
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
The title of the message today is “Learning to lean on Jesus.” Now, in order to learn how to lean on Jesus, there is a battle that each of us will face, and it is a battle that I hope you are going to lose. It is that battle that we will be talking about today.
We have been studying about the man Jacob and how God loved him. Why did God love Jacob? It is for the same reason that He loves you. God did not love Jacob for what he was, but for what He knew He could make out of him. For, in spite of all of his faults, Jacob had a heart for God. The question that you need to ask yourself today is, do you have a heart for God?
Secondly, I want you to notice that God did not change Jacob so that He could love him; He loved Jacob in order to change him. And I’m so glad that God loves us today. With all of our weaknesses and with all of our faults, God sees something in us that He wants to make out of us. And so, He just loves us, and He keeps working with us. Thank God for His infinite, marvelous patience.
God wants us to come to a place of total, absolute, dependence upon Him. Most of us have never come to that place. Most of us still have enough Jacob in us to say, “Well, we hope He’ll bless us, but if He doesn’t, we’ll figure out a way. We’ll figure out a way somehow.”
God had to bring Jacob to a point where he was leaning on Jesus instead of his on self-confidence. It is the place that God wants to bring every one of us to. Paul said we are those who “have no confidence in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3)
Do you know what most people want to learn? Self-confidence. You go into any bookstore, and there will be a wall of books on self-confidence. Having self-confidence sounds so good that to speak against self-confidence sounds terrible. But, the Bible tells us that the one thing we don’t need, is self-confidence. Ok, when you hear me say that, right away your mind threw up a wall and you said, “Oh, yes, we do”—“yes, we do.” Everybody wants that self-confidence. We’ve been taught everywhere that we have got to have self-confidence.
Yet, Paul tells us that, “[We] have no confidence in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3) We have no confidence in self. Now, understand that I am not saying you should not have confidence, but, if you are going to have confidence, then you just have it in Jesus, have confidence in the Lord. That doesn’t mean that you are going to go around like a doormat. You go around like a real person. If your confidence is in Jesus, then you will really have confidence. Jesus is someone you can have real confidence in. Jesus is someone that you can truly lean on.
Click on the play button to hear a message on how God is battling with you to learn how to lean on Jesus. I hope you lose this most important battle with the Lord. This is a battle you cannot afford to win. And when God the Holy Spirit is striving with you today, why don’t you just throw in the towel and say, “Lord, I’ll not let you go except you bless me,” and no longer be dependent upon the flesh.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday May 05, 2024
JACOB AND LABAN (Genesis 29:1 to 30:30)
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
JACOB AND LABAN (Genesis 29:1 to 30:30)
As we study Jacob, we see a man who is confident and sure of his ability to handle anything this world can dish out. Jacob knows God, and God has promised to be with him at all times. Yet, Jacob has not learned to be led by God. Instead, Jacob is leading and expecting God to back him up.
That is the way many believers treat God. When times are good, they choose the way they want to go, and what they want to do. Yet, just as soon as things turn bad, they turn to God to get them out of whatever mess they have gotten themselves into. They never think to ask God to lead them; they never ask God to choose the path they will go down, and they never humbly surrender their life to the will of God.
In today’s study, Jacob will find himself deceived by his Uncle Laban, trapped in a job he wants to leave, caught in the middle of a battle between two wives for his attention, and ultimately with 13 hungry kids looking at him for food and provisions. Sounds like a normal day in one of our own lives, doesn’t it?
That is what makes the study of Jacob interesting, because Jacob is a story about us. Think about your own life, are you retired but forced to work a job to meet your financial needs, are you stuck in a job you feel taken advantage of in, are you having marital problems, do you feel deceived by those you should be able to trust, or do you have hungry kids, sometimes adult children and their kids, looking at you for dinner and a house to live in?
Do you ever ask yourself, how did I get myself into this mess? Do you ever ask yourself, and honestly answer, did God lead you, or did you lead God?
As a believer, God has promised to always be with you, and He always will be, wherever you drag Him, but the real question you need to ask is, have you totally surrendered to the will of God in your life? Are you following God as He leads you, or is God following you as you lead Him? Have you ever seen the bumper sticker that says “God is my copilot”? Listen, if God is your copilot, then you need to move over and let Him be Captain. God is to lead you.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the importance of living a life fully surrendered to God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Apr 14, 2024
A FAMILY OF LIES AND LIARS (Genesis 27:1-46)
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Today’s message is about the family of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob. From the birth of these two children, neither the parents, nor the children were obedient to God’s will. Each member of this family knew of God’s proclamation that Jacob was to be the one that the covenant blessing was to be passed to, and each person set about either attempting to by-pass this proclamation, or to obtain it through lies and deceit. Each member of this family was controlled by the carnal nature that existed within them and which demanded that they solve their problems under their own strength and limited wisdom. As a result, each of these people suffered the consequences of their decision to be disobedient to God.
