
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
We live in a world today where more Christians are being killed for their faith than at any other time in history. Countries in the Middle East, like Pakistan, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia daily beat and execute Christians just because their faith does not match their own Muslim religion. Places of Christian worship are destroyed by the religious intolerant. What is sad is that the mass media and the other governments of the world have, for the most part, ignored what is going on in these countries.
The U.S. is also following this trend. While it is currently possible for preachers and teachers of the Word of God to tell what God has defined as the absolute truths of right and wrong, I see a time coming very soon when these same sermons will be considered as hate speech by our own government. Preachers will be silenced from telling the world what the Bible teaches, even in their own churches. Imprisonment, lawsuits, and persecution, will be applied to those who choose to preach and teach Biblical truths. Our government has systematically removed God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible, from our government meetings, our schools, our universities, and the public square.
I believe as Ronald Reagan once said, "Without God, there is no virtue, because there's no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we're mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what the senses perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." -- Remarks at an Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast in Dallas, Texas, 23 August 1984 (President RONALD WILSON REAGAN)
Listen to this study of the book of James to learn that even in the face of the harshest persecution, God has a happy ending for us as believers. We have the promise of the Lord’s return.
We have the promise that the Lord will come in power and judgment.
We have the promise of an eternity in heaven with the Lord Jesus welcoming us with the words well done.
We have the promise of joy, unspeakable and full of glory.
This is why we can be patient. Why, when we are subject to religious intolerance and persecution, we can be still, and why we can be strong, for we know the day of the Lord is coming soon.

Monday Dec 09, 2013
Monday Dec 09, 2013
Monday Dec 09, 2013
Have you ever asked the question why a loving God would allow storms into the life of a Christian? What could possibly be the purpose for God to allow such things to happen to those people who are trying to be good?
In our new study of the Book of James, we learn that God wants each believer to grow spiritually. And if we are honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that we grow more in the times of trials that we face, than we do when everything is going great.
It is in a time of trial that God teaches us patience, or to abide, in handling the trial. It is in a time of trial that God moves us out of the ruts that we so easily fall into. He mellows us out, and He matures us. He strengthens our faith in Him, and He teaches us to become fully reconciled to His will.
Listen to this podcast to learn that these storms are permitted in our lives by a wise and loving heavenly Father, who is too caring to be unkind and too wise to make any mistakes. These trials will always have a divine purpose and they will be for our good.
God loves you, and He wants only what is best for you. The question is are you willing to trust God in the time of trial?
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