
Monday Mar 04, 2013
THE WHEAT AND THE TARES (Matthew 13:24-43)
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Monday Mar 04, 2013
As a believer, you have been placed in this world as the ambassador of Jesus Christ. Your mission is to share the gospel of Christ. Satan hates everything that God does, so he has placed his own agents in the world right alongside the ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Their mission is to dilute the message of the gospel of Christ. They are to deceive those who hear the message of Christ with their own version of it. They are to destroy the message of the gospel of Christ. The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares is a story from Jesus that describes the world that we live in today. How God's messengers are hard at work, and what Satan is trying to do to stop it. Listen to this podcast to discover how believers are to respond to the work of Satan's agents and what will happen at the time of the harvest.

Monday Jan 28, 2013
Monday Jan 28, 2013
Monday Jan 28, 2013
What do you place your faith in to get you through the trials of life? Your friends, your family, or your own abilities? What do you place your faith in to deal with the inevitability of death and what happens after death? Is it science, medicine, or religion? Science can tell you why you are going to die, but death will still ultimately come. Medicine can make you feel better before you die, it can even extend your life, but death will still ultimately come. Religion, with its works, and its rules, can make you feel like you are doing something about death and what comes after, but death will still ultimately come. Listen to this podcast to hear what the Word God says that we are to place our faith in. Rejoice as the Bible tells us the something and the Someone that has the power to control death and what comes after.

Monday Jan 21, 2013
Monday Jan 21, 2013
Monday Jan 21, 2013
As believers, it is easy for us to look at the world around us and see that it is growing farther and farther from God. The world’s religious system has taken the inerrant and infallible Word of God and homogenized it, water its truths down, and added the philosophies of man to it, so that it will be more socially adjusted and accepted by the world.
Listen to this podcast to learn how Satan has used his dirty birds as agents to create the dirty bread to pull people away from the true gospel message of Christ.

Monday Jan 14, 2013
Monday Jan 14, 2013
Monday Jan 14, 2013
In the parable of the candle and the basket, Jesus asks the simple question of the believer, would you bring a candle to a dark room and then cover it up with a basket?
Most people would say no, that does not make any sense because the purpose of lighting a candle is to dispel the darkness. A candle’s light brings safety from the things that lurk in the dark. If you put the candle into a lantern it becomes a mobile device that lights the pathway on a dark night, and if you put a reflective surface behind it, you can cast its light for long distances.
Listen to this podcast to hear how this message applies to the believer. Learn how the believer is the candle that shines the light of Jesus upon a dark world.

Monday Jan 07, 2013
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Is your salvation real?
Our churches are full of people who have made a profession of faith but do not possess Christ in their hearts. Their faith is an intellectual acceptance of Christ, but they have not been reborn.
Others have attended crusades, or evangelistic meetings, and had an emotional experience, only to find that being a Christian means facing persecution.
Listen to this podcast to learn how the Bible tells us we can be sure of our salvation. How we can be sure that Christ lives in our hearts.

Monday Dec 31, 2012
JESUS TEACHES (Mark 3:31 to 4:9)
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Monday Dec 31, 2012
What makes someone a great teacher?
Is it the effect they have had on your life, or the knowledge they have imparted?
Many in the world today consider Jesus to have been a great teacher or prophet, but Jesus was much more than a teacher. Jesus as God incarnate in man, had a message for the world. It is a message of God’s grace, God’s love, and eternal life.
Listen to this podcast to see how Jesus taught this message of the gospel of Christ. How He changed the world with His parables that spoke of everyday life, but contained great Biblical truths.