Chapter 27 is a sad chapter, because everyone in it is doing the wrong thing, especially Isaac. As the head of the family, Isaac was a spiritually weak man, controlled by his carnal desires. He was a liar, and he was disobedient to God. His family followed his lead, they were a Family of Lies and Liars. This chapter has as its theme, Jacob and Rebekah conniving to get the blessing of Isaac for Jacob, which Isaac had every intention of giving to Esau, in spite of God’s revealed will.
Jacob wanted the blessing of his father. He knew that God had promised his mother that the elder would serve the younger, so the blessing was already his. All he had to do was wait on God. However, he did not trust God to handle this. Rebekah, certainly did not trust God. And evidently Isaac didn’t trust God either, or he would never have attempted to bypass Jacob and give the blessing to Esau. He followed his own feelings and appetite in contradiction to the distinct Word of God.
Now, something I want to make very clear, the method Jacob used in obtaining the birthright cannot be supported on any grounds whatsoever. He used fraud and deceit. His conduct was absolutely despicable. God did not condone this any more than He condoned the conduct of Sarah and Abraham in the matter of Hagar and Ishmael. Do not say that God gave this blessing to Jacob because of what he did, for God could not, and would not, use the trickery and cleverness of Jacob. Jacob received this blessing is spite of his actions, because God had covenanted to do so.
As we shall see over the next few weeks, God deals with Jacob in a very definite way for his actions. Jacob had to pay for his sin in the same manner in which he sinned. Jacob was deceived and lied to by an even greater liar than he was. He met Laban, who was the dean of the college of liars.
Click on the link below to hear a message on what happens when a follower of Christ fails to trust God to do what He says He will do.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Genesis, chapter 26, is the only chapter in the Bible devoted solely to Isaac. In this chapter we get a look at the actions of Isaac, and we see that he will repeat many of the same sins that Abraham did. Isaac was not a spiritually strong man. He was a man easily molded by the circumstances around him. He was willing to let them bend and shape him rather than seizing them and shaping them to his will. He was a man who had reached his spiritual peak on Mount Moriah, and then he spent the rest of his days stumbling and somehow kept going for God.
So, what is the lesson that we can find in this chapter? Well, one of them is patience. Patience to wait on God to work things out as He has promised. This is a message that many of us need, including myself. The second part of the message from this chapter, that goes along with the patience to wait on God, is to trust God to fulfill all of His promises to us. Both of these lessons go hand-in-hand. In order to be patient to wait on God, we have to trust that God will do what He has promised he will do. Isaac, and actually his whole family, were neither patient, nor did they trust God to do as He promised.
Isaac’s problem isn’t that he is dishonest, although he is. His problem is that he is not willing to rely on God. It is this lack of trust in the Almighty God that leads Isaac, and all of us, to take matters into our own hands to resolve. It is this lack of trust in God that leads us into a good share of the problems we face. It is this lack of trust in God that leads to many of the heartaches and pain that we encounter in this life.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how a lack of trust in God, takes us away from Him, and leads us into the world; away from our new nature, and toward our carnal nature; and away from performing God’s will, to performing the will of Satan. It is also about a loving and merciful God that will bless us in spite of our failings. None of us deserve the blessings that we receive from God. Yet, we receive them. None of us deserve salvation, yet God has provided it for us.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
In our message today, we are going to cover the details of Abraham’s servant returning to Abraham’s people to find a bride for Isaac. Chapter 24 is the longest chapter in the Book of Genesis, and every detail of this beautiful love story, speaks of Christ and His bride, the Church. This should not be surprising because Paul tells us in Ephesians that marriage is intended to mirror the relationship of Christ and the Church.
We will see Rebekah, a type, or a picture, of the church as the bride of Isaac, being brought into the very tent of Sarah. The whole chapter, while interesting and full of local tradition and culture of the time, is at the same time a full-length study of the way in which the Father’s beloved Son obtained His bride, the church.
