Monday Jul 30, 2012
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Monday Jul 30, 2012
What is it that drives you to give a tithe or offering to God?
What is it that causes you to pull out your wallet and place cash in the offering plate each week?
Is it a sense of duty to God?
Do you give so you can get more in return from God? How many times have you heard that you cannot out give God?
Listen to this podcast and learn the believer’s motivation for giving to God. Rejoice as we learn that our giving is always for our benefit.
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
GIVING THROUGH GRACE (2 Cor. 7:12 to 8:5)
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
What do you know about God's grace? Theologians define grace as the unmerited favor of God, but if that is our only definition then we will miss the rich flavor of this word. The grace of God is the passion of God to share all His goodness with others. Listen to this podcast as Paul uses this principle to describe the spirit of a believer towards giving to God. Paul calls giving a grace. It is a grace of God.