
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Jesus is calling you to come unto Him. How are you going to respond? For those who respond to the call of Jesus and make Him their Savior, there is a lifetime of trials, persecution, and heartache. But through it all there is His Spirit in your heart, His wisdom, His comfort, His strength, and most of all eternal life with Jesus in heaven. For those who reject the call of Jesus, there is a lifetime of trials, persecution, and heartache. But through it all you are alone. Your friends cannot be there with you every moment you need. You must face these trials alone, and most of all you have chosen to spend eternity separated from God. Listen to this podcast to find out what it means to respond to the call of Jesus. Jesus is calling, what is your response?

Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
THE SPIRIT REVEALS (1 Cor. 2:9-16)
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
How does God reveal Himself to man? Man perceives the world around him through his eyes, ears, and mind. Man sees the world around him, yet the Scripture tells us that since the beginning of the world our eye hath not seen certain things. We have not seen the spiritual things that God has for us. Man hears the world around him, yet the Scripture tells us that since the beginning of the world our ear hath not heard certain things. We have not heard the spiritual things that God has for us. Man's mind is limited by what he can conceive of, prove by experimentation, or hypothesize about, yet the Scripture tells us that since the beginning of the world that our heart has not solved certain things. We have not solved the mysteries of the spiritual things that God has for us. Therefore, God uses the presence of the Holy Spirit within the heart of the believer to reveal Himself. Listen to the attached podcast and rejoice as Paul describes how God reveals Himself to man.