Woven into the fabric of this beautiful human story are the threads of an even greater story. We see the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world with a great mission to win and woo the hearts of the lost to the heart of the Beloved Son of God. Only rarely does He speak of Himself. His great mission is to praise the Son and to tell of the love of the Father and His grace and mercy. His great task is to seek out those that will become the Bride of Christ.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how the Holy Spirit takes advantage of life’s ordinary circumstances using them to accomplish His task. He never forces, never violates the human will, never overwhelms, never uses weird and uncanny means to conquer the soul. Ordinary things happen; a visit here, a chance meeting there, an unexpected conversation, a book passed by a friend—and all the time the Holy Spirit is at work. Until, at last, the gospel is presented, and the hour of decision comes. It was the servant’s way with Rebekah; it is the Spirit’s way with a lost soul.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
In today’s message, I want to talk to you about your faith. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 16:13 to be strong in faith. I want us to think about our faith, and I want us to look at our faith. I want us to examine our faith. I want us to test our faith, because, you see, the faith that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted.
How do you know that your faith is real and strong? Well, would you like to fly on an airplane that had never been tested? Would you like for it to be built, but never once put to any test? Would you want to get on it and commit your life to that airplane, and it had never been tested? I don’t think so, right? Would you like for a doctor to do surgery on you who went through medical school without a test? He just got a diploma as a participation trophy?
Do you want to put your faith, and your confidence, in something that hasn’t been tested? Again, the faith that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted.
If you were to measure faith, how would you measure it? Well, you could measure it with the dimensions of faith. You could measure it by its depth. You could measure it by its height. You could measure it by its length. Or you could measure it by its wideness. And that is exactly how we are going to measure faith today. We are going to study how God tells us in His Word how Abraham’s faith was measured. He is going to tell us how it was qualified.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how our faith is measured by the depth of its devotion, the height of its sacrifice, the length of its obedience, and the wideness of confidence.
Let me ask that the next time you pray to your Heavenly Father, pray these words, “Lord, increase my faith. And, Lord, when the test comes, when you ask of me something—to go somewhere, to give something, to sacrifice something—Lord, help me to obey. May my obedience be quick, intentional, instantaneous, impassioned, intelligent.” You don’t have to think up things to sacrifice. You just have to say, “Lord, all that I am, all that I have, belongs to you.”
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Feb 12, 2024
THE BIRTH OF ISAAC (Genesis 20:1 to 21:34)
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Today’s message is about spiritual highs and lows. If you have been a Christ follower for very long, then the mountain top experiences when you feel so close to God, are right there alongside the deep valley experiences when you feel so far from God. The Bible describes Abraham as a hero of the faith, and I certainly agree with that description. Some of the things that we have seen Abraham do in our study of the book of Genesis, and some of the things that he will yet do in this book, are truly remarkable examples of a man who is filled with the Spirit of an all-powerful God.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I never like to see my heroes stumble. I mean, the Lone Ranger never told a lie, he was never mean to people, and he always rescued the girl, and defeated the bad guys. That is just the way it works, our heroes are not supposed to do the same kind of foolish things that we do, especially twice.
So, when you have the type of expectations that I do for my heroes, chapter 20 of the book of Genesis is a chapter that you would like to just skip over. That is because Abraham does all of the things we just talked about. He lies, and he is mean to Hagar and Ishmael. Worse, he repeats the same sin that he committed when he went down into the land of Egypt and lied concerning Sarah, saying, “She is my sister.” It is the same story, all over again. But in the end, Abraham defeats the bad guy, or the sin that has been in his life, he obeys God’s commands, and he gets the only girl God has wanted for him from the beginning, which is Sarah.
Yet, this story tells the truth about all of us as Christians. No matter how great we think we are, each time we try to solve our problems using the world’s methods, using our own strength, instead of depending on God, we will fail. And there is nothing more miserable than a Christian who has failed because he did not depend on God. The lost see this person as the hypocrite they are, and they want nothing to do with that kind of shallow belief.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how our faith and trust in God is the foundation for living a victorious Christian life.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
There are those who believe that you can become a child of God and continue on in sin. God says that is impossible. You cannot do that. Paul asks the question,
Romans 6:1-2
1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
The idea that you can be a Christian and go on living in sin, or support and condone the sin of those around you, is a tremendous mistake. Don’t tell me that the book of Genesis describes a primitive view of God, and that we have a better, more enlightened one today. Don’t argue that, after all, Jesus received sinners. That is absolutely true, He certainly did, but when He got through with them, He had changed them. The harlot who came to Him was no longer in that business. When she came to God, she changed. A tax collector named Matthew came to Jesus, and he gave up that which was crooked when he came to the Lord. If you have come to Christ, you will be changed.
