Monday Feb 12, 2024
THE BIRTH OF ISAAC (Genesis 20:1 to 21:34)
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Today’s message is about spiritual highs and lows. If you have been a Christ follower for very long, then the mountain top experiences when you feel so close to God, are right there alongside the deep valley experiences when you feel so far from God. The Bible describes Abraham as a hero of the faith, and I certainly agree with that description. Some of the things that we have seen Abraham do in our study of the book of Genesis, and some of the things that he will yet do in this book, are truly remarkable examples of a man who is filled with the Spirit of an all-powerful God.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I never like to see my heroes stumble. I mean, the Lone Ranger never told a lie, he was never mean to people, and he always rescued the girl, and defeated the bad guys. That is just the way it works, our heroes are not supposed to do the same kind of foolish things that we do, especially twice.
So, when you have the type of expectations that I do for my heroes, chapter 20 of the book of Genesis is a chapter that you would like to just skip over. That is because Abraham does all of the things we just talked about. He lies, and he is mean to Hagar and Ishmael. Worse, he repeats the same sin that he committed when he went down into the land of Egypt and lied concerning Sarah, saying, “She is my sister.” It is the same story, all over again. But in the end, Abraham defeats the bad guy, or the sin that has been in his life, he obeys God’s commands, and he gets the only girl God has wanted for him from the beginning, which is Sarah.
Yet, this story tells the truth about all of us as Christians. No matter how great we think we are, each time we try to solve our problems using the world’s methods, using our own strength, instead of depending on God, we will fail. And there is nothing more miserable than a Christian who has failed because he did not depend on God. The lost see this person as the hypocrite they are, and they want nothing to do with that kind of shallow belief.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how our faith and trust in God is the foundation for living a victorious Christian life.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
There are those who believe that you can become a child of God and continue on in sin. God says that is impossible. You cannot do that. Paul asks the question,
Romans 6:1-2
1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
The idea that you can be a Christian and go on living in sin, or support and condone the sin of those around you, is a tremendous mistake. Don’t tell me that the book of Genesis describes a primitive view of God, and that we have a better, more enlightened one today. Don’t argue that, after all, Jesus received sinners. That is absolutely true, He certainly did, but when He got through with them, He had changed them. The harlot who came to Him was no longer in that business. When she came to God, she changed. A tax collector named Matthew came to Jesus, and he gave up that which was crooked when he came to the Lord. If you have come to Christ, you will be changed.
Many people try to explain that we are living in a new day and that we need to wake up. That is true, we are living in a new day, but it just happens to be the same old sin. Today, it is the same for us as Christians. The world has a lot of attractions. Many people want to have one foot in the world and the other living in God’s will. But it doesn’t work that way. In order to become saved, we are commanded to repent of our sins. The word repent is an expression that always has been given to God’s people as a challenge to turn around, to stop what they are doing. The word repent can be defined as walking down the road in one direction, stopping, and turning back to go in the opposite direction, never looking or going back the way you were going. This word is much more than just saying you are sorry, it is agreeing with God that what you did was wrong and committing not to do it again.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how God will bring judgement on pervasive sin. As Christians, our love cannot be of the things of this world. Our home is no longer here on this earth. We are pilgrims on this earth. We are here for one purpose only, to bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Have you ever thought of laughter as a part of your faith? To be honest, I think it is easy for us to forget that our faith is supposed to bring happiness into our lives. God is truly a wonderful and gracious God, and He blesses us with so much that we don’t deserve. But from the way most of us walk around, you would think that we have the weight of the world on our shoulders, when instead our problems are supposed to be on God’s shoulders, not ours. One of my life verses is:
Ps 55:22
22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
When I really apply this verse to my life, it simply changes my entire outlook on life. For, I have to ask myself, what burden do I have that God cannot handle? Is there anything too hard for God? And if God is handling it, then why not be happy about it? Why not have the joy of the Holy Spirit in my heart and on my face for the world to see?
Click on the link below to hear a message on how God has worked in Abraham’s life. How God has told Abraham on multiple occasions that he will have a son named Isaac, and that he will be the father of many nations. In this message we get a chance to see the joy of having a God that loves us and fulfills all of His promises to us.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
HOW TO MEND A BROKEN FAITH-PART II (Gensis 12:1 to 13:4)
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
I want you to imagine yourself being in the Biblical school of faith, and that’s a wonderful school, and if the truth were told, many of us have been in that school for a very long time. The fact is that we often have to go back for some remedial training. There are also times when God has decided to hold us back for a grade or two. In fact, I am not too sure that I will ever officially graduate from the school of faith. Amen?
