
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
In the coming days the U.S. Supreme Court will render a decision that could destroy for this nation God's institution of marriage as that being between one man and one woman. So the question becomes, when is it ok to place man's law above God's law? It is a fact of history that the founders of our country used Biblical Judeo-Christian values and morals of right and wrong to establish the laws, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights in the creation of our country. They had a strong belief that man's law was subservient to God's law. As a segment of our country has chosen a different set of values and morals that they wish to impose on this country, they have declared that the founder's beliefs are out of date, unenlightened, and do not meet the needs of a new socially elite, and enlightened, society. So they have decided that man's laws are superior to God's laws. They have declared the right to ignore God's laws and replace them with man's own cleverness. Listen to this podcast to hear what Jesus had to say to a nation that made the same choice that the U.S. has made. Listen as Jesus, the Creator of all things, condemns the arrogance of man to say that man's law supersedes God's law.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
When man looks at Jesus dying on the Cross at Calvary he sees a failure. This is man's wisdom. When God looks at His own Son dying on the Cross at Calvary He sees the redemption of man as it was planned at the time of creation. This is God's wisdom. The wisdom of the Cross contains the gospel message of the Cross. Man's wisdom says that we must earn our salvation through some deed or effort. The wisdom of the Cross says that no man can come to the Father except through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Man's wisdom boasts proudly of the good motives and the righteous behavior of man. The scales of justice determine man's destination and reward in the afterlife, if there is an afterlife. The wisdom of the Cross says that man's righteousness is as filthy rags before the holiness of God. The wisdom of man leads to an eternity in Hell. The wisdom of the Cross leads to an eternity with Jesus in Heaven. Listen to this podcast and learn how Paul describes the wisdom of the Cross.

Tuesday May 01, 2012
GOD'S WISDOM (1 Cor. 1:21-24)
Tuesday May 01, 2012
Tuesday May 01, 2012
Are you looking for God?
Well, God has a plan to reveal Himself to you, and He has had this plan since before the foundation of the universe.
God knew you before the world was created, and God loved you. God loved you so much that He sent His Son to die on a cross for your sin, just so He could offer you eternal life.
This is God’s wisdom. God will use your Christian friends, the church, the evangelist, the preacher, and the missionary to tell you about God’s love for you. He will use the Bible to tell you about what Jesus has done for you.
Most of all, God will use the Holy Spirit to prick your heart, to convict your heart of your need for God, and to reveal the sin in your life that separates you from God.
If you want to find God, then all you have to do is accept His offer. Ask Jesus to become your Savior and you will know what it means to have the one true almighty God living in your heart.
Listen and praise God’s wisdom and love for us in this verse-by-verse discussion of 1 Cor. 1:21-24.