Many people try to explain that we are living in a new day and that we need to wake up. That is true, we are living in a new day, but it just happens to be the same old sin. Today, it is the same for us as Christians. The world has a lot of attractions. Many people want to have one foot in the world and the other living in God’s will. But it doesn’t work that way. In order to become saved, we are commanded to repent of our sins. The word repent is an expression that always has been given to God’s people as a challenge to turn around, to stop what they are doing. The word repent can be defined as walking down the road in one direction, stopping, and turning back to go in the opposite direction, never looking or going back the way you were going. This word is much more than just saying you are sorry, it is agreeing with God that what you did was wrong and committing not to do it again.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how God will bring judgement on pervasive sin. As Christians, our love cannot be of the things of this world. Our home is no longer here on this earth. We are pilgrims on this earth. We are here for one purpose only, to bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
These three verses contain four wonderful, wonderful, truths that you need to learn. I want you to get these four things about a strong faith emblazoned in your heart, etched upon your consciousness. I want them to reverberate through your soul, because I want for you what I want for myself, a strong faith.
The first is that Strong Faith Releases the Grace of God. Faith is the key. It just opens the door and gets you in there where grace is, or it gets grace out here where you are.
The second is that Strong Faith Relies on The Guarantees Of God. Strong faith always relies on God’s guarantees. It does not rely on you, on what you wish, or what you want, but on what God has said.
The third is that Strong Faith Recognizes the Greatness of God. True faith is rooted in the promise, but not only in the promise, but in the One who promised. And so, if you are to have faith, not only must you have the Word of God, and a word from God, you must also understand the character of the God who gives this Word.
The fourth is that strong faith reveals the glory of God. The greatest way that you can glorify God is to believe Him.
Click on the play button above to hear a message on the most important part of God’s grace that we can apply to our hearts and lives. It is the foundational truth that we need to understand that our faith is based on. That truth is that There Is No Problem God Cannot Solve. You will never have to say that something is too difficult for God to do in your life. It is that truth that lets the peace of God rest in our hearts, for we have the omnipotent, the omniscient, and the omnipresent, God who can solve any issue, and any problem, that we might face as we serve the loving, living, God of all creation.
God said to Abraham, “Abraham, I’m going to give you a son.” Abraham was 100 years old. Sarah was 90. It was humanly ridiculous, so much so, that Abraham laughed, and yet he turned, and he believed God. How did he do it? Well, first of all, he said, “I know God that you want to do it by your sheer grace. And so by faith, I’m going to release that grace.”
Faith releases grace. It relies on God’s Word. It doesn’t look for anything else. It just simply takes the Word of God and gets a word from God. And, thirdly, the faith that relies on God, relies on God because it knows God’s character. It just simply is aware of who God is and what God can do. And, therefore, it just glorifies God. It just simply says, “God, I want to give you the praise. I’m going to give you the glory. I’m not going to stagger in unbelief.”
Now, if you’ll do that, then God will make you a person of strong faith.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

Monday Jan 08, 2024
TO BE STRONG IN FAITH (Genesis 17: 15-17)
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Archimedes was a philosopher and physicist, and he said, “If you will give me a lever long enough, if you will give me a fulcrum with something to rest it on, and if you will give me a place to stand, I can move the earth.” He was right. For us, that lever is faith, that fulcrum is the Word of God, and that place where we stand is in His grace. With it, not only can we move the earth, but we can move heaven as well, if we learn to be strong in faith.
It is strong faith that releases the grace of God. Rom. 4:16 says, “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace …” meaning that without faith, you will never know grace, “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure.”
What is grace? Grace is “God’s riches at Christ’s expense.” Grace is God giving us and showing us His great wonderful love. There’s nothing we can do to deserve it, or to earn it. Grace is the unmerited love and favor of God that is just given to us.
Now, how can you get in on this unmerited love and favor of God? Only by faith! If you begin to work for it, if you begin to pay for it, then it is no longer grace. It is no longer grace. If it is by grace, then by definition, it is no longer works, otherwise work is not work. And, if it is by work, then by definition of the word work, it is not by grace, otherwise grace is no more grace. This is what the Bible says. You can’t mix grace and works, so the only way that grace can be grace is through faith. That is the only way that grace can be grace.
Now, it is important to understand that unbelief holds grace prisoner. If you are an unbeliever, grace will never work in your heart and in your life. The Bible says it is by faith so that it can be by grace.
Click on the play button above to hear a message on how a strong faith is the key to unlock God’s grace in your life.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.