Now, why is that? It is because sometimes we don’t make very good grades. And I want to talk to you today about “How to Mend a Broken Faith,” because there are just times that we don’t do all that good in God’s school of faith. Yet, this faith is so important for us to have in order to be successful in living the victorious Christian life.
Ask yourself, did you once walk with God, but now you wonder why you’re even in church on Sunday morning because you’re so far away from God? Do you remember how it was when God was real to you?
Ask yourself another question. Was there ever a time where God was nearer, dearer, and sweeter, to you than He is right now? If so, you’re backslidden. Just remember what it was like, how sweet it was, when you walked with the Lord. Let God bring you back to His house. You say, “Bro. Keith, how can I get right with God? Where can I find God?” You’ll find him right where you left Him. You don’t have to guess at it. You get on your knees, on your face, and God will show you. Go back to your first love.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how to mend your broken faith. First, there must be repentance, then remembrance, and then restoration. If you want to mend your faith, just gave it all back to Jesus, and the Lord will cleanse you and restore your faith.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Monday Nov 06, 2023
ABRAHAM CHOOSES (Genesis 12:9 to 13_8)
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
One of the great Biblical themes that is taught over and over in Scripture is the effect of the choices that we, as Christians, make between choosing to follow the will of God in our lives and the things of this world. The fact that the believer even has a choice to follow the will of God is an often misunderstood blessing of our salvation.
You see, the lost person has no such choice to make. He is a slave to Satan, and he must follow the will of his master. His only choice is between heaven and hell. Between making Christ his Lord and Savior, or keeping Satan as his master. Once the decision is made to accept Christ’s offer of salvation, the person is freed from the bonds of slavery to Satan and sin. They now have a daily choice between serving God or serving Satan. They have the blessing of being able to daily choose God’s will for their lives, instead of Satan’s will.
Click on the link below to hear a message on the effect that Abraham’s choices had on his life, and that of his family. We will get to see the negative and the positive. God withholding His blessing from Abram, and God outpouring His blessings on a faithful servant.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
NEW WORLD, SAME OLD SIN (Genesis 9:18 to 10:10)
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
NEW WORLD, SAME OLD SIN (Genesis 9:18 to 10:10)
When the Flood was completed, eight people came out of that ark. All the people who had turned away from God had now been destroyed by the judgment waters of God. The earth was fresh and new. Noah had been given a new covenant relationship with God. Noah had sanctified the earth with a burnt offering in gratitude to God, for providing salvation to himself and his family. So, now everything should be perfect, there should be no sin, and everybody should live happily ever after. Right? Well, what is obvious from this portion of Scripture is that even though this is a new beginning in a new world, it is the same old sin that is still there.
Click on the link below to hear a message on how we are to deal with sin that occurs in our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is important to understand that hatred, discontent, and anger in a church will destroy the effectiveness of the Spirit of God in that church. Self-righteous pride about the failing of another brother will quench the Spirit of God in that church. You cannot be in the will of God and be harboring hatred or disdain toward one another.
No matter what this Christian has done, if we want this church to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit, we cannot harbor discontent, hatred, or anger, toward someone within our own church, or to another Christian. We are instead to have a fervent charity, or an agape love for one another. The word fervent means that it is to be at full strength. We are to have a biblical agape love, at full strength, for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Why should we have this fervent charity? Peter tells us, “for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.” The purpose of this fervent love is to build a spirit of unity within the church. When we love one another, we look past each other’s faults.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
A TALE OF TWO TREES (Genesis 2:15-17)
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
A TALE OF TWO TREES (Genesis 2:15-17)
In today’s lesson we are going to be talking about a couple of very important trees that God has given to mankind.
For the first tree, God had created man, and He placed man there in the beautiful Garden of Eden and gave him absolutely everything he needed for indescribable happiness and for joy and fulfillment. But in order that man might have a will—and a free will—God gave him the moral opportunity of a choice. And so, God created a tree and planted that tree in the Garden of Eden. It was called “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” and man was absolutely forbidden to eat the fruit of that tree. That was the first tree.
