
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
GOD'S CALLING (1 Cor. 1:25-31)
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
What do you think of when someone tells you about the Cross at Calvary, what do you see? Do you see the shame and disgrace of a so-called King of the Jews, who could not even save Himself, let alone anyone else? Unfortunately, this is the view that most of society has of the Cross that Jesus died on. Yet man's view of the Cross is incomplete, and it is because of this, that man, by his own cleverness, cannot understand the way of the Cross, or the why of the Cross. It is only when God completes man's view of the Cross that man finds God. Without God's revelation of Himself, man would never discover the almighty Creator of the Universe. It is only through the revelation of Holy Spirit that man begins to see the grace of God, and the purpose of God in the gospel message of the Cross. Listen and rejoice as Paul describes the greatness of God and how God is revealed to man.