
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Contrary to what most religions will tell you, there is not just one general resurrection where, based on their works, God chooses the good from the bad, and the good go to heaven and the bad go to hell.
Absolutely not. There are multiple resurrections and they each have an important role in fulfilling God’s plan for the redemption of a sin-cursed earth and a sinful man.
In this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:20-28 Paul tells us the order of these resurrections, and we will discuss which of the resurrections each of us will participate in, based on one single question, “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, or not?”
Listen as Paul tells us that there is something beyond the grave for each of us, and we get to choose what that is.

Sunday Nov 06, 2011
Sunday Nov 06, 2011
Sunday Nov 06, 2011
This lesson is on the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no middle ground on this subject. This is not an issue that as believers we can equivocate on and try to be politically correct so as not to offend anyone. We cannot say things like "Well, we can't be sure about the Resurrection, so let's not say too much about it." This fact is so important that we must take our stand. We stand on a foundation; that foundation is the Rock, and the Rock is Christ. He came back from the dead. Christianity rises and falls on that Rock. If Christ did not rise, then our faith is in vain. Our sins and our iniquities cling to us still. Hell has triumphed. Death has won. Satan was victorious. The curse remains. Judgment for all looms. Our faith is folly. Listen and glorify God as Paul confronts this issue head on. Christ did rise and He lives today. Rejoice as Paul describes in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:12-19 what the Resurrection means to you and I.

Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
The gospel message of Jesus Christ rests upon two indisputable facts, the death of Jesus Christ as propitiation for our sins, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Christ did not rise, then His death had no meaning. It would mean that Jesus was not the Son of God, that He was instead just another man. It is because Christ rose from the dead that you and I know that He conquered death forever and that we can have eternal live with Him if we make Him our Savior. The work of our salvation was completed when Jesus Christ came out of that tomb. Listen as Paul describes the proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 15:5-11.

Monday Oct 24, 2011
Monday Oct 24, 2011
Monday Oct 24, 2011
Chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Why? Because it discusses the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, and then it uses that fact to describe the resurrection of the believer. As someone who has made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, when you think about what gives you hope, and what strengthens your faith, it is the promise of eternal life with Jesus Christ that lights the fire of your spirit. This chapter makes that promise a reality that you can rest your faith on. Listen to five proofs that the Bible is true and then rejoice as Paul gives us the facts of the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

Monday Oct 17, 2011
THE SILENCE RULE (1 Cor. 14:26-40)
Monday Oct 17, 2011
Monday Oct 17, 2011
God is a God of order. Paul tells the Corinthians, and the modern day tongues movement, that if there is chaos and confusion while the gift of tongues is exercised, then it is not of God. He then establishes the rules that are to govern the use of the spiritual gifts. Listen to what the Word of God has to say about the practice of tongues and discover the history of the modern day tongues movement in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 14:26-40.

Sunday Oct 09, 2011
Sunday Oct 09, 2011
Sunday Oct 09, 2011
Why would God create the gift of tongues and then have Paul spend so much time talking about what a poor gift it is? Paul answers this question by first talking about the limitations of speaking in tongues, and then he establishes the reason for the gift of tongues. Listen and learn what the Word of God has to say about this spiritual gift that is so abused and misused in our world today in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 14:7-25.

Sunday Oct 02, 2011
THE CASE FOR LOVE AND PROPHECY (1 Cor. 13:8 to 14:6)
Sunday Oct 02, 2011
Sunday Oct 02, 2011
In this lesson Paul completes his description of agape love, and then he compares it and the gift of prophecy to the gift of tongues. He tells us of the permanence of agape love and how tongues fail. He tells us of the supremacy of prophecy over tongues. He tells us to desire that which is permanent and that which is of more value to the body of Christ. Here what Paul has to say in this verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 13:8 to 14:6. Listen and be blessed by the Word of God as we learn a description of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Sep 25, 2011
THE GIFT OF LOVE (1 Cor. 13:1-7)
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Paul describes the gift of love as the more excellent way. But this kind of love is more than an emotion. It is an act of will. Love involves the heart, the mind, and the will. Love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Although we are to covet earnestly the best gifts, they are to be exercised in love, and only the Spirit of God can do that. Love is the thing that needs to be added to every gift of the Spirit. Without love your gift is worthless. Paul describes this wonderful gift in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 13:1-7. Listen to how the Word of God describes agape love and be blessed.

Monday Sep 19, 2011
Monday Sep 19, 2011
Monday Sep 19, 2011
The spiritual gifts are designed by God to edify the body of Christ. Just as the various parts of the human body work together to accomplish the goals of the body, the members of the body of Christ are to utilize their various spiritual gifts to accomplish the goals of Christ for His church. Each gift is to work in unity with the other gifts. Paul explains how this harmony is to work in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 12:14-31. Listen to the blessing that the Word of God has for you in this study.

Monday Sep 12, 2011
Monday Sep 12, 2011
Monday Sep 12, 2011
The source of all spiritual gifts is the Holy Spirit. The unifying intelligence behind the gifts is the Holy Spirit. The method of receiving the gifts is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Paul explains all of these in a verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor. 12:10-13. Listen as God's Word will enlighten your view of these wonderful gifts.