For the second tree, we have Calvary’s tree, which is a tree of life. Now, don’t be confused, this is not the tree of life that was also placed in the Garden of Eden, but it is “The” tree of life. The tree of eternal life. The tree that Christ died for our sins on. when you see the cross, and when you see what it did to Jesus, and when you see the wrath of God being poured out, there you have a knowledge of evil. That tree, Calvary’s tree, was a tree of the knowledge of evil, but it was also a tree of the knowledge of good. When you see the cross, when you see Calvary’s cross, there and there alone do you behold the goodness of God, the glory of God, the grace of God, the righteousness of God, the majesty of God—the glory of God—as you’ve never beheld it before, by beholding the cross.
Click on the play button above to hear a message on the two trees that God has given man. Trees that give the knowledge of good and evil. With the first tree we see the sinfulness of man, and with the second tree we receive the wonderful grace of God.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
The message that I am going to teach today, will be called “Old Fashioned,” or “out-of-touch,” by many today. I understand that, and I really had to question whether I wanted to teach it or not, but I believe we live in a time when God’s plan for marriage has been put aside and forgotten. Now, I want you to understand that I know that many people are in marriages that are nothing close to this, or they are now single parents, but this lesson is about what God teaches us that His plan for marriage was when He created it. God created marriage for man. It is man that has corrupted this plan to what it is today. So, I thought it important that we reset the standard of what a marriage is supposed to be, when it is the way that God planned it.
Now, if you’re married, you have a potential of great, great wealth—and I don’t mean financial wealth. I mean you can be a marriage millionaire if you understand the value there is in a true, true marriage, based on God’s intent for marriage. Don’t be like the man who used to run his wedding movies backwards so he could see himself walking out of the church a free man. Let me tell you that there is a wonderful, wonderful, value in this thing called marriage, properly understood.
Click on the play button above to hear a message about God’s plan for marriage. I want to tell you that all true marriages are made in heaven. Marriage did not come from the swamps of evolution. It is not the product of societal folkways and mores. Marriage is the most basic instinct in the heart and mind of human beings.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
The topic of our message is going to be on the accountability of the preachers and pastors that lead our churches. But, this message is not only for our pastors, it is for each of you as well, because you will also face a day of judgment. The Bible teaches that if the pastor is God’s man, then you ought to follow him; if he’s not, then you ought to fire him. It’s just that simple.
It is a fact that one of these days, every pastor, every preacher, every minister, must face the Lord, and He’s going to ask them to give an account of their ministry. But, it’s also a fact that each of us who are a true follower of Christ will one day face the Lord, and we will also have to give an accounting for not only, if we were obedient to God’s command to be submissive to our pastors, but for our own Christian work and ministry that God has given us.
Now, we are saved by grace through faith, and we cannot work our way to heaven. But, somehow people have gotten the idea that they can live just any way they like, do anything they like, and because they’re saved by grace they can just go to sleep in a Pullman car and just coast into the yards of glory and it will make absolutely no difference how they serve the Lord, what they did, or whatever. But the Bible teaches to the contrary.
The Bible teaches there is coming a day of accountability. The preacher is going to face an accountability. He is going to have to answer to God for the way he leads his church. Even though he is saved by grace, he will have to give an account.
Click on the play button to hear a message that will describe how Christ will hold pastors, and their followers, accountable the work that they have done in the name of our Lord.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.
Monday Mar 20, 2023
A LIFE WITHOUT FEAR (Hebrews 13:5-6)
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
A LIFE WITHOUT FEAR (Hebrews 13:5-6)
When the old mapmakers were drawing ancient maps, they did not know what we know today. They didn’t have global positioning satellites. They could not see the world from outer space, and they would make maps of what they knew. But there was much that they did not know, and when they would come to the edge of their knowledge, they would often write something like this: “Beyond this, there may be dragons.” And, if you will look at some of the old maps, you will see the sea monster in the ocean right alongside those words. This is because man has an innate fear of the future, and of the unknown. The fear of the future is a foe that we all face. Whether we are young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, we wonder about what is going to happen. Fear has no racial bias. It’s endemic to all people.
There is a fear of where our country is heading. There is a fear of the persecution of Christians that is occurring as our country, and world, move further and further away from the Biblical values of God, and God Himself. There is fear of the violence that is occurring all around us. There is a fear of financial loss and the inability to pay the bills that are sitting on your table at home. There is a fear of disease and failing health in a world filled with cancer and pandemics. These are just a few of the things that we face in an uncertain future, and yet, God wants us to have a future without fear. As a matter of fact, God has not only admonished us, but God has commanded us, not to fear.
Click on the play button to hear a message that will teach you how to live a life free of fear.
This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.