Sometimes people tell me it’s hard to be a Christian. That is just so ridiculous. Listen, all you have to do is think about old, unsaved, Jacob down there sleeping on stones, with a rock for a pillow, and tell me it’s hard to be a Christian. The truth is, it is hard not to be a Christian. The Bible says,
Prov 13:15
15 Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.
What could be harder than a stone for a pillow? “The way of [the transgressor] is hard.” It is not hard to be a Christian. Jesus said,
Matt 11:28-30
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Now, what did that last sentence say? “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Jesus is telling us that to be a Christian, a Christ follower, is easy.
I have been teaching the Bible for a long time. Two things I’ve never heard.
Number one: I’ve never heard any Christian—true Christian, a born-again Christian—say, “I’m sorry that I gave my heart to Jesus Christ.” I never have heard that.
Number two: Something else that I have never heard: I have never heard any person without the Lord Jesus Christ say, “I want to tell you how much the dear, sweet, old devil means to me.”
Here is the easy truth, I would be a Christian even if there were no heaven, and if there were no hell. Now, without a doubt, there are both, but if I had a thousand lives, I’d give every one of them to Jesus Christ. To know Christ in this life, that is easy. It is the way of the transgressor that is hard.
Here is an old familiar quote, “Nature forms us; sin deforms us; education informs us; penitentiaries try to reform us; but only Jesus can transform us.” And if you’d like to be transformed, then you can be transformed. You can be made brand new through the Lord Jesus Christ and through the wonderful saving gospel of our dear Savior.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how the story of Jacob’s Ladder shows us a picture of the sinner, a picture of the Savior, and a picture of salvation.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.