, the Word of God, and the Spirit of God. Satan attacked those weapons by creating doubt about the authority of the Word of God, then he denied the accuracy of the Word of God, then he created delusion about the acceptability of the Word of God. Satan uses these same tactics today. Listen to this podcast and find out how to determine the true gospel message of God. Learn how Satan is currently working in our world and how to combat him.

Monday Aug 06, 2012
THE WEAPONS OF GOD (2 Cor. 10:1-8)
Monday Aug 06, 2012
Monday Aug 06, 2012
When the world thinks of the weapons of warfare it thinks of tanks, guns, cannons, swords, and shields. They use secular weapons to fight a secular battle.
Yet the believer’s battle is not physical in nature, but spiritual. Therefore, the believer’s weapons are very different than those used in secular battles.
Listen to this podcast and learn how the believer arms themselves as they prepare to battle the powers and principalities of Satan’s world.