
Monday Nov 18, 2013
Monday Nov 18, 2013
Monday Nov 18, 2013

Saturday Sep 14, 2013
Saturday Sep 14, 2013
Saturday Sep 14, 2013
Who was in control of the events that led to Jesus dying on the cross?
Was it the Jewish religious leadership?
Was it the Romans?
Was it Judas who betrayed Jesus?
Listen to this podcast to discover the answer to this question is that Jesus was in complete control of the events that led to His death on the cross. He deliberately, knowingly, and willingly walked to the cross. God so loved each of us as humans that He sent His only begotten Son to die so that none should perish and each of us should have the opportunity for everlasting life.
Jesus tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Jesus went to the cross to make that possible.
Join us as we begin a series of lessons that describe the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Listen as God shows us just how much He loves us.

Wednesday Jul 24, 2013
Wednesday Jul 24, 2013
Wednesday Jul 24, 2013
How well do you choose the times to confront your enemies, and when it is time to walk away?
Most of us are not real good at making that choice, we either let people walk all over us, or we tend to push our will upon others.
Jesus had spent much of His ministry avoiding a direct confrontation with the religious leadership of the Jews. His previous visits to Jerusalem had been subdued and quiet. Jesus actually spent most of His public ministry walking the countryside between Capernaum and the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee and all the points in-between.
He would respond to direct challenges from the local leaders of the synagogue and the representatives sent from Jerusalem to see what was happening. But when it became too contentious, He would simply move on to the next village. Jesus devoted much of His time to teaching the people and performing wonderful miracles of healing the sick and raising the dead. He was developing a great following among the people that would serve Him well at the end of His ministry.
Jesus now becomes much more direct in His confrontation with the Jewish leadership. He makes a triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, He cleans out the temple courts of the tradesmen that were managed by the chief priest, and then He teaches and heals in the temple without the approval of the chief priests.
Listen to this podcast to learn how Jesus controlled His own destiny as He pushed the Jewish leadership into completing the tasks that the Lord’s Father had sent Him to do. Jesus was driving to the cross. He was in control. He knew what He was doing and where it would lead, but He did it anyway so that you and I could have everlasting life.
Jesus was never more Kingly during His public ministry than He was during this last week before the cross.

Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
All things are possible with God. If it is not the strong, or the wealthy, or the sophisticated, or even the educated that can have eternal life in heaven with Jesus, then who possibly can? In our world these are the ones who are considered worthy of our admiration, our respect, even our worship, but Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for one of these to enter into the kingdom of God. If that is true, then it is impossible for man to save himself, or to earn his salvation from God. Listen to this podcast to hear how what is impossible for man to accomplish, is simple for the almighty Creator of all things. Learn how all things are possible with God. Learn how Jesus Christ has already completed all of the work for you salvation, all you have to do is accept His free gift of grace.

Monday Apr 29, 2013
WHO IS JESUS TO YOU? (Mark 8:27-38)
Monday Apr 29, 2013
Monday Apr 29, 2013
Who is Jesus to you? This is a question that each of us must answer, even if choosing not to answer the question is your response. From an academic perspective, the world has debated who Jesus is for two thousand years. Is He an important religious figure? Is He a prophet, or a teacher? But the question of Who is Jesus to you is about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Listen to this podcast to learn how your decision to accept or reject a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, is the single most important question you will answer in your life. It is more important than choosing a spouse, to have kids or to not have them, or even the career choice that you make. This single decision will determine how you will live beyond the grave. It will determine how you will spend eternity.

Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
How much of your time is spent worrying about things you cannot control? What is it that worrying is keeping you from doing? What are the top 10 things you worry about? Your job, finances, food, shelter, loneliness, or your health? What would it take to get you to stop worrying about these things? SomeOne you could trust to handle those problems for you. Listen to this podcast to understand how knowing Jesus makes a difference in what you worry about, how much time you spend worrying, and how much time you spend accomplishing the things that God wants you to do. Learn how Jesus is that SomeOne you can have faith in. Learn how to worry about the right things.

Monday Apr 15, 2013
THE LORD OF OUR NEEDS (Mark 7:31 to 8:8)
Monday Apr 15, 2013
Monday Apr 15, 2013
How do you go about meeting your family's needs? You anticipate them. You plan for them. You work for them. You spend hours cooking, cleaning, and making the things that they need. You get up early every morning to go to a job because you know they are depending on you. You sacrifice for them. You want them to be able to depend on you. You want them to have faith that you will be able to meet their needs because you always have. You dedicate your life to meeting the needs of the family that God has been gracious enough to give you. You do this because you love them. If you, as a parent are capable of doing this out of the love found in your human heart, how much more so can Jesus, as the Son of the living God, meet your needs out of the unlimited love found in His divine heart? Listen to this podcast to learn how Jesus, as the Lord of our needs, plans methodically and miraculously for our needs. He structures our experiences to build our faith, and He expects us to have faith that He will always be there for us. That faith comes as we look back at the things that He has done for us in the past. That faith comes because He has promised to never, never, never, leave us.

Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Do you have someone to watch over you as you go through the problems of life? Do you have a resource with enough power to call upon when you are in your darkest moments? Most of us go through life being controlled by the things that are going on around us. When things are going good, we are happy. When things are hard, we endure on our own. But that is not the way Jesus wants you to go through life. Listen to this podcast to learn how you can have a direct link to the One with the power to put all of your problems beneath your feet. You can walk victoriously over the problems and challenges of your darkest moments. Learn how Jesus wants to be the SomeOne who watches over you.

Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Who, or what, do you depend on to satisfy the desires in your life? Most of us would answer this question by saying our job. The motivation for you to get up each and every morning to go to work is so that you can earn a wage that you will use to satisfy your desires. We depend on our hard work to satisfy our desires. Others would say they depend on the government to meet their needs. They look to others to supply their wants and needs. Listen to this podcast to learn how Jesus used the miracle of the 5,000 to teach us that He is the One that a believer should be depending on to satisfy all of their desires Your job will fail you. We have all learned this lately. The government will fail you. Others will fail you. But Jesus never will. Jesus is the bread of everlasting life.

Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Someone once said that death and taxes are inevitable. We must all face death. The death of our loved ones, or our own death. There is absolutely nothing we can do about death, or is there? Christianity is unique among all of the world's religions in that its founder conquered death by dying on a cross, being buried in a tomb, and then bodily walking out of that tomb. Jesus Christ is not dead, with His bones lying in a grave like all of the other religious leaders. Jesus Christ is alive and sitting at the right hand of the Father. Jesus Christ has made each person a promise that if you will hear His words and believe on the One who has sent Him, that you shall pass from death unto everlasting life. Jesus proclaims to each of us that He, and He alone, has the power to conquer death and provide everlasting life. He then proved the veracity of this promise with His own life. Listen to this podcast and learn about the One with the power to conquer death.